The PPP Bookstore

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Petra Cat Photo Story

Here is the scene. Find the donkey, to orient the cat. In the landscape photo, you see several donkeys.

This is the first of a set of distance shots of a cat at Petra.

You must click on the photo. And I am not sure if I am taking this all the way today, or not.

Anyway, what is going on is I have a distance lens. When I focus at a distance, I do okay, but with a moving target, with me constantly moving, sometimes, I get the cat, and sometimes, I don't. I just kept following the cat and shooting.

So, here, we see a donkey and a cat.

The trend of the photo is this cat (which was with the donkey) goes hunting, like my Lulu hunts around our home. He climbs a mountain, up to some trees, where he can hunt something. And when he gets there, he finds things. I don't know what he was after, but I could see him hunting.

There's a dozen photos or so, with some of them showing the action. And I follow him, so can you tell we are in Petra? Well, the stones are our indicator. And I could see a cat in the distance, which is kind of cool. This is not close to me.

There's a wired off wall, like a retaining wall, and the cat jumps that, and goes to a kind of raveen going upward, and he hunts under and around the bushes. He did vertical jumps upward of about 5 feet.  And then, he was up on new pathways.

After this, you see him head to the raveen. I was hunting for his bush, but I did not capture him attacking a mouse. He appeared to have some prey though.

He's cute. So, that's what I do on trips. I watch cats. I am not sure how long I invested here. What we are watching is that cats patrol. They have specific sites they go to, and they check that all is under control for them. They manage their territory.

Now, go back to the first picture. Can you see the cat in the first picture? With my eye, I caught the cat moving in the first picture. I saw life moving, and I came closer with the zoom. And there's my cat subject. It's amazing. They are so cute.

If my reader were in the set looking at the first image, with the naked eye, it is possible you would see movement as well. In this photo, it's hard to pick out a cat anywhere.

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