The PPP Bookstore

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Crow Is De-behued

CatMom has named all the friendly and lovely creatures in her environs as a name-behu.

It started with calling for her cat outdoors, and to satisfy her poetic nature, she called for Lu-behu. Occasionally, she calls Lulu-behu.

Then, there is a baby rabbit behu #1, and baby rabbit behu #2, and various other behus about her yard who come to visit.

She called her cats -behus, and she called her hubby a hubby-behu.

One day, she saw her local house crow. She called to him, greeting him as a crow-behu.

CatDad who witnessed said this, "That crow, CatMom, is not a behu. He is not permitted the affection of you, CatMom, naming him a -behu, and he is not part of the -behu family. Are we clear?"

CatMom had decided to befriend all the house creatures.

Anyway, even though CatMom loves that crow, and thinks his actions very unkind, and that he needs a time-out to teach him neighbourhood manners, CatMom agrees that today, the crow does not deserve to be called a -behu.

Sometimes, when we receive a name - that name is imbued with a family culture - and that is love.

If you bear the -behu on your name, your behavior must stand with a -behu.

It is a clan. So no, the crow is not a -behu.

That is sad. It is too bad the crow chooses to not be a -behu.

My Kitten Is Down

My kitten is down. The local crow bully changed his strategies. Crows are smart. That bully crow did not mark his arrival with a caw. He attacked our kitten Lulu.

Lulu came in very silent and very sad, and CatMom and CatDad could not see his injury, except a change in his demeanor.

CatMom, who noticed a change in his normal high energy behavior, said, "Something is wrong."

She took him to the vet. In the vet exam, the vet noticed his forehead, and his paw. His forehead has a wound. His paw looks like he may have been involved in a fight.

CatDad, who has inspected his wounds, he hopes the crow took a couple hits. He hopes that the crow thinks twice before coming after his Lulu again.

(Lulu's vet implored me to get Lulu's children story out. It is not about money, but about telling his story. I am considering this.)

Anyway, Lulu is not very interested in going outside. He wants cover. He wants his CatDad.

CatDad is changing his supervision methods out of doors. This change in the behavior of the crow - that took him by surprise. CatDad will actively be with his kitten out of doors. The two will face that crow down together.