Today, magpies are singing and dancing a mating song. And they are shopping for spots on local trees to make Spring nests.
Nests will be filled with eggs in less than two weeks. I will be hearing little birdie song in a few short spaces of time.
I am happy this morning. My critters are happy.
My morning song lifts to Creator God, because he has set in motion new birth and renewal for the place where I live.
God is good.
Here is where I tell you I adopted two kittens. And because I adopted a litter set, they have maintained their baby communication, which has not happened before with previous adoptions. They make a kitten sound to their parents, which is shrill, not a meow. They chirp. And my home is full of their music. And I don't mind. When I hear it, I recall they don't know everything they need, nor do they have their full movement in precision and agility. I teach them. I pull apart whatever they are not understanding, I teach them step by step what they need to know, so they don't make error. I don't need any injury from lack of knowledge. I am deeply loved by my kittens.
I am aware of all kind of cat communication. The chirp is new to my overall experience. It's not that I have not heard a kind of a chirp, which I labelled differently. This particular chirp is different. And as they grow, and it is louder, I am more aware it is distinct.
In my home, I have four kittens. And dinner time is very fun. My elder cats, I call kittens. They are still my babies, despite being adult according to a child. And yet to me, they are kittens, for I have many years upon them. Two are kittens according to the definition of a child. And they are very pediatric in their way. In fact, they are more child like than any of my former kittens which I recall. Babies. Pre-school. Learning communication. Learning body movement. Learning.
My favorite thing is to play with their toes. I love it.
As a kitten, they were fascinated by a pompom decor on a lampstand. I modelled capturing a pompom, had removed contents off the stand, and with the kitten, modelled the descent of the whole lampstand falling down. What would chaos look like, if the lampstand fell down. And the kitten participated, and watched the effect, and after 14 times or so, trial and effect, the toy of the lampstand become known, and the kittens stopped playing with it. And so we go, for a hundred objects or so. I teach them about each object in our home, until they know what is to be known about each object.
I was in awe about all the knowledge my big cats know.
I had taught them so much. And the kittens did not have that knowledge. And given that, and that everything was new in their new life, they needed to explore. My job is to make their exploration safe. God built in the fight or flight response to kittens to save their life. And thank God. For all the little promptings of events, the kittens can clatter out of the way. And I don't care, as long as all their little paws and limbs are safe. I don't care about my things as much as I care about them. They are high priority in the home.
My big cats are now recently engaged in teaching. I called them into the task. CatMom can't teach everything to be known by little cats without their help. My big cats are being very excellent childcare aids, teaching all that is to be known by kittens.
Kittens are meant to be in community.
One of the things I am aware of today is that we take for granted a lot of stuff in our home. A kitten does not take it for granted. The kittens have awakened in me that mothering nature which insists on the home environment be clean, so no dirty paws happen. I have a sealed garbage or so. And that is an excellent idea for pet parents. Things I did not clean before, I clean. I don't want their paws in dust or dirt. If I play with those little paws, and pat my cheek with them, I would like those little kittens to be sparkling clean.
Clean is a part of my every day today, because of these little arrivals to our scene. They go places we did not. And I wonder, as they grow, if they will cease to go those places. Their size permits them great access. I am very glad for the arrival. If you perceive joy in the creation of words here, it would be the iteration of cat paws upon my tile.
CatDad cooks. When he was making bread, his kitten put his paw in the bowl. We are doing the whole lampstand teaching thing to show our cats how we make bread, so that eventually, the breadmaking is not the fun toy. If we gave him a bowl of flour, he would powder the kitchen.
The kittens learned the word "Wait." If we eat popcorn, and tell them wait, they wait. They go play, and they may go to the far end of the house. When we are done, we call them. They come. And we set butter on our finger for them to lick. And they have six licks, and they are happy, and they take off to play. Here is the wonder of the word "wait". We think our kittens had already learned the word "wait", before coming to our home. They have a pretty good grasp of it. And though I say we used the word "wait" with them, it takes a few times between pet parent and kitten using the word, for it to be effective. Gladly for this home, they know the word "wait". It facilitates many events to be calm and coordinated.
