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Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Thursday, March 26, 2020
What Not to Do
Here's what not to do. I braid my hair. When I was young, I would braid my hair to a tip, and not use an elastic. It was a cool thing to do. And though cool, I don't do the no elastic thing today. However, I do like the micro-braid. And I do that. I did the micro-braid.
It kind of looked like my hair was thin at the bottom. And I do know it does not appear thin, but the braid was thin. In a whim, I cut my hair. And what I learned was: Don't do that.
The hair was not evenly braided into the braid. It is all over.
It grows back. And who is to know. Right? In a matter of months, it will all be back. And few will know.
My hair, even when braided to what appears to be a thin tip is not thin. I've done two rounds of trimming. And I see I am not done. There's more long to go.
One of these days, for I have been preferring curly hair, I need to prepare my hair as straight. And that day, I will finish the cut.
So, yes, I learned not to cut hair in a braid.
It does not provide an even cut.
I did not have split ends.
Hey there. Yes, I am coding it.
The best code utterance I have so far in one spot is: Braided hair cut.
I am in Isaiah.
For now, since you are here, have my notes.
Revelation is tied to notes.
You hunt the lyric on Google.
The Lord is dancing in these notes.
See how the vine grows? See that? That is how my hair returns after a mistaken cut.
God loves me so much, he lets my playing about bring me nought but his love growing back.
So, I cut my hair. Oops. And here it comes back. And also note how it is that the regrowth of plants all about is Renewal. As he walks, there comes the plants, all playing in the sun.
Clear water is one of Jehovah's names. If this has not been spoken before, I speak it out now. Clear Water. Yeshua.
This was the water in the basin, just before Jesus washed the disciples' feet. And he cleaned their feet.
And this is important. Let the one with an ear attuned to the Spirit of the Lord hear his word now.
I found compelling puzzles in Isaiah. It is hard to pick among them. I will give you a few sets.
Note, among all the codes possible, and looking for tree codes, see the single?
Well, I am considering opening up the leash upon the code span.
Having said that, do you see how complicated the word "don't" is?
I hear God's breath over me.
In the wind of God's breath, he brings me revelation.
For now.
Jesus is asking his disciples to let him clean their feet.
I hear him.
Some are aware of the prophecy God is bringing a billion home. He showed me some of that billion are his repentant church. Before, I would have thought that was new people coming in. It is both. It is the new. And he is relivening the dead branches, similar to what you see in the video. That means among God's church, there are people who need to lay their sins down, and receive his cleaning.
Get clean. Get clean by Jesus' washing your feet.
Some may know Jesus as my Roe. And some may know him by his fragrant basil. And some know him as the Branch. I have a vision. I have the Roe resting under my cherry tree branch. And I did not release it. For now, I will. You will see the roe laying below my branch. He was seeking relief from the sun. And I spoke to him, and I told him to stay.
My neighbor had seen the roe under my tree, and had told him previously, on a previous time, to go. I told my neighbor, the roe stays. He is invited to lay beneath my branches. I invited him to come. The neighbor was, in effect, being stingy with my branches. And I had called God to do mighty things in my yard. And then, on repeat visits, the roe came. The roe was injured in his rib. I did not remove that.
So. Sow. Sew.
You will see.
The roe was injured in his rib to birth the church.
Birthing. As we approach the feast days, the veil thins, and I see more.
Come visit the Sugar Sweet. Do you see the Sugar Sweet under my branch?
And is what he eats sweet, or is he sweet himself?
The deer is sitting where I play the harp as praises to God.
He chose that place.
I am over a metre, but close enough.
The first artist - his band is where I am carrying through.
Before I get starting bringing you panels of revelation, review the word order.
Red pink green forest green purple dark sapphire light sapphire.
Braid hair uneven don't cut...I have to check the last searched word.
My mind is fluid, and I am seeing things. I am not restricting his word. I am seeing Jesus braid a cord to tame the church. Who needs taming?
I used difficult words in the panel search. So, do not be surprised a few are not there.
I do that to limit the options.
Okay. See the Branch to start. The Branch is written of here.
And you see items in the matrice not in the code, because I don't walk by sight, but by power.
Like point to point paint, count the color in the matrice. Then, see what of the message we have matching to the color. If you see perchance part of a word, and one letter is missing, what is happening is that word is actually there, but it belongs to a larger matrice span. To get it to fully show, I have to open the veil a little wider.
A better look at pink.
Here's another take. There's good color representation. The missing word in this puzzle was "don't". The missing color - light green.
Besides that, it is populated.
I stop here for now. There's more to come at another time.
For the coming code, you are to read the sweep of scripture assigned to the code spread.
You can either sweep it, or locally search for his message where there are concentrations of coded message. This message occupies several chapters.
I am searching for things which are in union with the whole of the research I did yesterday, and the picture, and the songs, etc.
First off, in the left panel, you see a saving arm. That saving arm is the branch of righteousness.
It is the fruitful branch.
He saves. Notice the horse in the wilderness, which you saw in the music video.
About that blackened mount, I wonder if any of it was consumed by God's presence.
Like a candle wick.
When Messiah is fighting to take back his wife from the wilderness, do you see he has a braid in his hair in the back?
Do you see that?
He has longish hair. And he has kept it back not by a pony tail, but by a braid. Hmm. How many warriors braid their hair?
In this case, the pink is merely not seen by the screen snap. It is there, and you need to move the viewing panel over.
I see Jesus on a horse.
He shall stir up a scourge. That is him braiding a whip.
Spirit of Religion, Jesus is going to get you.
He is going to whip down the money changers' tables.
Hmm. Spirit of Religion, at attention. You might want to consider the word. And it's possible, this is what has been going on. Spirit of Religion in God's house, get down. Where the Spirit of Religion rises up, it will be cast down.
Why things happen: 1. Man made. 2. Judgment for sin. 3. Birth pain toward next step. 4. Test. 5. Tribulation.
Regionally, where brought about by spiritual rebellion, roll the die. Which one is it... Job was tested, and stood through it in righteousness. A Word.
I am seeing greens. The green branch. The green vine. Because of that vision, my next selection has a green letter.
