The PPP Bookstore

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Lulu Likes Orange Crush But Dislikes Diet Coke

Lulu participates when I drink a canned pop. Whether it is open or not, he knows where the liquid comes out. He puts his paw around the top of the can trying to turn it towards himself. His paw leaves little markings across the light humidity on the surface. I told him, "Not yet, Lulu. Mom is going to open it in a minute."

I don't want to be tugging back and forth between us when I drink my Orange Crush, so I get a plate and a cup. I pour mine into the cup, and about a tablespoon or two on a plate and push it toward him fizzing. "There Lulu," I say, "What do you think?" He puts his face close while it fizzes. He gets his muzzle so close, he has to lick off the pop from the fur on the edges of his mouth.

CatDad, sitting beside me, said, "CatMom, you might want to withdraw a bit, as he is going to spray you with his paw in the Crush." Not at first. He just put his paw in and then licked the liquid off a few times. Then, once he had investigated flavor, then. Yes, then, he put his paw in and shook it well enough to cover the table near end to end. CatDad was right. Imagine that.

Then, Lucius turned his attention to my quickly disappearing drink. He tried to come check it out. I drank it, and set my empty cup down. Well that is no fun! He then took to beating the Orange Crush can six times around, and finally abandoned it on its side.

The next night, CatDad opened a Diet Coke. Lulu and CatDad were together on the counter. CatDad snapped the tab. Lulu came forward to check it out. CatDad offered it to him, so he could sniff it. Lulu did not like it. He withdrew from the smell emitting his direction. Within 5-6 seconds, Lulu came forward and attacked CatDad's Coke. He hit it 4-5 times with a paw to kill it.

Alas, Lulu prefers Orange Crush. He thinks Coke is worthy of being attacked. Considering how many drinks Lulu is willing to explore, Coke must have been very bad. Or is this natural feline sense? I won't be offering him Coke on a plate anytime soon.

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