The PPP Bookstore

Friday, March 31, 2017

Poème Le Chat-Tigre


Je suis un tigre
À l’extérieur
Je suis un bébé chaton
À l’intérieur.

Et ma placidité change
En consternation
En concentration.
Ma mère
C’est la tigresse
Du grand dehors
Ici en Alberta
En moitié Grand Nord.

Où la neige tombait
Comme la laine d’un mouton
Et les chats comme moi
Ne valent pas plus qu’un
Chien de prairie;
On reste ensemble 
Dans la garderie 
De trash.

Ben moi, je suis cute
Un peu silent
Sauf quand j’appelle
Ma maman
Mon miaou devient perçant.
Ma mère l’entend
Mille milles dans quatre directions.

J’ai agrandit
Dans ces deux jours
De compagnie humaine
Je suis plus moins timide
Et j’ai moins plus peur
Je t’aime
Le grand dehors
De qui j’ai peur de faire face.

Je fais un grand folklore
De ce quoi faire ce terre
Nous sommes les chats
De ce terrain noirâtre
Avec étoiles brillantes
Qui piquent la haute surface
Le ciel nous donne l’espoir
Nous continuons notre vie
De traces
Dans cette neige
Moins 10 degrés.

On respire ensemble
Pour garder cette espèce
Une chaleur de chaton
Un chalet de déchets
Rempli de vie
Rempli de ronrons
Notre chalet n’est pas
Trop dégueulasse.

Par Chaperon Rouge

Droits de l'Auteur Donna Munro. 1993.

Welcome to the PPP Blog

This blog hosts my writing drafts for the Pretentious Pet Parent set of books, based on this blog.

The books are available as a page link.

The writing drafts, or rather writing samples, are still here in reduced numbers.

The books are available on Kindle and as hard copy. 

See my Amazon Author Profile, or seach Amazon for the Pretentious Pet Parent.

I set up Kindle Matchbook as a promotion. And this set of reading is also available on the Kindle library. As to Amazon ordering, the books will be available in 5 days. I will add them to my author profile, when they are available.

I am ordering book copies, and I will be selling them locally. For bookstores who want these books, CreateSpace does do large copy discounts. I will double check I applied that.

As to the blog, I have simplified it. If you would like to see my book listing, visit my Author page.

Thanks for your visit.

Donna Munro

No Playlists

Online, cat videos do not permit playlists.

So, we can leave that.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Look at These Kitties

One house. Four bobcats. So lucky! I am jealous.

These are Calgary bobcats.

This was posted 52 minutes ago. It is new content.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Pretentious Pet Parent Volume 3

My book is up. I released The Pretentious Pet Parent Volume 3. However, like my blog, I need about a week to make it all perfect.

It will be set up to borrow through the Kindle Library. My conventions are not fully applied. I have not decided if I am taking out all my fragments. I will get to that after all the rest. It is lower priority. However, I will get to it. As a comment to the fragments on my blog, what you are seeing is my thinking. I write as I think. It is not just my age. When I think, my mind stops on words, as it collects the new thought. And sometimes, even verbally, talking to my husband, I have these words. I speak the word, and as I speak the word, I am thinking about that next thought. It is the sentence in a word. I meditate on a word. I think I am communicating in a word, but maybe not.

However, when you see an individual word, my mind is dreaming. I probably think I am communicating a lot. And for a younger person, like a child, they would not get that, because we learn all the rules of communicating first. And then, as we grow, and communication contexts change, we break the rules. The better you know someone, the more it works. I can say one word to my husband, and because he has all the backup information, I don't have to say ten words, because he has all this backup data to who I am. He gets me (understands me) with a word. And then, depending on our play, which all individuals do, for we have ebbs and flows, we need to fill in those words based on context, and seeing if who we are speaking to understands. You might see me say one word, and between him and I, it can be developed or not. As far as conventions, for a blog, I could leave it as it is. I am in the midst of decision-making. Who do I want to make this useful for? Schools? Language schools? Children? Teachers? Who? I am thinking about my audience.

