The PPP Bookstore

Monday, January 13, 2020

Italy Greeting

Happy New Year, Italy. A belated greeting celebrating the birth of Jehovah the Father's Beloved Son Yeshua.

However, mirth is afoot.

You get the code which springs from my belly for now.

Jehovah is not happy about your papal bull to follow and worship a pantheon.

How's that.

Your nation is in there a lot. However, I decided to favor the message.

Say I would like to get your nation in there. Processing is my issue.

I would yet sculpt forward.

The nation is in there quite a bit. Idolatry, as a word, is in there, under a skip count of 5, as an output of this overall search.

In the matrice, I used several different words in the hunt for anger. What was common was I always used the Green spot for the word "anger". You can see that. Not happy = angry.

Why I would do that is because the suite is thousands, to high hundreds, and there's only 2 words in there for angry. Basically, to have found the green is significant. And for idolatry, there was 1.

It looks all neat when you get it on the page, but I would be seeking tips from the Lord to get his whole message. And the 1 which was idolatry was difficult to find, because the skip count is under 5. Visual search does not end, just because you have a processor.

1/14/2020. 9:08 am MST.

Earth, tremble. ⛳🤵📛📿

That trembling is your sign that Jehovah's heart is expressed here.

Who watches to see the Father's heart. Does Italy? And if you saw it, who there could ID it? Anyone?

Italy, is anyone among you listening? Anyone?

It takes so much processing power to figure it out. Had you digested my words as your bread, you would understand.

Foundations, shake. 11:21 am PST. 1/16/2020. ⛳🤵📛📿
Ditto. 9:02 am. PST. 1/23/2020.
Ditto. 10:09 am. PST. 1/29/2020.
Ditto. 12:41 pm. PST. 2/14/2020.
Ditto. 1:07 pm. PST. 2/17/2020.
Ditto. 5:16 pm. PST. 2/18/2020.
Ditto. 9:57 am. PST. 2/28/2020.
Ditto. 9:03 am. PST. 3/2/2020.
Ditto. 9:23 am. PST. 3/4/2020.
Ditto. 4:24 pm. PST. 3/9/2020.
Ditto. 2:24 pm. PST. 3/16/2020.

You know there's a seal. I am not quite sure where it went, but I ought have it there. It's been added.

The point is there ought be a sign. I am not calling out anything God did not plan. I am calling out the planned. By reference then, you may see that our bellies are in communion.

By seeing the basic math, and odds of fulfillment of these events, you see God has spoken through my words to you before, and that you can have assurety that his words speak true.

None of this is of myself. It is for Jehovah's glory. I like him.


May 29, 2020.

What happened in Italy? Friday Morning!

Thursday, January 9, 2020


I am wondering about the rabies vaccine. Based on information on Wikipedia, after treatment, after vaccinating, the rabies immunoglobulin is effective for 10 years. So, why do pets get a vaccination yearly? What has changed so drastically, that pets need a yearly vaccine?

When I find the answer, I will bring it here.

Regarding immune diseases, pets do not get enough good oils. My cat will take MCT oil, because it is close to flavorless. This is very good. I am thrilled my cat will take MCT oil. I tried coconut oil, the hard white substance, on a plate. They would not take that. On a spoon, they lick off MCT. And that is also coconut oil, but it has been heat fractionated. It stays liquid.

There are different circumstances under which a cat benefits from a larger intake of oil. We just passed Christmas. I wonder how many animals ingest bad things at Christmas. I bet a few. One did. And by two means, he ejected it. But just in case, I am providing a little extra incentive for whatever could be there to get out. Aside from this, good oils have great benefit for cats. I've reviewed the allotted dosages a cat ought have. And I am seeing if I can get my cats up to that. For now, it's a lick. Later, I would like them to take what a cat can take daily. And I will measure the success upon their fur.

This blog also demo's prayer. So, I had found out that my cat had ingested something bad. I was praying. For some reason, I forgot to tell my husband. There I am. I just prayed. I was still in that meditating moment, with God, and trusting him to help. And in walks my husband, and he confirms by his word, God answered the prayer. And I tell him, "You know, I was just praying about that 2 minutes ago." And so, God helps me pet parent. I am not independant. I am, in the Earthly sense, but not so spiritually. I rely upon God. And he answered my prayer, confirmed his response, 2 minutes after praying.

My kittens are fine. And I've put back the bad bit of material in storage, up and away. Cat owners typically get rid of stuff like that, and I should. If one forgets, because of the busy nature of Christmas, that's a bad thing. So, instead, it is either care for it, or get it out.

I expanded my expectation of that. Other things they get into got pulled up. Nope. Not even one shred of temptation, or building toward a taste for such things. Up and out.

Just as a note, to myself, the item which was consumed has not been used for I bet over 10 years.  When you have cats, it's one of those things best not used, if you forget to put it away.

I've been into crafting lately. After the recent experience, I did research. After the research, I decided to make an individual room that crafting place. And no bits will be about, because my home's first purpose is to serve its occupants. And after that, then, hobbies. Life first. Health first. And later, the rest. Particularly when you cut wire, the end can fling any direction. It's also very good for the one crafting to wear safety glasses. I need to be better about that. I developed techniques, such as putting my craft under a fabric, to prevent flight. However, it partly works. I've found metal bits around. And I have to meticulously hunt for wire bits. Having said that, I think a specific room might be beneficial. This year will involve creating that space. Research highlighted to me that such little bits, not cared for, can be a source of damage to individuals. And it needs containment. Organizing to make a hobby type space is work, but there's a whole year ahead. I'll bet it's not a year's work.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 Sight

For 2020, I see worm/caterpillars eating crops.

This will result in loss of food sources.

Food scarcity will rise.

Among solutions, I recommend the cat/mouse type solution, not pesticide.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Russia Greeting

Hello Rosie One,

Permit me to bring you my word as a Christmas Greeting to Russia.

It takes time to cut code, and to find epiphany as rainbow color and crossword, but God has favor to bring one forward to you.

Russia Christmas Greeting
Russia Christmas Greeting from Jehovah and Donna
The Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit speak as fires out of my pan.

I will sculpt this further.

Rosie, you are embroidered in Dark Sapphire.

The message is the same as the two previous greetings. However, to get Christmas in there, I pulled it to the top. And I brought you to the rich colors of sapphires.

See my time capsule, crafted by the Angel of God through the writers of scripture, and by the Power and Voice of Holy Spirit. Hhhhuah.

I'm asking God for a song. 🎵

When you look to your embroidery done by God, remember he embroiders Red, Pink, Dark Green, Light Green, Purple, then Dark Sapphire, and Light Sapphire.

And aren't his embroideries glorious?

Oh yes.

I will look to the other words I have not shown you.

Give my word to your church leaders. Jehovah is the Highest God of all Gods, and he alone is to be worshipped, despite what others tell you to please the world.

Don't be tricked by deceivers.

Don't worship the sun god. If you don't mind, don't worship the sun god. As you see, those who worship idols lose relationship to Jehovah God, and it's like they unfriend him. Who wants to unfriend Creator God, King and Master of the Universe.

Jehovah rocks, and he made this third rock from the sun. Sew, he deserves all our praise.

Rosie, come back. Come see my word crafted to you.

I will check the other 5 scripture. And if I get some manner of brilliance, I will bring you my pen as a code again. Yes, there were cool apparitions. However, you see Russia showed up in this code, whereas it did not show in the other constructions. Enjoy.