Based on a kitten's perspective, Haagen-Daaz icecream is better melted than frozen. Ice cream manufacturer, that is my baby kitten's opinion on your product. We have these really cute little glass bowls, in which we served them a teaspoon or so of your icecream. It was maybe a tablespoon. They first tried it, and they were not impressed with cold. And they left it, and came back, and it was discovered and appreciated with great enthusiasm the second pass by. If a pet parent is introducing ice cream to their new kitten, what brand do they get? You have to think about it. What generates the best event? I know.
My older kitten Lucius likes Lattés. And so, he share the end bits of Lattés with me. And so, his icecream flavor is coffee. He's having some. And that is a second story, I could code or not.
I have thought about what I would like to code out of my narrative.
I have some things.
First, I want to acknowledge God is good. The code kittens is set upon a praise and worship psalm God is good. His mercies are new every morning.
When my kittens do what they do, in their babyness, they are a witness to the goodness of God.
Because I love the Lord as Bridegroom, I will share with you my next stop.
There's more.
My bridegroom hid kittens in the Song of Songs for me.
As a point of note, I never searched a pink word. See pink letters? Wow. What's that. A secret secret message. It is the secret of the secret message.
Out of interest, because I chase misfingerings because of his voice, I will see if I can see any remnant of that word in previous search history. What was in there last?
And I will get the word.
mr or מך
The word is radar.
And out of the dico, this word is very nearly pregnant. I am not quite on the right word. I need that second letter.
Before I start a new search, I push a button to clear all the previous words. I did.
And there is this word.
Now, I don't do that all the time, but I did do it this time.
However, his awesomeness does not end there.
This is a title.
Right? Mister. Monsieur. Other versions. I would like to hear this in Hebrew. I can guess.
For the right application to scripture, the word we see here also means the Bride has had here mara times, but is in right step to come near the Bridegroom for the celebration times.
Does that mean he finished their castle? God has a big castle in heaven, intended for his bride to live. It is not exactly small. There is a large pavillion, larger than any earth pharaoh can ever have for lack of earthly space. In the social courtier room, there is room for the meeting of nations.
For the antichrist wannabee, the walks in the gardens of this place, are a plethion above any walkway you will ever walk in holy spaces again. Nor will any see you upon such walks of gems in the hidden spaces of God the Father again. Nope. My walk. I see my walkway. Never again will you walk such adorned spaces. Though you cement out some earthly walkway for your coordinate, you get cement. And if you adorn, by the power of the Spirit, now, I call the cement to wear sad gray. No color for you. Try to adorn it. Two weeks. In two weeks, the adornment layer will be gone. And so it goes, for your 7 years. And be adjured, the walkways in the Kingdom still have the 8 foot diamonds you used to see. And none of your armaments will get you back to where my walkway is. There's no more large gemstones for you. Every fake feather you wear will turn gray. Suppose by some accident you happen upon the combination code to return to heaven through a wormhole. Suppose. I will change the combination code upon your event. And I will redirect you right back to jail. Check it out. Send all your armies right back to jail.
Sew. I am having visions throught the bible code to heaven right now. And my voice is speaking for heaven now.
I am turning back to the glory. These are my decree. For all hell in war with heaven, see my seal.
There's a word in there I did not search. Nor did I code it. It showed up.
That is the female version of Melech.
Queen. מלה
The Word.
The decree is for the eternal realm audience, though this will be fulfilled here on Earth.
Later, I will add my seal.
I had a couple more code to go.
As to error correcting, there is a t to take off thought to become though. And the spellcheck is no longer in the tool. I may need a day to read this with fresh eyes.
Zion praises Jehovah. Lavish praises.
Here's Revelation 12.
Zion praises God and he saves her out of the river thrown at her.
No river for me, thanks. Take it back. My harp is out, and the sound I sing is sending your armies back to where you came from.
As in the day you brought forth the Son of Man out of hell, at the end of his payment of three days, Lord God almighty, tread down the enemy.
Come, show off, and be mighty in all your ways. Cast for your arrow. Send out many lightnings in 7 directions with each of your steps, and cause the Earth foundations to shudder in their placement, till all the Sheol derived gods fall down, like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall, and see if they can put themselves together again.
Sew, do it. Bring a great thundering and shaking to the Earth, and to also the eternal realms between here and heaven, and in all hell, to the 18 levels down, and shake it up. Lord God, move. Move mightily, and cause your name to be reknowned to the lowest level of hell where the antichrist spent his version of childhood. Shake that place, and cause the cradle cauldron to break and tip over, and fall down. Great grieving to hell.