Next, clear waters. I am seeing clear waters. In the left panel, you see a large stream of waters.
God is judging rejection of his loveliness. And where his loveliness has been rejected, look around at your desperate environment. Yeah, you go trying to make some loveliness without his lovelieness, eh.
Without Creator God, how do you get loveliness in your place.
Don't you see in his clear waters that he is lovely. How can you not see this...
In opposition, I see all hell casting miry waters after the water of the people. The water of the people represents a sea of faces I am looking at.
And it was his loveliness which held all that at bay.
Now, had the nations known how to bowl for themselves, God would not have to bowl for them.
However, the pins are tall, and the game is strong. And if you don't have a player with the right arm, you are not going to win.
Mirey depths. More.
There's a release of more mirey depths.
When you know to call upon the Lovely One, he will send his bowling balls, and cast the pins down.
Till then, live with it.
In Revelations, there's a river cast after the bride, which is God's inheritance. Part of that casting is the mirey depths. It takes an angel to end it.
Your mirey depths will be ended by an angel.
And after that has been done in heaven, it shall be also done on Earth.
I feel a lifting of his Angel. Lord God, I don't understand most of what I just said. I take that as a sign you are here, and working. So be it. Amen. In Jesus' name, Amen.
For the one seeking more, read the left panel.
As to how much I took off, it was 6-8 inches. The braid was 6 inches, so it may have been a bit more than what I had perceived. For the distance my hair goes, this is a minor cut. No worries. However, noone likes a mess in their hair. I will call in my husband to finish the work. However, we learned something.
Another Lesson
I have two products. One is a vitamin treatment. I expected it to be like a hair conditioner or detangler. It is a unique product. And I have another. I have oil. I often mix the two in my hair, and I don't care. Anyway, I used up all the hair conditioners (leave-in). And I am using up all the remnants in the cupboards, or they go. They prove useful, or they go. So, I began using this, not really aware of it being different than my other products. What happened was: The two bonded and created a glue like substance in my hair. And it created snarls. I have skills at decoding hair trajedy. I fixed the problem. However, based on that, now, I know you don't mix those two products. And that product may be thrown out. Or, I may throw out the product and use the bottle. The bottle is nice. It's weird. You would almost think this product is a twin to some other product out there, not a hair vitamin.
What happens when something you see and experience does not have the action/result of being what is said on the label? You have to make a decision.
It was not because of this product experience that I cut my hair. Whatever. We do things. With action, we get a result. And based on the result, we adapt and improve what we do.
If anyone has a product labelled a hair vitamin, test it out on a small part of your hair first. It would have been among conditioners.
This happened recently.
Update: It's the oil. The oil is not well pure.
This product is argon oil, but after reading the label, it is not pure.
And what I used before was a different brand, and not cheap. Anyway, I have reverted to previous hair care formats. Were one to continue using that oil, they would lose hair and quality of life. I removed the product out of arm's reach.
It kind of looked like my hair was thin at the bottom. And I do know it does not appear thin, but the braid was thin. In a whim, I cut my hair. And what I learned was: Don't do that.
The hair was not evenly braided into the braid. It is all over.
It grows back. And who is to know. Right? In a matter of months, it will all be back. And few will know.
My hair, even when braided to what appears to be a thin tip is not thin. I've done two rounds of trimming. And I see I am not done. There's more long to go.
One of these days, for I have been preferring curly hair, I need to prepare my hair as straight. And that day, I will finish the cut.
So, yes, I learned not to cut hair in a braid.
It does not provide an even cut.
I did not have split ends.
Hey there. Yes, I am coding it.
The best code utterance I have so far in one spot is: Braided hair cut.
I am in Isaiah.
For now, since you are here, have my notes.
Revelation is tied to notes.
You hunt the lyric on Google.
The Lord is dancing in these notes.
See how the vine grows? See that? That is how my hair returns after a mistaken cut.
God loves me so much, he lets my playing about bring me nought but his love growing back.
So, I cut my hair. Oops. And here it comes back. And also note how it is that the regrowth of plants all about is Renewal. As he walks, there comes the plants, all playing in the sun.
Clear water is one of Jehovah's names. If this has not been spoken before, I speak it out now. Clear Water. Yeshua.
This was the water in the basin, just before Jesus washed the disciples' feet. And he cleaned their feet.
And this is important. Let the one with an ear attuned to the Spirit of the Lord hear his word now.
I found compelling puzzles in Isaiah. It is hard to pick among them. I will give you a few sets.
Note, among all the codes possible, and looking for tree codes, see the single?
Well, I am considering opening up the leash upon the code span.
Having said that, do you see how complicated the word "don't" is?
I hear God's breath over me.
In the wind of God's breath, he brings me revelation.
For now.
Jesus is asking his disciples to let him clean their feet.
I hear him.
Some are aware of the prophecy God is bringing a billion home. He showed me some of that billion are his repentant church. Before, I would have thought that was new people coming in. It is both. It is the new. And he is relivening the dead branches, similar to what you see in the video. That means among God's church, there are people who need to lay their sins down, and receive his cleaning.
Get clean. Get clean by Jesus' washing your feet.
Some may know Jesus as my Roe. And some may know him by his fragrant basil. And some know him as the Branch. I have a vision. I have the Roe resting under my cherry tree branch. And I did not release it. For now, I will. You will see the roe laying below my branch. He was seeking relief from the sun. And I spoke to him, and I told him to stay.
My neighbor had seen the roe under my tree, and had told him previously, on a previous time, to go. I told my neighbor, the roe stays. He is invited to lay beneath my branches. I invited him to come. The neighbor was, in effect, being stingy with my branches. And I had called God to do mighty things in my yard. And then, on repeat visits, the roe came. The roe was injured in his rib. I did not remove that.
So. Sow. Sew.
You will see.
The roe was injured in his rib to birth the church.
Birthing. As we approach the feast days, the veil thins, and I see more.
Come visit the Sugar Sweet. Do you see the Sugar Sweet under my branch?
And is what he eats sweet, or is he sweet himself?
The deer is sitting where I play the harp as praises to God.
He chose that place.
I am over a metre, but close enough.
The first artist - his band is where I am carrying through.
