The PPP Bookstore

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Yuki Passed Away

In our family, we have cats. I don't mean just my home. I think Yuki is/was about 18.

She died this past week. She began to fail. In her failure, my mom called in home services for caring for your pet. And she held her pet as she had treatment.

My mom is sad. She lost her friend. And I'm sad. We lost a pet relative.

Yuki means snowball in Japanese. She was an all white kitty, with blue eyes, and she was deaf from birth.

My mom signed to her. You develop a way of talking. They knew it.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

No Deck Time

Because we tried to set up the deck to give the birds an advantage, and it failed, now, Lulu is getting indoor time.

We are not opening the door. He can have the window.

CatDad wants to further secure the birds, however, Lulu is not allowed out, without direct supervision. We won't be leaving him with indoor outdoor access.

We are making the change, because I love my birds. And if my birds are not catching the concept, I have to do something, to help them, given they don't get it.

We are trying something else. For example, a friend suggested we move the feeder over to a different spot. We will try the tree.

I am looking for a circumstance where few birds ever become an indoor story.

My baby birds. They need my house to be a safe place for them.

Is Lulu perhaps indicating something else? I decided to feed him more. I will feed him more, and see if that helps. Recall his routine was to go out on the deck, and immediately after coming in, we fed him. Well, instead of letting him out, I fed him. And today, it worked. And once he was fed, he went to find his comfort resting place.

Does it pain me to not let him out? Yes. But it pains me more to see him catch a bird, or drag one in.

Martius does not care about deck time. Lulu does. He gets screen time instead. Oh, and I forgot. I am playing with him. If he is not hunting, he needs to play, right? Today, I played with him. And we had fun playing. I am the one who fills in that gap. I feed him. I send him on hunting exploits in house.

Lulu has a nice place. Noone need feel sorry for him. He is a well cared for kitten. I don't feel sorry for him. From a resource point of view, he is doing okay. All change is initially uncomfortable. We will work this out. And we will work it out for the best.


Lulu has gotten used to his new living circumstance. Because he knows we travel as a flock, he knows he does not spend time outside much alone. My bird flocks are doing well. Were there a downside, I may be using my deck less. Or perhaps I perceive I use it less.

These days, when we go on the deck, our kitten goes on the deck.  And when we go inside, our kitten goes inside. I might need to make time, and go on the deck more, to enjoy fresh air. It's more of a priority in summer. It's not a priority now. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Soak Up Love

A couple day's ago, my husband and I drew close. We always do. Anyway, as he moved his pillow closer, Lulu saw his opportunity. Pet parents were drawing close for the morning sleeping hug.

And Lulu got in between. CatDad got 8 inches away. And he hugged me over the 8 inch divide.

And in between, Lulu sunk in. He stretched out between us, straight like a sphinx, and he caught up on the infra-red energy on both sides.

If there's going to be hugging going on, where's the love for Lulu! Yeah.

So, we love him. This is all good. The cat is warm too, so there was no shortage of heat.

Fire. Love. Heat. Energy.

The whole house is ablaze with love.

And Lulu had his fill. He stayed there 10 minutes. Yes. Smart cat.

So, indirectly, Lulu was in the overall family hug. However, he still draws his special attention. CatDad better pet his little head, or you never know where you get a claw. I was sort of sleeping, so Lulu patted my face. I felt his little claw nicks on my cheek, this time without anything happening. A little claw draws you awake. Oh, look here. It's a Lulu. Up close, there's our Lulu. How did you get wedged in there? Did you see him get in there? 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

A Nice Kitty

The videocassette icon is to tell you, this link is a video.

This is about a kitty.

Here's another.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lulu's Gift

I have this habit of giving gifts to my neighbours. My neighbour was over. And he heard the fine history of Lulu drinking and eating on the table.

My neighbour brought Lulu a gift. He brought him a Peter Rabbit dish and bowl. And the bowl is set so it won't tip.

He brought him an eating dish complete with a sous-coupe. The dish has a sous-coupe design.

I thanked my neighbour. I asked him in. And when he declined, I told him to come over, when he feels like coming for a coffee or tea. I keep goodies stored here these days. I keep entertaining goods on hand.