Obviously, if I want my material to be able to be used in Elementary and Junior High, I need to sift my words. I need to complete them. This is going to be an "over a week or so" event. Also, in this book, I reveal my heart of faith. It's here and there. It's where I pray for my cats. Teachers may not even carry my book, because of this. However, I did think on this, and a person can pick and choose the content they bring into the class. They don't have to read my book cover to cover. It's thoughts and stories here, and thoughts and stories there. They can decide. I am my heart. My cats have come through some "doozie" vet events, so we are lucky we have them. I owe God for taking care of my babies—these cats.

My first priority is to make a TOC, and to check the graphics, get front and back publisher data in there. And then, I will hunt down my fragments. Yes, I have a few. I like poems. In my finishing touches, I am looking around for the song I wrote referenced in the book. And I have a couple kitties in there who are our twin cats. So, instead of exposing our twin cats, as I organize graphics, I am going to paint those boys. And we can have paintings instead.

The release of a Kindle book and a children's book is quite different. What I have right now, as my draft, was the least work I ever did for a book. Now, I could leave it there, but I like print books too. So, I am prettying up my format. I decided I am staying in Word.

I have these usual conventions of making book folders, with 300 dpi images, covers, etc., so casually, I am working through that. My first time, I did 100ish edits just to the Kindle upload. This time, it was excessively easy. I don't think it is supposed to be that easy. Just like blogging, I have these kinds of sets of parameters I expect, so I am working through those.

The Kindle file is easier than the book file. The transfer concept to print book these days looks cool. It is a way to get a lot of work done with a few clicks. However, my finish publishing will come after I organize my folder with all the book bits I expect in there.

Today, I am photo hunting. I do all my images on my storage as 300 dpi, so that I can fluidly move them to whatever project. And I hope I did not scale anything down for the blog. It needs to be a certain quality for art and for books. I can't just use the images from my blog for a print book, because I don't have a paid Google storage account, and that means my images are quality down-sized. If you pay for the service, that storage account will hold the original data. That means as a blogger, if you want to use your images in a book, it works for a e-book, but not necessarily a print book.

The book is up. For those who borrow from the Kindle library, it's there. Wait a couple weeks, while I make my book all pretty, if you want to jump around a Table of Contents. If the Table of Contents does not matter, go ahead. Read the blog book. It is under revision.

This is going well. I may get two more books out in the near future. The next ones are children's books. My husband is game to watch over my next couple cover creations.

My book is carried, my books already done, at WalMart. WalMart is in my mind, as I finish. My book is carried in Italy at a University bookstore. I am thinking about second language courses which might use my books. And yes, for you, I would finish my fragments. I am excited my book is planted into the Renaissance Capital of Earth.

Remember who I am. I am a wife, at home, playing around on her computer. And we have books. I am not really a whole publishing firm. I am one person, with a husband who looks over her work from time to time, and yes, he makes a cover file from time to time, which I use as a template, because I like rulers in my work. He sets up the rulers in my files for me, because he is the carpenter. It's cool my book is at WalMart.

I have this art image I am working on. My husband helped me to draw a grid onto the canvas. It's pretty cool. And that is because I preplanned the grid for my art in Photoshop, and printed it. I can paint almost by numbers, based on my art plan. There are different perspective grids you can apply to art. I put them on, and print them, in a couple forms, so that I can see depth, or the mathematical grounding of my image. That art is going to be worked on. I am sort of on a Corel whim, and exploring, so you are getting its art these days, compiled with other tools, like Adobe's.

Update: TOC added, errors fixed.

12:28 AM. Saturday. I am changing the paragraph entries. I've been at it for about 9 hours. Do you think I can stop? No. I am not staying up many more hours, but I have this thing for finishing. 1:42 AM I finished the paragraph marker change.

We have two books coming. The content is more than I expected.

My next couple steps: I still have to collect my graphics, and pull them into my Word document, where my more limited graphics are. I need to format the graphic boxes. I need to get ISBNs. I may be making my barcode label still. I will have both print and kindle formats available. I am taking out the post headings in the TOC, and putting chapter headings instead. I am reviewing my conventions for managing numbers in the text body.

My cover is going to be limited work. Basically, I change the color of my cover. I change V2 to V3. I put in a new graphic. I change the year, if it is there. Done.

I decided to buy my books, and sell them locally. In particular, I like the size of these paperbacks. And now, I am set up to offer deals on a number of them. That's good.

Yes, I'm tired. I did try a means of automating my task. However, Word would not do it.