Before I get starting bringing you panels of revelation, review the word order.
Red pink green forest green purple dark sapphire light sapphire.
Braid hair uneven don't cut...I have to check the last searched word.
My mind is fluid, and I am seeing things. I am not restricting his word. I am seeing Jesus braid a cord to tame the church. Who needs taming?
I used difficult words in the panel search. So, do not be surprised a few are not there.
I do that to limit the options.
Okay. See the Branch to start. The Branch is written of here.
And you see items in the matrice not in the code, because I don't walk by sight, but by power.
Like point to point paint, count the color in the matrice. Then, see what of the message we have matching to the color. If you see perchance part of a word, and one letter is missing, what is happening is that word is actually there, but it belongs to a larger matrice span. To get it to fully show, I have to open the veil a little wider.
A better look at pink.
Here's another take. There's good color representation. The missing word in this puzzle was "don't". The missing color - light green.
Besides that, it is populated.
I am learning words. I guess how they might sound.
I stop here for now. There's more to come at another time.
For the coming code, you are to read the sweep of scripture assigned to the code spread.
You can either sweep it, or locally search for his message where there are concentrations of coded message. This message occupies several chapters.
I am searching for things which are in union with the whole of the research I did yesterday, and the picture, and the songs, etc.
First off, in the left panel, you see a saving arm. That saving arm is the branch of righteousness.
It is the fruitful branch.
He saves. Notice the horse in the wilderness, which you saw in the music video.
About that blackened mount, I wonder if any of it was consumed by God's presence.
Like a candle wick.
When Messiah is fighting to take back his wife from the wilderness, do you see he has a braid in his hair in the back?
Do you see that?
He has longish hair. And he has kept it back not by a pony tail, but by a braid. Hmm. How many warriors braid their hair?
In this case, the pink is merely not seen by the screen snap. It is there, and you need to move the viewing panel over.
I see Jesus on a horse.
He shall stir up a scourge. That is him braiding a whip.
Spirit of Religion, Jesus is going to get you.
He is going to whip down the money changers' tables.
Hmm. Spirit of Religion, at attention. You might want to consider the word. And it's possible, this is what has been going on. Spirit of Religion in God's house, get down. Where the Spirit of Religion rises up, it will be cast down.
Why things happen: 1. Man made. 2. Judgment for sin. 3. Birth pain toward next step. 4. Test. 5. Tribulation.
Regionally, where brought about by spiritual rebellion, roll the die. Which one is it... Job was tested, and stood through it in righteousness. A Word.
I am seeing greens. The green branch. The green vine. Because of that vision, my next selection has a green letter.
Next, clear waters. I am seeing clear waters. In the left panel, you see a large stream of waters.
God is judging rejection of his loveliness. And where his loveliness has been rejected, look around at your desperate environment. Yeah, you go trying to make some loveliness without his lovelieness, eh.
Without Creator God, how do you get loveliness in your place.
Don't you see in his clear waters that he is lovely. How can you not see this...
In opposition, I see all hell casting miry waters after the water of the people. The water of the people represents a sea of faces I am looking at.
And it was his loveliness which held all that at bay.
Now, had the nations known how to bowl for themselves, God would not have to bowl for them.
However, the pins are tall, and the game is strong. And if you don't have a player with the right arm, you are not going to win.
Mirey depths. More.
There's a release of more mirey depths.
When you know to call upon the Lovely One, he will send his bowling balls, and cast the pins down.
Till then, live with it.
In Revelations, there's a river cast after the bride, which is God's inheritance. Part of that casting is the mirey depths. It takes an angel to end it.
Your mirey depths will be ended by an angel.
And after that has been done in heaven, it shall be also done on Earth.
I feel a lifting of his Angel. Lord God, I don't understand most of what I just said. I take that as a sign you are here, and working. So be it. Amen. In Jesus' name, Amen.
For the one seeking more, read the left panel.
As to how much I took off, it was 6-8 inches. The braid was 6 inches, so it may have been a bit more than what I had perceived. For the distance my hair goes, this is a minor cut. No worries. However, noone likes a mess in their hair. I will call in my husband to finish the work. However, we learned something.
Another Lesson
I have two products. One is a vitamin treatment. I expected it to be like a hair conditioner or detangler. It is a unique product. And I have another. I have oil. I often mix the two in my hair, and I don't care. Anyway, I used up all the hair conditioners (leave-in). And I am using up all the remnants in the cupboards, or they go. They prove useful, or they go. So, I began using this, not really aware of it being different than my other products. What happened was: The two bonded and created a glue like substance in my hair. And it created snarls. I have skills at decoding hair trajedy. I fixed the problem. However, based on that, now, I know you don't mix those two products. And that product may be thrown out. Or, I may throw out the product and use the bottle. The bottle is nice. It's weird. You would almost think this product is a twin to some other product out there, not a hair vitamin.
What happens when something you see and experience does not have the action/result of being what is said on the label? You have to make a decision.
It was not because of this product experience that I cut my hair. Whatever. We do things. With action, we get a result. And based on the result, we adapt and improve what we do.
If anyone has a product labelled a hair vitamin, test it out on a small part of your hair first. It would have been among conditioners.
This happened recently.
Update: It's the oil. The oil is not well pure.
This product is argon oil, but after reading the label, it is not pure.
And what I used before was a different brand, and not cheap. Anyway, I have reverted to previous hair care formats. Were one to continue using that oil, they would lose hair and quality of life. I removed the product out of arm's reach.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Chinese Heiroglyphics
My great uncle was a rock expert. Due to that, he had unusual hobbies. He had a rock called Chinese Heiroglyphics.
And I code cool stuff. I coded it.
I wonder if I made art of it.
I looked. I did not. Hmm. Should I take a shot of it or find a shot of it?
In its natural state, the rock looks like it has writing on it. And because it is not European letters, the Rock Scientist who typed it called it this name: Chinese Heiroglyphics.
And so. Maybe we do this in reverse. I do the code first, and I find the shot image later.
If I take the time to take the shot, it will be on FAA.
See the word?
At first, as heiroglyphics is a long word, I tried Chinese writing system.
