The PPP Bookstore

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Van Dyke

CatDad's favorite thing about how Lulu looks is what he calls his Van Dyke.

This is the little bit of white fur which surrounds his face on the bottom of his face.

It is like a goatee. It is like a mustache which goes around their cheek and meets their beard.

This is a very boy thing and CatMom does not get it fully. CatDad is trying to explain it.

Okay, so CatDad and Lulu have something special. That's okay. CatMom and Maggie had many little special things going. It's all very boy culture.

Netflix With Lulu

In this home, Lulu likes to watch movies with his CatDad. Together, Lulu and CatDad would open the DVD tray, and put in the movie. Lulu is never not there when CatDad does this.

So, now we do Netflix. We know now then that Netflix does not need a DVD tray opened and closed, right? However, to meet Lulu's needs of a movie, we still open the DVD tray and close it with him, so that his expectations of a movie can be fulfilled.

After that, he settles in beside CatDad's leg for the couple hour stint.

That's it. Netflix can come, but the old habits stay. Kittens must also be pleased.