Because we tried to set up the deck to give the birds an advantage, and it failed, now, Lulu is getting indoor time.
We are not opening the door. He can have the window.
CatDad wants to further secure the birds, however, Lulu is not allowed out, without direct supervision. We won't be leaving him with indoor outdoor access.
We are making the change, because I love my birds. And if my birds are not catching the concept, I have to do something, to help them, given they don't get it.
We are trying something else. For example, a friend suggested we move the feeder over to a different spot. We will try the tree.
I am looking for a circumstance where few birds ever become an indoor story.
My baby birds. They need my house to be a safe place for them.
Is Lulu perhaps indicating something else? I decided to feed him more. I will feed him more, and see if that helps. Recall his routine was to go out on the deck, and immediately after coming in, we fed him. Well, instead of letting him out, I fed him. And today, it worked. And once he was fed, he went to find his comfort resting place.
Does it pain me to not let him out? Yes. But it pains me more to see him catch a bird, or drag one in.
Martius does not care about deck time. Lulu does. He gets screen time instead. Oh, and I forgot. I am playing with him. If he is not hunting, he needs to play, right? Today, I played with him. And we had fun playing. I am the one who fills in that gap. I feed him. I send him on hunting exploits in house.
Lulu has a nice place. Noone need feel sorry for him. He is a well cared for kitten. I don't feel sorry for him. From a resource point of view, he is doing okay. All change is initially uncomfortable. We will work this out. And we will work it out for the best.
Lulu has gotten used to his new living circumstance. Because he knows we travel as a flock, he knows he does not spend time outside much alone. My bird flocks are doing well. Were there a downside, I may be using my deck less. Or perhaps I perceive I use it less.
These days, when we go on the deck, our kitten goes on the deck. And when we go inside, our kitten goes inside. I might need to make time, and go on the deck more, to enjoy fresh air. It's more of a priority in summer. It's not a priority now.