And that also is quite complicated.
Anyway, I found it.
God has a message to reveal out of a rock.
I hope this helps. I think this is his now message.
As God's message, use the whole of the code, the panels as to your ability, for obviously, despite knowing the translation of the middle panel, I am sure there is more revelation there than I know. And use the left panel.
Derive his message.
Glyphics is the hardest word to get. So, it is up front.
I need to leave some room for a cat on the screen.
Anyway, sino means Chinese.
Hmmm. Look it up.
Do you ever ask yourself where God is pointing you?
Look at the heiroglyphics in this story...
On the site, you see a royal physician to a king, like my Brodie ancestor. And he writes. And he researches. And so, what does Dr. Kim have to say?
On this page, there is the non-obvious. For the person who is willing to see and hear the non-obvious, let God the Holy Spirit instruct you.
God has something to do here. And now, I caught a little whiff. And it is good.
And also, not knowing anything, I would like to know if Dr. Kim is from China. Or is he from the Koreas? Where is this royal physician from?
(NASA, do you have coverage of the ark on or thereabout? Can you see that from space? So, I am wondering where the Ark is compared to all this. I recall that being in Turkey, not Saudi Arabia. Hmm.)
The rock I have is blackened rock. Black rock.
The feature of this mountain is that unlike all the other land and peaks near it, it is blackened.
And the event where it turned black is recorded in scripture.
And I code cool stuff. I coded it.
I wonder if I made art of it.
I looked. I did not. Hmm. Should I take a shot of it or find a shot of it?
In its natural state, the rock looks like it has writing on it. And because it is not European letters, the Rock Scientist who typed it called it this name: Chinese Heiroglyphics.
And so. Maybe we do this in reverse. I do the code first, and I find the shot image later.
If I take the time to take the shot, it will be on FAA.
See the word?
At first, as heiroglyphics is a long word, I tried Chinese writing system.
And that also is quite complicated.
Anyway, I found it.
God has a message to reveal out of a rock.
I hope this helps. I think this is his now message.
As God's message, use the whole of the code, the panels as to your ability, for obviously, despite knowing the translation of the middle panel, I am sure there is more revelation there than I know. And use the left panel.
Derive his message.
Glyphics is the hardest word to get. So, it is up front.
I need to leave some room for a cat on the screen.
Anyway, sino means Chinese.
Hmmm. Look it up.
Do you ever ask yourself where God is pointing you?
Look at the heiroglyphics in this story...
On the site, you see a royal physician to a king, like my Brodie ancestor. And he writes. And he researches. And so, what does Dr. Kim have to say?
On this page, there is the non-obvious. For the person who is willing to see and hear the non-obvious, let God the Holy Spirit instruct you.
God has something to do here. And now, I caught a little whiff. And it is good.
And also, not knowing anything, I would like to know if Dr. Kim is from China. Or is he from the Koreas? Where is this royal physician from?
(NASA, do you have coverage of the ark on or thereabout? Can you see that from space? So, I am wondering where the Ark is compared to all this. I recall that being in Turkey, not Saudi Arabia. Hmm.)
The rock I have is blackened rock. Black rock.
The feature of this mountain is that unlike all the other land and peaks near it, it is blackened.
And the event where it turned black is recorded in scripture.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Monday, March 16, 2020
It would not be cool for Prime Ministers and Presidents worldwide to write bailout funds to corporations, so that the world's elite could write themselves their bonus check cashing in on a plague.
Be careful about handing out bailouts to the wealthy.
One exec calls another, "Did you get your plague bonus?"
Not cool.
Be careful about handing out bailouts to the wealthy.
One exec calls another, "Did you get your plague bonus?"
Not cool.
Friday, March 13, 2020
Dear President Trump
Dear President Trump,
On Facebook, there's means of doing either presentations or private group or public group sessions.
Do some.
The model I have for you is what the Passion Translation writer does for his ministry.
I read you had to cut public meetings. I would not have that for you. I think you should explore this solution.
On Facebook, there's means of doing either presentations or private group or public group sessions.
Do some.
The model I have for you is what the Passion Translation writer does for his ministry.
I read you had to cut public meetings. I would not have that for you. I think you should explore this solution.
The Narrow Pursuit
I have cat trees. I have one by the stairs. My cats, the kittens of 9 pound stature, chase each other.
A kitten of 9 pound stature is not exactly adult, nor is he fully kitten. He's a teen.
The kittens chase one another. Today, one kitten chased the other up the stairs. And one tried to get a jump on the other, by jumping through the stair spindles. And it worked.
It worked. I would not have thought the kitten able to fit, when I assess the space, and the kitten.
He knew, based on his whisker breadth, that he would fit. In their high speed chase, they race through spindles. Kittens.
Were I to code, I would code: narrow pursuit through spindle. Or: spindle narrow pursuit. Or: Cats race through spindle. Or something like that.
My kittens are sturdy. Therefore, I am satisfied with their progress. My kittens have adequate fur. They have more precision. They have more knowledge. And they also wait, so I can eat, and then, they come for any leftovers. And they love me in process.
Two months. It takes two months, till you can put ornaments back into their places. That's it. In two months, kittens can be trained to the objects and furniture in the home, including complicated stuff. Kittens are smart.
And it's possible, it's only two months till all the items in the home surpass the bore factor.
However, some pet parents who are older are frustrated by kitten curiousity. Here it is. Two months. You need to train your kittens. When my kittens came, they failed to climb the bedspread onto the bed. It was like they were shy. So, I taught them to climb my bedspread. And then, they did. At the time, they were too small to do a full jump there, or too shy. And afterward, they began and continued to do it like pros. I realize I taught my kittens something counterintuitive to a non cat parent. You want your kittens to climb the bed, if they can't jump. For all the bolsters I set around, to enable their climbs and jumps, my kittens size and strength has now surpassed much of the needs for aids. Only two months.
Two other birds have done significant feats like my kittens. Hawks. Owls. They get small to go through skinny places. I did not see my cats perform their feat. I heard of it. They did it full speed. Birds and my cats head through skinny places full speed.
I had a new unusual occurence I planned to record. I planned to record it, because it would be an excellent code. I will let go, and let it resurface.
