I bought a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken for my family. My family is us, and our pets.
My kittens ate Kentucky Fried Chicken the first time.
My kittens are able rippers and tearers. I gave them some larger pieces to rip and tear. When I noticed their able ripping and tearing, I informed them their nursing catmom would not have been happy if they did that to her. They can rip and tear fur out of sheep fur about. And I offered them one to do that which they need to. And the rest, I tell them to cease. I direct them to their one masterpiece. And to the new nursing birdies outdoors, I send the sheep fur to line their nests.
It looks like there was a major fight outside my window, because of all the sheep fur bits. Yes, I will buy more, once my kittens have ceased to rip and tear, like it mattered to their survival. And it would, if they were not sheltered in my care. My kitten, enclosed in a bunch of sheep fur looks adorable. And you know he put work into his surrounds. He really did. He customized it. And if I did not know where to look, I would not see it. I might even need to move him a little to find his custom work. Anyway, he ought be happy there. He made the place his own.
About this matter, the fact a little kitten cat tear a chunk out of a sheep fur ought to create a little awe in my reader. When you watch nature shows, which we do, we began to notice how this is a key skill for survival. "There, the puma kittens are ripping and tearing. Look. They are doing exactly what these kittens do." And honestly, my kittens were little straplings when they did it. Who would think a cute little kitten with a high chirp could do it. And so, I honor their key skills. They may make me one piece of art. And together, we will line spring nests of all my birds. In a mere two weeks, I will be hearing birdsong, right here as I write. I will hear high chirp bird song, so little birds get heard by the whole flock - and me.
Anyway, Kentucky Fried Chicken. I eat the skin. I give the kittens the meat. Together, we ate a bucket. We chided our kittens they must keep their chunks of chicken in a remotely food oriented space. We move it back. (They get no bones.)
My kittens love Kentucky Fried Chicken.
That's the code.
My kittens lick their face, and paws, and they clean up the finger lickin' good from their fur.
And I look upon my magpies with love. Suet for them. We will find the suet for them.
They looked pregnant and puffy in the cold. I can't tell which is the pregnant one, because both puffed their feathers large. And I showed them and my kittens each other. They use my tree as their easy chair. We get a good look.
What is the difference with the high chirp baby kitten mew and an adult mew? Well, I can tell you. It is the strength of the cat voice. When their little kitten voice is small, because their lung is small, they desperately need the shrill voice, to be heard by their caregiver. Today, there is strength in their voice. I call my kittens twins. They came from one set of parents. Their DNA did. And so, it's fine their voice is common and indistinguishable. I get double song. And I know their needs need to be met, when I hear the song.
Mew. Double mew. Mew close and mew far. Mew.
I would like to add "for chicken" or "for Kentucky fried chicken".
About my kitten twins, I absolutely love their belly button. I took a picture of it. And as they grow, it is being covered in more fur. I love how all their fur melds to patterns. I love all of it.
They will learn "twins" as one of their names.
My kittens came with a little habit I am growing out of them. They play so much with each other non-stop, like a whirlwind in my home, when they relate to me, they turn into fighter kitten.
And so, when they are with me, yes, I have had a few wounds. However, when they are with me, I am teaching them circumstance set behavior. One is here winding around my legs.
Anyway, my woundings are less frequent, as I teach them social habits for being close to CatMom.
However, a salt bath is very painful with fresh woundings. I have felt rip and tear on my flesh. The salt bath works immediately to heal. Thankfully, I heal well and quickly, as I teach my little ones what they ought to do to live in community here. And I wonder what the bore factor is. There is one. Will they ever bore of playing behind my back and in my hair? I wonder. I pull them out, around my waist, and I hug them up close. And I ask them, "What are you up to, little one, behind my back? And are you making a cat's nest of mom's hair?"
I am one of those catmoms who can detangle her hair, by pulling her kitten claws through it like a comb. When you finish the pull and set, of kitten upon chest, the result is the big purr. And I hold them a while, instead of clicking keys. And we listen to music as we please.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCJlzDKrnjs Ma Libi. Who likes rap? In Hebrew rap, you can often get a mix of other languages with the song. This one is purist.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CxVm_a340U Mystery.
As I meditate upon the these lyrics and songs, I am wondering also what man's bore factor is with his Creator. There's so much more to you and me, as we are one, there's mystery beyond that light.
I see the bore factor. I can see the bore factor on the shelf.
