The PPP Bookstore

Monday, April 23, 2012

Would I Kiss the Face?

Would I kiss the face
That swallowed a fly
I would kiss the face
That swallowed a fly
One just went by
Wouldn't you know it
He swallowed the fly

I kissed the cat
I put on the deck
And in a second or so
He caught a fly
He saw one go by
He's so satisfied

I kissed the cat
Because he did cry
Mom I want out
To get that fly
Mom did not see
She picked him up
You can go out
I kiss you first
And you can go out
No sooner did she
Open the door
She saw in a flash
He caught a fly
He was so satisfied

I kissed the cat
Who swallowed a fly
How would I know
He'd see one go by
Well that's the way
When you have a cat
They hunt all day
They catch their treats
They swallow the flies.

Now if Catmom could eat
Just a couple flies
And be just as satisfied
She would be surprised
She thinks he's sweet
He looks so happy
He swallowed a fly.

Would you like to hear Catmom sing this? Click here. You are going to a multi-media page on my website.

Excuse the beginning - it was the first time I used this software. It's the best of 3-4 trials.

You notice I publish drafts here. I will improve my recording or redo a few bars which I did not like and reload the file.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lucius the Unlikely Pollinator

CatMom's Dad brought her an Easter present! She received a bouquet of yellow flowers she still does not know the name of. She was so excited to put them into a vase.

CatMom has 2 Easter lilies and this bouquet of flowers and yet one other cat-friendly flowering plant: the Madagascar Jasmine.

The Jasmine vine is in the shape of an "O". If Lucius can, he jumps through the middle of it for fun. CatMom arranges things around to keep the road clear. She knows he likes this.

Well, there was a new bouquet last night. The Easter present. They are beautiful and vibrant.

Lulu jumped up on the counter. He moved near the flowers, interested by their colour and smell. We kept picking him up and putting him down beside something to take his attention away.

CatMom had recently remarked, "Those flowers are perfect for having cats. These stems are so long and the flowers are so tall, that cats can't possibly bite them."

Lulu, for the third time, came near the flowers. Lulu meerkated and then reached up with all he could do with his paws. He ran his paws through the tops of the flowers. He pulled his paws fingertips along the pollen and through the petals four or five times in a matter of seconds. Two petals from the bouquet wafted down.

Lulu is my unlikely pollinator. Animals must also have some role in pollination. They are not as important as bees and fruit flies, but for some plants they might make the difference.

If Lulu is willing to pass the pollen from the pistol to the stamen, so be it. Good boy, Lulu!