Consider the gold of ophir.
Narrow pursuit.
1 code. This is also a narrow pursuit. Cat through spindle.
For coders, this is an interesting demonstration.
There is only 1 code. Read the code record.
Also, in Hebrew, the word chat is used. See that. I selected that for the French word.
Cats speak the language of their owner. I've not yet begun teaching them French. In a bit.
In my code narrative, I am interested in chasing down the word "jump or spring".
I found one.
I may have adjusted some words in the hunt. They are the same words.
My story of the narrow pursuit, of a high speed chase through a stair spindle lands in Ps. 119.
There is a message here.
Let the one who hears meditate upon the word of the Lord.
I did a trial on file type here. I notice a very mild reduction in color, where I show you code words found. I am going to move back to the other file type. And I will watch again. We do want to be able to see the code words.
A kitten of 9 pound stature is not exactly adult, nor is he fully kitten. He's a teen.
The kittens chase one another. Today, one kitten chased the other up the stairs. And one tried to get a jump on the other, by jumping through the stair spindles. And it worked.
It worked. I would not have thought the kitten able to fit, when I assess the space, and the kitten.
He knew, based on his whisker breadth, that he would fit. In their high speed chase, they race through spindles. Kittens.
Were I to code, I would code: narrow pursuit through spindle. Or: spindle narrow pursuit. Or: Cats race through spindle. Or something like that.
My kittens are sturdy. Therefore, I am satisfied with their progress. My kittens have adequate fur. They have more precision. They have more knowledge. And they also wait, so I can eat, and then, they come for any leftovers. And they love me in process.
Two months. It takes two months, till you can put ornaments back into their places. That's it. In two months, kittens can be trained to the objects and furniture in the home, including complicated stuff. Kittens are smart.
And it's possible, it's only two months till all the items in the home surpass the bore factor.
However, some pet parents who are older are frustrated by kitten curiousity. Here it is. Two months. You need to train your kittens. When my kittens came, they failed to climb the bedspread onto the bed. It was like they were shy. So, I taught them to climb my bedspread. And then, they did. At the time, they were too small to do a full jump there, or too shy. And afterward, they began and continued to do it like pros. I realize I taught my kittens something counterintuitive to a non cat parent. You want your kittens to climb the bed, if they can't jump. For all the bolsters I set around, to enable their climbs and jumps, my kittens size and strength has now surpassed much of the needs for aids. Only two months.
Two other birds have done significant feats like my kittens. Hawks. Owls. They get small to go through skinny places. I did not see my cats perform their feat. I heard of it. They did it full speed. Birds and my cats head through skinny places full speed.
I had a new unusual occurence I planned to record. I planned to record it, because it would be an excellent code. I will let go, and let it resurface.
Consider the gold of ophir.
Narrow pursuit.
1 code. This is also a narrow pursuit. Cat through spindle.
For coders, this is an interesting demonstration.
There is only 1 code. Read the code record.
Also, in Hebrew, the word chat is used. See that. I selected that for the French word.
Cats speak the language of their owner. I've not yet begun teaching them French. In a bit.
In my code narrative, I am interested in chasing down the word "jump or spring".
I found one.
I may have adjusted some words in the hunt. They are the same words.
My story of the narrow pursuit, of a high speed chase through a stair spindle lands in Ps. 119.
There is a message here.
Let the one who hears meditate upon the word of the Lord.
I did a trial on file type here. I notice a very mild reduction in color, where I show you code words found. I am going to move back to the other file type. And I will watch again. We do want to be able to see the code words.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Kentucky Fried Chicken
I bought a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken for my family. My family is us, and our pets.
My kittens ate Kentucky Fried Chicken the first time.
My kittens are able rippers and tearers. I gave them some larger pieces to rip and tear. When I noticed their able ripping and tearing, I informed them their nursing catmom would not have been happy if they did that to her. They can rip and tear fur out of sheep fur about. And I offered them one to do that which they need to. And the rest, I tell them to cease. I direct them to their one masterpiece. And to the new nursing birdies outdoors, I send the sheep fur to line their nests.
It looks like there was a major fight outside my window, because of all the sheep fur bits. Yes, I will buy more, once my kittens have ceased to rip and tear, like it mattered to their survival. And it would, if they were not sheltered in my care. My kitten, enclosed in a bunch of sheep fur looks adorable. And you know he put work into his surrounds. He really did. He customized it. And if I did not know where to look, I would not see it. I might even need to move him a little to find his custom work. Anyway, he ought be happy there. He made the place his own.
About this matter, the fact a little kitten cat tear a chunk out of a sheep fur ought to create a little awe in my reader. When you watch nature shows, which we do, we began to notice how this is a key skill for survival. "There, the puma kittens are ripping and tearing. Look. They are doing exactly what these kittens do." And honestly, my kittens were little straplings when they did it. Who would think a cute little kitten with a high chirp could do it. And so, I honor their key skills. They may make me one piece of art. And together, we will line spring nests of all my birds. In a mere two weeks, I will be hearing birdsong, right here as I write. I will hear high chirp bird song, so little birds get heard by the whole flock - and me.
Anyway, Kentucky Fried Chicken. I eat the skin. I give the kittens the meat. Together, we ate a bucket. We chided our kittens they must keep their chunks of chicken in a remotely food oriented space. We move it back. (They get no bones.)
My kittens love Kentucky Fried Chicken.
That's the code.
My kittens lick their face, and paws, and they clean up the finger lickin' good from their fur.
And I look upon my magpies with love. Suet for them. We will find the suet for them.
They looked pregnant and puffy in the cold. I can't tell which is the pregnant one, because both puffed their feathers large. And I showed them and my kittens each other. They use my tree as their easy chair. We get a good look.
What is the difference with the high chirp baby kitten mew and an adult mew? Well, I can tell you. It is the strength of the cat voice. When their little kitten voice is small, because their lung is small, they desperately need the shrill voice, to be heard by their caregiver. Today, there is strength in their voice. I call my kittens twins. They came from one set of parents. Their DNA did. And so, it's fine their voice is common and indistinguishable. I get double song. And I know their needs need to be met, when I hear the song.