My neighbour has stepped into my life as my friend.

The Beauty Box

In my life, I have a pink beauty box. I moved it. I cleaned up my bathroom ensuite. And I put it centre of my armoire/set of drawers in my bedroom.

And it is artfully set there. It's pretty. Lulu found it. Yeah, he did. He figured out that it is no longer in my bathroom. And it was his seat. He used to sit there, and he would watch me put on my makeup.

So, what would Lulu do with a pink beauty box, if CatMom is not there putting on her makeup? Well, guess. Lulu opens the lid, and he hunts and fishes for treasures. Today, Lulu opened the pink beauty box lid, and he pulled out a carbeaner of CatMom elastics. He pulled the kit out with a single claw, and he threw it on the floor.

Now, it was a plastic carbeaner, which is quite light and all. I have not tracked as to whether he is going to put my elastics into his catdish in the kitchen.

My kitten. Lulu. The Pink Beauty Box. My hair elastics.

I have other things in there, but there is nothing like elastics.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Buhu's Mom

Today, I met Buhu's mom. And we talked cat stories of Buhu and Lulu for like and hour and a half. What a great day. And yes, she noticed these cats look alike. If you want to know what your cat is up to, get to know your neighbour. Today was a super happy day. Buhu's Mom and I are now friends.

The other day, when the cat raced home, he was just on the neighbour's deck. And she was trying to figure out if she lets him in her door. And Lulu decided to come home. So, not all is bad around here.

How you know these two cats came out of the same belly is:

  • Spots on the belly.
  • Similar styles of communicating.
  • Absolute sweetness and devotion in how they treat their owner.

Buhu, based on what I hear of him, is as sweet as Lulu. His signs of devotion to his PetMom floor me. Buhu has another name, one his CatMom gave him.

Buhu is another cat mystery. How can all that sweet behaviour get packaged into one cat? The cat can tell time. How does a cat tell time? He knows where she goes. He meets her on her way home, and he walks her home. His particular deeds are different, because he lives a different life than Lulu. His CatMom is different. She lives a different life. However, you hear the story, and you go, "Wow."

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Kitty Wipes

Years ago, I bought kitty wipes. I think I may have bought them when Martius was a baby. And he did not have fur. And I bought kitty wipes and cat milk. I got them home, and read the fine print after the purchase. Neither was recommended for humans.

I am using things up. Finally, I used up the kitty wipes. I used a couple to clean the shower base in my bathroom. And then, I used a bunch more to clean dust up in corners. And I used yet more to clean the bathroom counter.

Finally, I am down to two. I have two kitty wipes left. And what you see here is that the fine print convinced me I bought this product, and I could not use it on my cat.

So, suppose someone needs a kitty wipe. Use the one you would use for your own face. I use one with standards for removing make-up and are good for sensitive skin. That's a good bet it meets your safety standards for your cat. The other thing I do is to use my normal washcloth and face towel for my cat. I just use water.

It's been a lot of years the kitty wipes hung around. I had to be creative to use them up.

Nothing was used on my cat.

My cute kitten is here. He needs a bit of love. We are in contact all the time. So, it's nice to have high standards for my little one. 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

CatMom Diaries

This is a spoof/similar topic to my blog.

I say that because that image is very familiar.


To this blogger, I encourage you to keep going.

I probably would like to read your stories. And I feel like the image you have here is my kitten, so over time, when you feel like a change, change it to another close up shot of a kitten.

What I see is a writer who can develop. 

And the title you have created is good. So, keep going.

If my image has been used, please search out one for yourself. 

I have marked your page. Write, for I would like to hear your stories.

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Christmas Tree

The Christmas Tree is still up, because my cat uses it as a cat hide-out.

Though he explored it for pulling on branches, tasting the branch, and hitting ornaments, mostly he uses it as his in-house hideout, to get a resting place, or be cool.

Soon, I will put away the ornaments, but I may not put away the tree.

Lulu and Martius really like it. Both use it. I started off speaking of Lulu, but Martius has not played a lot with the tree. Martius uses it for cover. I have a nice rug under it. How many trees outside have a rug under them. Yeah. It's pretty sweet.