The PPP Bookstore

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Can a Cat Show Jealousy

Lulu is in love with CatMom.

He is very jealous.

CatMom is almost hand feeding her Thomas.

If a cat could show jealousy, he is.

CatMom got a couple kitty swipes.

He is not pleased.

He, of course, does not understand that all CatMom is doing is for all of us.

He, as much as me, wants his big brother.

Grrrr. CatMom, what about me?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

How Cats Help Defrost Products

Tonight, CatMom and CatDad had M&M Ribs. Those had to be defrosted. Lulu had strong interest in the meat in the wrapper. They had to be put into the sink to defrost. CatDad filled the sink halfway. Then, he threw the ribs in there. He left a nice large open area for kitten access.

What role could Lucuius have in helping defrost the ribs? He constantly threw water on top of the plastic packaging. (Lucius had his own sink.) He worked so much at throwing water, that once CatMom had finished washing dishes, it looked like he was getting tired. CatMom checked on him. He had one arm wet all the way to the elbow.

He had been throwing water about for a good half an hour. I am sure he made a very big difference in getting our ribs to defrost. Lulu did not show too much interest in the finished ribs from the oven. He had already had a big plate of catfood. He lounged very tired on his sheep fur. Over time, his very wet paw dried. When CatMom last checked him, he decided to wash. CatMom watched him watch his ears very well. Then, he washed his face. He is very clean.

CatMom was cat cleaned like that by Martius the other day. Her face was that feline clean. CatMom was going to wash her face, and then forgot. She felt like she had such a clean face, from all that cat loving. Usually, she washes. These cats get their fair share of feeling like that too, as CatMom kisses them enough that they might object to her habits too. Thankfully, there is nowhere to lodge such complaints, except perhaps CatDad. CatDad approves.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why the Tabby Cat Has an "M"

We took our pets to the vet. Both tabby cats (two were due) were in for exams and shots.

I have a faith story for you about cats.

I learned this from my Lutheran vet.

The day that Jesus was born in the manger, as Mary tended Jesus, there was a tabby cat in the shelter. Mary called upon the tabby cat to come and tend to Jesus, to keep small rodents and flies away from him, and to protect him from little critters. The tabby cat was very happy to have this little job to help tend to the baby Jesus. The tabby cat jumped and killed every bug which would come near to pester the little baby Jesus while he slept. He licked the little Jesus' arms and his forehead, letting him know he was favored by tabby cats. He nose touched his little cheek.

The baby Jesus slept soundly in the tabby cat's care. As days went on, Mary was very appreciative of the cat who showed favor to the baby Jesus. The cat showed profound care. Mary turned and blessed the cat. "I love you and wish I could give you just a little piece of myself." You have helped me so much to mother the arrival of my child. You have kept all the disease at bay by placing a hedge of protection around this cradle. She placed her hand on the cat's forehead. "I bless you in the name of my infant, Jesus."

The cat purred. When Mary lifted her hand from the cat's little forehead, and as he looked with wide eyes upon her and her baby, an M was left above his eyes. That M was a little bit of Mary left as a permanent mark on the tabby cat's forehead. This was her blessing upon the cat. The cat had a little bit of the motherly blessing to mark the cat's strong assistance to Mary to protect the Christ child.

The nice strong lines of an "M" on the Tabby should remind all of the motherly love and protection that cats have for the young, and in particular, of their contribution to the nativity story, and how one of them blessed the Christ child, and how when we act judiciously in our faith, how God blesses our genetic family line all the way down the descendancy. That is why our little Martius still, even all these years later, he still has an "M" on his forehead. That "M" stands for Mary's name, as it was she who solicited his help. Her thank you stands.

It pays to do kind things for the Christ child. We get a mark that is a sign of favor from our deed which endures forever. This story tells us why the Tabby cat has an "M" on their forehead. Yes, the vet told us this little story while he investigated Martius's teeth, and he pet his little forehead "M" in comfort as he opened his mouth from time to time. Martius has healthy teeth so far.

I have permission to tell his story. I told him I would give him credit, but he said, "No, that's okay." He said this is a fairly well known legend. I did not know it. Did you?

Update: I have been the storyteller here, for the story as it was told to me was a couple lines long. However, I loved the detail, and I decided to write this story. I will be putting this story out as a book soon.