Mew. Double mew. Mew close and mew far. Mew.
I would like to add "for chicken" or "for Kentucky fried chicken".
About my kitten twins, I absolutely love their belly button. I took a picture of it. And as they grow, it is being covered in more fur. I love how all their fur melds to patterns. I love all of it.
They will learn "twins" as one of their names.
My kittens came with a little habit I am growing out of them. They play so much with each other non-stop, like a whirlwind in my home, when they relate to me, they turn into fighter kitten.
And so, when they are with me, yes, I have had a few wounds. However, when they are with me, I am teaching them circumstance set behavior. One is here winding around my legs.
Anyway, my woundings are less frequent, as I teach them social habits for being close to CatMom.
However, a salt bath is very painful with fresh woundings. I have felt rip and tear on my flesh. The salt bath works immediately to heal. Thankfully, I heal well and quickly, as I teach my little ones what they ought to do to live in community here. And I wonder what the bore factor is. There is one. Will they ever bore of playing behind my back and in my hair? I wonder. I pull them out, around my waist, and I hug them up close. And I ask them, "What are you up to, little one, behind my back? And are you making a cat's nest of mom's hair?"
I am one of those catmoms who can detangle her hair, by pulling her kitten claws through it like a comb. When you finish the pull and set, of kitten upon chest, the result is the big purr. And I hold them a while, instead of clicking keys. And we listen to music as we please. Ma Libi. Who likes rap? In Hebrew rap, you can often get a mix of other languages with the song. This one is purist. Mystery.
As I meditate upon the these lyrics and songs, I am wondering also what man's bore factor is with his Creator. There's so much more to you and me, as we are one, there's mystery beyond that light.
I see the bore factor. I can see the bore factor on the shelf.
Now, if my reader were that interested, you would hunt the rest down.
There is anointing here. I feel it in my space. Now, I call to my word the one who needs it, and if none arrive, angel in my space, take it out to the one who is supposed to hear. Carry it with the trump.
And send of chimes and chirps up into the air the unseeing and unknowing call sirens. Sirens out of the center of earth, or from heaven. Where is it from.
My angel is my partner here.
And so, I need only ask. I do not use any seal. We are one team. For the sign, I call the specific.
Twin trumps from two sides of the city. As to signs and dates, 3/7/2020. 11:05 am will be our time. That way the watchers may see that God follows through on his word.
The hearer will hear two trumps on either side of where they are.
When either of my twins fall into peril, guess who is gifted at catching the clawed kitten and chirping kitten mid fall.
I am. I have asked Jehovah for this key skill as CatMom. I have an instinct, and I set my hand out any direction of me, and grap fur and kitten friend right out of the blue, based on Jehovah's instinct to catch the falling.
Catch that twin cat. Oh, my God in heaven is pleased, for I have picked up his art of war one more step close. My hand went out, and my center locus of my brain was not working. My spirit shot my hand out, and grabbed a kitten mid air. And the little kitten grabbed on. Jehovah heard his cry before he fell, and sent out my arm in just that right time to prevent his fall. That center logic locus is not in action, when my spirit wars to save. And were my kitten to shred my arm, climbing me for the sake of no injury, the Lord God has set salt about me, to be healthy for that tomorrow, when I might need to save him again. When we work to save, we are counting on God's key skills as CatMom, more than mine. Glory to God who saves my kittens.
What about Kentucky Fried Chicken? I should give that a shot.
In Hebrew, Fried is Free.
I got an utterance with most of it less Kentucky. Hmm.
My cats' favorite toy is a vitamin cup. Who would have known. I bought all those mice and toys for them. And they take my vitamin cup. The vitamin cup has seen all the ramparts.
Dark sapphire is fried/free.
Kent is 159.
I pulled a letter off till it appeared in the scene. I knew it was there. I should note to you that it is not in the code necessarily. I look for it in the matrice.
I chase beauty. I found some. This is not the whole list. However, I like beauty order and symmetry. So, look.
Haa. Aaaah. Whew. Divinity in code. See the Divine, as the needle in the haystack, and as the camel who finds her way through the head of needle. Yeah.
Can a camel walk through the eye of the needle?
Can she....and if she does, where does she arrive?
What is it about 159.
I found it. In the list is tear.
Kentucky = Glory to God.
As I listen to worship, the words I just found are being also spoken on my worship speaker. Same time. Heavy.
564. The message his: His light is shining eternity. Both parts of this utterance = 564.
His light is shining / eternity
564. 564.
Twin peals.
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Frogit? Chicken? God, the mark loses some of its appeal.
They talked about eating frog legs. Were I Hebrew, I would try to change the word to another soundalike. Am I incorrect? Frogit? Frigit? Frigit? Is that better?
Kentucky Fried Frigit. Kentucky Freed Frigit. Where are we going? I am chasing you, swirling, and I am trying to get your word. Frigate? 564 Kentucky?
Double peal.
I am literally chasing the word.
His light is shining eternity and glory to God out of the coronavirus situation worldwide.
God will be known by his works. Some unexpected healings are occuring. Some of that dangerousness of the virus is being lifted by heaven - specifically Jehovah's hand to free his flock.
He will have a flock cut out from those who are desperate for his hand to free them.
He will fill a freedom frigate with all his lovelies. And they will be fed well, treated well, etc.
When you see the pale riders of Lord of the Rings chasing Frodo to his baptism, did you know the Shining One could slow them down? Yes. He can.
He acts in accordance to the prayers of his people. Because Jehovah is interested in rewarding the prayers of his people, where they cry out to God for deliverance, where it happens, God will respond. Where he responds, he will receive glory and honor. Jehovah is, was, and will be. Glory to God.
Jehovah is the Hero over the bat mutated/derived virus. Jehovah is the Hero over the bat/man focused researcher. Wherever there is desperation, cry out. Yeah. Do it. The Hope of Nations will respond to you.
Ma libi. From my heart.
The Hope of Nations will respond to you from his heart with saving power.
With the fat of Kentucky Fried Chicken still in my mouth, I close upon the fat of his goodness drenching me with his word. Be at peace. Later.
My kittens ate Kentucky Fried Chicken the first time.