Here's a proverb for my kitten.
Who hears a proverb utterance iterated from the heavenly throne.
Kitten, hear my word.
Let my word transform the nations toward renewal. Spring is here. Bring down renewal.
Hey, I can't help it. There's a guy calling himself the Messiah.
Yeah, and he is in the middle of Coronavirus.
Well, who among all his disciples was healed. Can you count even 1?
Come on, and tell us all. Did the faker even heal 1?
Who among all the worshippers was healed... Come on and tell the world.
Please tell us your record. I am interested. In those places where people trust in the faker, do note that the virus will spread as wildfire. I am watching. I am watching a wildfire.
Nations must consider their routes to prevent the spread of wildfire to their nation. That is a 2 week warning. In 2 weeks, it will be too late.
In the end times, the antichrist will be able to heal. Here is the limit upon his power. Again, I make this a decree for the Son of Man. Because the antichrist is antichrist, permit me to describe the limit of his power. It will be 1 for 1. 1 item will be healed as 1 item is caused. There will be an exchange. There will no true healing power in the antichrist. I decree this in Jesus' name, Amen. However, note, that there will appear to be a healing to the one who watches. As to the faker who is current, I don't know what will be revealed. Will a faker heal 1? What will be reported...
Coronavirus is in the bible code. For those who have, look for it. It is there. The bible code is a significant tool for governments.
I am turning to icecream.
Being a language lover, I know the brand means something.
Haagen is in there.
Haagen Dazs in Proverbs under the kitten code starter. Kittens love Haagen Dazs Haagen Dazs.
And what showed here was Kitten Haagen Dazs.
Hedges. Hedges need to maintained around my kittens.
Here is Ruth. Kitten love Haagen. Kittens love hedges. It is good for them. They need their property.
Now, the code.
There is in here a chronicle of my kitten's boundaries.
Let all roads to Jerusalem be paved in rejoicing as Yeshua, the Son of David, comes back to receive his kingdom upon the Earth.
Let the pinnacle of measure be moved from the church in Paris to the settling of the throne in Jerusalem. That will be done when he comes. It's not that he won't visit the church in Paris. He will. Jesus fulfills the hopes of his people. He will visit that place.
Let mourning be gone. And let morning come. Let the Daybreak and Morningstar arise. Comfort your people, Lord. Lord God, there's a gate with your name on it. Well, I hope you use it soon.
Until the Son of David, Son of Man, Son of God walk through that gate, it is sealed by an angel of heaven, that none use it till he does. A mighty angel seals the fate of the gate. There is none among the sons of men who may change the decree of heaven.
When the prince of the peoples walks through the gate, we will rejoice.
I have been seeking the meaning of dazs. The closest association I have found is glory.
God speaks through his word.
As God Jehovah speaks through dream and vision, he speaks here. For the one attuned to his voice, he will hear as if the voice is shaking the Forests of Kedar.
Cedars shake. As a sign today Jehovah is speaking here, cedars shake. In Jesus' name, Amen.
I think that is around Lebanon. I would have to check. For the sake of demonstration of God's glory, you are getting a specific place.
12:57 pm. PST. 3/4/2020. And in Jesus' name, Amen.
You never know when centuries pass if forests are cities and if cities are forests. That locale God referred to in the chronicles of kings, that place is where I speak to. Today, there may be a city there. I don't know. The translator for God does not know. He knows.
And as a celebration, I call forth the largest rain in history for a single day to emerge tomorrow, with the exception of the day the floods lifted Noah's ark. Only 1 day of rain. A record.
It will be reported in the news that a new record is set for a nation. Same thing. Tomorrow. In Jesus' name, Amen. Who likes records? Who likes Chronicles? Who likes chronicles of kittens? Who likes the chronicles of men?
Who likes the chronicles of kings....
Nation's Noahs, what will you do with all the rain.... Gather it in your skirts and water your garden. Perhaps use it to put out your wildfire.
For the one who knows how to pray and who to pray to, you may adapt your ends by addressing your King Forever.
Not all ends will be the same. With the rain will come many signs of Jehovah's manifest power identified only to those who can see. Check your measures. Make sure they work.
I feel a closure. Secure the hedge. And that is where I stop.
Because I love God's glory, I look forward to his manifest power. And for the one who fears his name and his voice, you will see his glory. And those who don't will still see it, but may not fully understand it. Here is the closure.