I serve my cats their soft cat food on the counter, or on the table. I think cat food needs to be up. Cats can jump. It is good exercise.
When Lulu eats his cat food with his CatDad, his CatDad stays nearby with a spoon, and he recollects the food at the centre of the plate, so that Lulu can have another try at it. Cat food tends to spread out, dry, and not be eaten. We want our cats to get that moisture. And CatDad turns the food. And so do I.
Why? Why would a petparent put their soft catfood on the table? Here's why. Look at my 3-4 foot long hair. Who needs that in a cat belly! Yes, it has happened. However, the danger persists for shorter hair too.
Lately, we have been setting up new hygienic practices. One is before we put down fresh water, we either full sweep or hand sweep the area where the water will sit. Both my husband and I pick up every hair I drop. It does not matter the size, however, you could expect a decent size.
And I am rinsing all the dishes. There fewer leftovers. I am pulling the messes up off the floor, to the counter, where I will deal with them right away.
Hard catfood is still on the floor. I have not examined it up close yet. If I find flies in it, it very well could be coming up to, close to my inspection ongoing. I use glass. It is safer on the floor. We will see. I have vitamin powder I would like to try out on my cats. I would like to see if they will eat it on their hard cat food. That would be good to see up close. There are also tooth enzymes you can add to their food.
If you come eat at my table, and I remove cat dishes to a tray to set on the floor temporarily, yes, they get fed on the table. And it is their place. I pet them so easily there. However, while my guest is here, remember, we always wash the table, throw on maybe a tablecloth, set it, and then serve food. If those steps follow through, it's all good.
That is why a cat might interrupt our visit at the table. And based on reaction, we put our cats behind doors of various kinds. Maybe we put them in the basement. That is what is up. We are a family. The table is ours. And we visit there. When a visitor comes, we are in altered practice mode. What you see are regular patterns. Our cats are not being rude. When we receive a visitor, we adapt.
The pitting on my table - my cat loved to tip glasses, and spread water everywhere. He appears to have grown out of it, or we got smarter. We gave them a bowl. He could still tip a glass. Anyway, one of these days, we are sanding it down, and setting it up fresh with a new stain.