My kittens are able rippers and tearers. I gave them some larger pieces to rip and tear. When I noticed their able ripping and tearing, I informed them their nursing catmom would not have been happy if they did that to her. They can rip and tear fur out of sheep fur about. And I offered them one to do that which they need to. And the rest, I tell them to cease. I direct them to their one masterpiece. And to the new nursing birdies outdoors, I send the sheep fur to line their nests.
It looks like there was a major fight outside my window, because of all the sheep fur bits. Yes, I will buy more, once my kittens have ceased to rip and tear, like it mattered to their survival. And it would, if they were not sheltered in my care. My kitten, enclosed in a bunch of sheep fur looks adorable. And you know he put work into his surrounds. He really did. He customized it. And if I did not know where to look, I would not see it. I might even need to move him a little to find his custom work. Anyway, he ought be happy there. He made the place his own.
About this matter, the fact a little kitten cat tear a chunk out of a sheep fur ought to create a little awe in my reader. When you watch nature shows, which we do, we began to notice how this is a key skill for survival. "There, the puma kittens are ripping and tearing. Look. They are doing exactly what these kittens do." And honestly, my kittens were little straplings when they did it. Who would think a cute little kitten with a high chirp could do it. And so, I honor their key skills. They may make me one piece of art. And together, we will line spring nests of all my birds. In a mere two weeks, I will be hearing birdsong, right here as I write. I will hear high chirp bird song, so little birds get heard by the whole flock - and me.
Anyway, Kentucky Fried Chicken. I eat the skin. I give the kittens the meat. Together, we ate a bucket. We chided our kittens they must keep their chunks of chicken in a remotely food oriented space. We move it back. (They get no bones.)
My kittens love Kentucky Fried Chicken.
That's the code.
My kittens lick their face, and paws, and they clean up the finger lickin' good from their fur.
And I look upon my magpies with love. Suet for them. We will find the suet for them.
They looked pregnant and puffy in the cold. I can't tell which is the pregnant one, because both puffed their feathers large. And I showed them and my kittens each other. They use my tree as their easy chair. We get a good look.
What is the difference with the high chirp baby kitten mew and an adult mew? Well, I can tell you. It is the strength of the cat voice. When their little kitten voice is small, because their lung is small, they desperately need the shrill voice, to be heard by their caregiver. Today, there is strength in their voice. I call my kittens twins. They came from one set of parents. Their DNA did. And so, it's fine their voice is common and indistinguishable. I get double song. And I know their needs need to be met, when I hear the song.
Mew. Double mew. Mew close and mew far. Mew.
![]() |
Kitten Twin Mew |
![]() |
Kitten Twin Mew Red Pink Green |
I would like to add "for chicken" or "for Kentucky fried chicken".
About my kitten twins, I absolutely love their belly button. I took a picture of it. And as they grow, it is being covered in more fur. I love how all their fur melds to patterns. I love all of it.
They will learn "twins" as one of their names.
My kittens came with a little habit I am growing out of them. They play so much with each other non-stop, like a whirlwind in my home, when they relate to me, they turn into fighter kitten.
And so, when they are with me, yes, I have had a few wounds. However, when they are with me, I am teaching them circumstance set behavior. One is here winding around my legs.
Anyway, my woundings are less frequent, as I teach them social habits for being close to CatMom.
However, a salt bath is very painful with fresh woundings. I have felt rip and tear on my flesh. The salt bath works immediately to heal. Thankfully, I heal well and quickly, as I teach my little ones what they ought to do to live in community here. And I wonder what the bore factor is. There is one. Will they ever bore of playing behind my back and in my hair? I wonder. I pull them out, around my waist, and I hug them up close. And I ask them, "What are you up to, little one, behind my back? And are you making a cat's nest of mom's hair?"
I am one of those catmoms who can detangle her hair, by pulling her kitten claws through it like a comb. When you finish the pull and set, of kitten upon chest, the result is the big purr. And I hold them a while, instead of clicking keys. And we listen to music as we please. Ma Libi. Who likes rap? In Hebrew rap, you can often get a mix of other languages with the song. This one is purist. Mystery.
As I meditate upon the these lyrics and songs, I am wondering also what man's bore factor is with his Creator. There's so much more to you and me, as we are one, there's mystery beyond that light.
I see the bore factor. I can see the bore factor on the shelf.
Now, if my reader were that interested, you would hunt the rest down.
There is anointing here. I feel it in my space. Now, I call to my word the one who needs it, and if none arrive, angel in my space, take it out to the one who is supposed to hear. Carry it with the trump.
And send of chimes and chirps up into the air the unseeing and unknowing call sirens. Sirens out of the center of earth, or from heaven. Where is it from.
My angel is my partner here.
And so, I need only ask. I do not use any seal. We are one team. For the sign, I call the specific.
Twin trumps from two sides of the city. As to signs and dates, 3/7/2020. 11:05 am will be our time. That way the watchers may see that God follows through on his word.
The hearer will hear two trumps on either side of where they are.
When either of my twins fall into peril, guess who is gifted at catching the clawed kitten and chirping kitten mid fall.
I am. I have asked Jehovah for this key skill as CatMom. I have an instinct, and I set my hand out any direction of me, and grap fur and kitten friend right out of the blue, based on Jehovah's instinct to catch the falling.
Catch that twin cat. Oh, my God in heaven is pleased, for I have picked up his art of war one more step close. My hand went out, and my center locus of my brain was not working. My spirit shot my hand out, and grabbed a kitten mid air. And the little kitten grabbed on. Jehovah heard his cry before he fell, and sent out my arm in just that right time to prevent his fall. That center logic locus is not in action, when my spirit wars to save. And were my kitten to shred my arm, climbing me for the sake of no injury, the Lord God has set salt about me, to be healthy for that tomorrow, when I might need to save him again. When we work to save, we are counting on God's key skills as CatMom, more than mine. Glory to God who saves my kittens.
What about Kentucky Fried Chicken? I should give that a shot.
In Hebrew, Fried is Free.
I got an utterance with most of it less Kentucky. Hmm.