Now, if my reader were that interested, you would hunt the rest down.
There is anointing here. I feel it in my space. Now, I call to my word the one who needs it, and if none arrive, angel in my space, take it out to the one who is supposed to hear. Carry it with the trump.
And send of chimes and chirps up into the air the unseeing and unknowing call sirens. Sirens out of the center of earth, or from heaven. Where is it from.
My angel is my partner here.
And so, I need only ask. I do not use any seal. We are one team. For the sign, I call the specific.
Twin trumps from two sides of the city. As to signs and dates, 3/7/2020. 11:05 am will be our time. That way the watchers may see that God follows through on his word.
The hearer will hear two trumps on either side of where they are.
When either of my twins fall into peril, guess who is gifted at catching the clawed kitten and chirping kitten mid fall.
I am. I have asked Jehovah for this key skill as CatMom. I have an instinct, and I set my hand out any direction of me, and grap fur and kitten friend right out of the blue, based on Jehovah's instinct to catch the falling.
Catch that twin cat. Oh, my God in heaven is pleased, for I have picked up his art of war one more step close. My hand went out, and my center locus of my brain was not working. My spirit shot my hand out, and grabbed a kitten mid air. And the little kitten grabbed on. Jehovah heard his cry before he fell, and sent out my arm in just that right time to prevent his fall. That center logic locus is not in action, when my spirit wars to save. And were my kitten to shred my arm, climbing me for the sake of no injury, the Lord God has set salt about me, to be healthy for that tomorrow, when I might need to save him again. When we work to save, we are counting on God's key skills as CatMom, more than mine. Glory to God who saves my kittens.
What about Kentucky Fried Chicken? I should give that a shot.
In Hebrew, Fried is Free.
I got an utterance with most of it less Kentucky. Hmm.
My cats' favorite toy is a vitamin cup. Who would have known. I bought all those mice and toys for them. And they take my vitamin cup. The vitamin cup has seen all the ramparts.
Dark sapphire is fried/free.
Kent is 159.
I pulled a letter off till it appeared in the scene. I knew it was there. I should note to you that it is not in the code necessarily. I look for it in the matrice.
I chase beauty. I found some. This is not the whole list. However, I like beauty order and symmetry. So, look.
Haa. Aaaah. Whew. Divinity in code. See the Divine, as the needle in the haystack, and as the camel who finds her way through the head of needle. Yeah.
Can a camel walk through the eye of the needle?
Can she....and if she does, where does she arrive?
What is it about 159.
I found it. In the list is tear.
Kentucky = Glory to God.
As I listen to worship, the words I just found are being also spoken on my worship speaker. Same time. Heavy.
564. The message his: His light is shining eternity. Both parts of this utterance = 564.
His light is shining / eternity
564. 564.
Twin peals.
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Frogit? Chicken? God, the mark loses some of its appeal.
They talked about eating frog legs. Were I Hebrew, I would try to change the word to another soundalike. Am I incorrect? Frogit? Frigit? Frigit? Is that better?
Kentucky Fried Frigit. Kentucky Freed Frigit. Where are we going? I am chasing you, swirling, and I am trying to get your word. Frigate? 564 Kentucky?
Double peal.
I am literally chasing the word.
His light is shining eternity and glory to God out of the coronavirus situation worldwide.
God will be known by his works. Some unexpected healings are occuring. Some of that dangerousness of the virus is being lifted by heaven - specifically Jehovah's hand to free his flock.
He will have a flock cut out from those who are desperate for his hand to free them.
He will fill a freedom frigate with all his lovelies. And they will be fed well, treated well, etc.
When you see the pale riders of Lord of the Rings chasing Frodo to his baptism, did you know the Shining One could slow them down? Yes. He can.
He acts in accordance to the prayers of his people. Because Jehovah is interested in rewarding the prayers of his people, where they cry out to God for deliverance, where it happens, God will respond. Where he responds, he will receive glory and honor. Jehovah is, was, and will be. Glory to God.
Jehovah is the Hero over the bat mutated/derived virus. Jehovah is the Hero over the bat/man focused researcher. Wherever there is desperation, cry out. Yeah. Do it. The Hope of Nations will respond to you.
Ma libi. From my heart.
The Hope of Nations will respond to you from his heart with saving power.
With the fat of Kentucky Fried Chicken still in my mouth, I close upon the fat of his goodness drenching me with his word. Be at peace. Later.
My kittens ate Kentucky Fried Chicken the first time.
My kittens are able rippers and tearers. I gave them some larger pieces to rip and tear. When I noticed their able ripping and tearing, I informed them their nursing catmom would not have been happy if they did that to her. They can rip and tear fur out of sheep fur about. And I offered them one to do that which they need to. And the rest, I tell them to cease. I direct them to their one masterpiece. And to the new nursing birdies outdoors, I send the sheep fur to line their nests.
It looks like there was a major fight outside my window, because of all the sheep fur bits. Yes, I will buy more, once my kittens have ceased to rip and tear, like it mattered to their survival. And it would, if they were not sheltered in my care. My kitten, enclosed in a bunch of sheep fur looks adorable. And you know he put work into his surrounds. He really did. He customized it. And if I did not know where to look, I would not see it. I might even need to move him a little to find his custom work. Anyway, he ought be happy there. He made the place his own.
About this matter, the fact a little kitten cat tear a chunk out of a sheep fur ought to create a little awe in my reader. When you watch nature shows, which we do, we began to notice how this is a key skill for survival. "There, the puma kittens are ripping and tearing. Look. They are doing exactly what these kittens do." And honestly, my kittens were little straplings when they did it. Who would think a cute little kitten with a high chirp could do it. And so, I honor their key skills. They may make me one piece of art. And together, we will line spring nests of all my birds. In a mere two weeks, I will be hearing birdsong, right here as I write. I will hear high chirp bird song, so little birds get heard by the whole flock - and me.
Anyway, Kentucky Fried Chicken. I eat the skin. I give the kittens the meat. Together, we ate a bucket. We chided our kittens they must keep their chunks of chicken in a remotely food oriented space. We move it back. (They get no bones.)
My kittens love Kentucky Fried Chicken.
That's the code.
My kittens lick their face, and paws, and they clean up the finger lickin' good from their fur.
And I look upon my magpies with love. Suet for them. We will find the suet for them.
They looked pregnant and puffy in the cold. I can't tell which is the pregnant one, because both puffed their feathers large. And I showed them and my kittens each other. They use my tree as their easy chair. We get a good look.
What is the difference with the high chirp baby kitten mew and an adult mew? Well, I can tell you. It is the strength of the cat voice. When their little kitten voice is small, because their lung is small, they desperately need the shrill voice, to be heard by their caregiver. Today, there is strength in their voice. I call my kittens twins. They came from one set of parents. Their DNA did. And so, it's fine their voice is common and indistinguishable. I get double song. And I know their needs need to be met, when I hear the song.
Mew. Double mew. Mew close and mew far. Mew.
![]() |
Kitten Twin Mew |
![]() |
Kitten Twin Mew Red Pink Green |
I would like to add "for chicken" or "for Kentucky fried chicken".
About my kitten twins, I absolutely love their belly button. I took a picture of it. And as they grow, it is being covered in more fur. I love how all their fur melds to patterns. I love all of it.
They will learn "twins" as one of their names.
My kittens came with a little habit I am growing out of them. They play so much with each other non-stop, like a whirlwind in my home, when they relate to me, they turn into fighter kitten.
And so, when they are with me, yes, I have had a few wounds. However, when they are with me, I am teaching them circumstance set behavior. One is here winding around my legs.
Anyway, my woundings are less frequent, as I teach them social habits for being close to CatMom.
However, a salt bath is very painful with fresh woundings. I have felt rip and tear on my flesh. The salt bath works immediately to heal. Thankfully, I heal well and quickly, as I teach my little ones what they ought to do to live in community here. And I wonder what the bore factor is. There is one. Will they ever bore of playing behind my back and in my hair? I wonder. I pull them out, around my waist, and I hug them up close. And I ask them, "What are you up to, little one, behind my back? And are you making a cat's nest of mom's hair?"
I am one of those catmoms who can detangle her hair, by pulling her kitten claws through it like a comb. When you finish the pull and set, of kitten upon chest, the result is the big purr. And I hold them a while, instead of clicking keys. And we listen to music as we please.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCJlzDKrnjs Ma Libi. Who likes rap? In Hebrew rap, you can often get a mix of other languages with the song. This one is purist.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CxVm_a340U Mystery.
As I meditate upon the these lyrics and songs, I am wondering also what man's bore factor is with his Creator. There's so much more to you and me, as we are one, there's mystery beyond that light.
I see the bore factor. I can see the bore factor on the shelf.
Now, if my reader were that interested, you would hunt the rest down.
There is anointing here. I feel it in my space. Now, I call to my word the one who needs it, and if none arrive, angel in my space, take it out to the one who is supposed to hear. Carry it with the trump.
And send of chimes and chirps up into the air the unseeing and unknowing call sirens. Sirens out of the center of earth, or from heaven. Where is it from.
My angel is my partner here.
And so, I need only ask. I do not use any seal. We are one team. For the sign, I call the specific.
Twin trumps from two sides of the city. As to signs and dates, 3/7/2020. 11:05 am will be our time. That way the watchers may see that God follows through on his word.
The hearer will hear two trumps on either side of where they are.
When either of my twins fall into peril, guess who is gifted at catching the clawed kitten and chirping kitten mid fall.
I am. I have asked Jehovah for this key skill as CatMom. I have an instinct, and I set my hand out any direction of me, and grap fur and kitten friend right out of the blue, based on Jehovah's instinct to catch the falling.
Catch that twin cat. Oh, my God in heaven is pleased, for I have picked up his art of war one more step close. My hand went out, and my center locus of my brain was not working. My spirit shot my hand out, and grabbed a kitten mid air. And the little kitten grabbed on. Jehovah heard his cry before he fell, and sent out my arm in just that right time to prevent his fall. That center logic locus is not in action, when my spirit wars to save. And were my kitten to shred my arm, climbing me for the sake of no injury, the Lord God has set salt about me, to be healthy for that tomorrow, when I might need to save him again. When we work to save, we are counting on God's key skills as CatMom, more than mine. Glory to God who saves my kittens.
What about Kentucky Fried Chicken? I should give that a shot.
In Hebrew, Fried is Free.
I got an utterance with most of it less Kentucky. Hmm.
My cats' favorite toy is a vitamin cup. Who would have known. I bought all those mice and toys for them. And they take my vitamin cup. The vitamin cup has seen all the ramparts.
Dark sapphire is fried/free.
Kent is 159.
I pulled a letter off till it appeared in the scene. I knew it was there. I should note to you that it is not in the code necessarily. I look for it in the matrice.
I chase beauty. I found some. This is not the whole list. However, I like beauty order and symmetry. So, look.
Haa. Aaaah. Whew. Divinity in code. See the Divine, as the needle in the haystack, and as the camel who finds her way through the head of needle. Yeah.
Can a camel walk through the eye of the needle?
Can she....and if she does, where does she arrive?
What is it about 159.
I found it. In the list is tear.
Kentucky = Glory to God.
As I listen to worship, the words I just found are being also spoken on my worship speaker. Same time. Heavy.
564. The message his: His light is shining eternity. Both parts of this utterance = 564.
His light is shining / eternity
564. 564.
Twin peals.
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Frogit? Chicken? God, the mark loses some of its appeal.
They talked about eating frog legs. Were I Hebrew, I would try to change the word to another soundalike. Am I incorrect? Frogit? Frigit? Frigit? Is that better?
Kentucky Fried Frigit. Kentucky Freed Frigit. Where are we going? I am chasing you, swirling, and I am trying to get your word. Frigate? 564 Kentucky?
Double peal.
I am literally chasing the word.
His light is shining eternity and glory to God out of the coronavirus situation worldwide.
God will be known by his works. Some unexpected healings are occuring. Some of that dangerousness of the virus is being lifted by heaven - specifically Jehovah's hand to free his flock.
He will have a flock cut out from those who are desperate for his hand to free them.
He will fill a freedom frigate with all his lovelies. And they will be fed well, treated well, etc.
When you see the pale riders of Lord of the Rings chasing Frodo to his baptism, did you know the Shining One could slow them down? Yes. He can.
He acts in accordance to the prayers of his people. Because Jehovah is interested in rewarding the prayers of his people, where they cry out to God for deliverance, where it happens, God will respond. Where he responds, he will receive glory and honor. Jehovah is, was, and will be. Glory to God.
Jehovah is the Hero over the bat mutated/derived virus. Jehovah is the Hero over the bat/man focused researcher. Wherever there is desperation, cry out. Yeah. Do it. The Hope of Nations will respond to you.
Ma libi. From my heart.
The Hope of Nations will respond to you from his heart with saving power.
With the fat of Kentucky Fried Chicken still in my mouth, I close upon the fat of his goodness drenching me with his word. Be at peace. Later.
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