My cats' favorite toy is a vitamin cup. Who would have known. I bought all those mice and toys for them. And they take my vitamin cup. The vitamin cup has seen all the ramparts.
Dark sapphire is fried/free.
Kent is 159.
I pulled a letter off till it appeared in the scene. I knew it was there. I should note to you that it is not in the code necessarily. I look for it in the matrice.
I chase beauty. I found some. This is not the whole list. However, I like beauty order and symmetry. So, look.
Haa. Aaaah. Whew. Divinity in code. See the Divine, as the needle in the haystack, and as the camel who finds her way through the head of needle. Yeah.
Can a camel walk through the eye of the needle?
Can she....and if she does, where does she arrive?
What is it about 159.
I found it. In the list is tear.
Kentucky = Glory to God.
As I listen to worship, the words I just found are being also spoken on my worship speaker. Same time. Heavy.
564. The message his: His light is shining eternity. Both parts of this utterance = 564.
His light is shining / eternity
564. 564.
Twin peals.
Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Frogit? Chicken? God, the mark loses some of its appeal.
They talked about eating frog legs. Were I Hebrew, I would try to change the word to another soundalike. Am I incorrect? Frogit? Frigit? Frigit? Is that better?
Kentucky Fried Frigit. Kentucky Freed Frigit. Where are we going? I am chasing you, swirling, and I am trying to get your word. Frigate? 564 Kentucky?
Double peal.
I am literally chasing the word.
His light is shining eternity and glory to God out of the coronavirus situation worldwide.
God will be known by his works. Some unexpected healings are occuring. Some of that dangerousness of the virus is being lifted by heaven - specifically Jehovah's hand to free his flock.
He will have a flock cut out from those who are desperate for his hand to free them.
He will fill a freedom frigate with all his lovelies. And they will be fed well, treated well, etc.
When you see the pale riders of Lord of the Rings chasing Frodo to his baptism, did you know the Shining One could slow them down? Yes. He can.
He acts in accordance to the prayers of his people. Because Jehovah is interested in rewarding the prayers of his people, where they cry out to God for deliverance, where it happens, God will respond. Where he responds, he will receive glory and honor. Jehovah is, was, and will be. Glory to God.
Jehovah is the Hero over the bat mutated/derived virus. Jehovah is the Hero over the bat/man focused researcher. Wherever there is desperation, cry out. Yeah. Do it. The Hope of Nations will respond to you.
Ma libi. From my heart.
The Hope of Nations will respond to you from his heart with saving power.
With the fat of Kentucky Fried Chicken still in my mouth, I close upon the fat of his goodness drenching me with his word. Be at peace. Later.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
For Coronavirus
For the WHO, of the EU, I have a few thoughts on the Coronavirus. Here, we benefit from my intercultural exploits. And I don't know if this would help, but I offer my life wisdom, as an insight to be considered in your overall plan for safeguarding nations. This set of insights is useful to my North American leaders addressing the issue.
In culture, particularly in Europe, and I've enjoyed that culture greatly, there is the cheek kiss, or double cheek kiss greeting. I use this greeting with European friends now. And in light of the recent events, today, I am bringing this to the table. How can Italy stop the spread of the virus? And for how long must we abstain from our friendly greetings--I don't know, nor can I determine that. For while the virus is in action, and is a societal threat, I would recommend abstaining from the cheek kiss, and reduce some of it in the family, with wisdom, as you assess your options.
I dislike the reduction of pleasantries among men, those which made us lovely among us. Even in Greece, among the greetings, there are embraces and kisses. I hugged and greeted a few people. And these things were not considered as ill, but as the refreshment of nations. So here, what do we say... It is sad to see the lifting of the pleasantry. While we sort our global problem, let us consider the nature of pleasantry we exchange with the world. I am one of those people that if I had a virus, I would not impose the virus upon others knowingly. How many of those are there? What manner of intimacy do we withhold in plague?
Attend to the range of scripture. From the whole of them, consider the Word. Here's what I did. Red is Covid 19. Pink is 19. For the typical red word, in that word, you see 19 in pink. I did find Covid 19. And I asked God where to set the marker, for what you would see in his panel.
For one learning Hebrew via code, and messages, consider this. When I Google Translate covid 19, the covid comes out as covi. However, if one were not translating, and wanted the foreign word in the code instead, you could add the D. I did not. It depends on how many nations use the D. Might it be useful? It might.
To gain the Father's word in this overall code, you look to the left panel. And ask Holy Spirit to draw your eye to his key message.
This post was written and released a while ago. I have decided to edit this, and put it out again.
Leaders are doing a good job. My Prime Minister is being a good ambassador for our nation. Keep it up.
In culture, particularly in Europe, and I've enjoyed that culture greatly, there is the cheek kiss, or double cheek kiss greeting. I use this greeting with European friends now. And in light of the recent events, today, I am bringing this to the table. How can Italy stop the spread of the virus? And for how long must we abstain from our friendly greetings--I don't know, nor can I determine that. For while the virus is in action, and is a societal threat, I would recommend abstaining from the cheek kiss, and reduce some of it in the family, with wisdom, as you assess your options.
I dislike the reduction of pleasantries among men, those which made us lovely among us. Even in Greece, among the greetings, there are embraces and kisses. I hugged and greeted a few people. And these things were not considered as ill, but as the refreshment of nations. So here, what do we say... It is sad to see the lifting of the pleasantry. While we sort our global problem, let us consider the nature of pleasantry we exchange with the world. I am one of those people that if I had a virus, I would not impose the virus upon others knowingly. How many of those are there? What manner of intimacy do we withhold in plague?
Attend to the range of scripture. From the whole of them, consider the Word. Here's what I did. Red is Covid 19. Pink is 19. For the typical red word, in that word, you see 19 in pink. I did find Covid 19. And I asked God where to set the marker, for what you would see in his panel.
For one learning Hebrew via code, and messages, consider this. When I Google Translate covid 19, the covid comes out as covi. However, if one were not translating, and wanted the foreign word in the code instead, you could add the D. I did not. It depends on how many nations use the D. Might it be useful? It might.
To gain the Father's word in this overall code, you look to the left panel. And ask Holy Spirit to draw your eye to his key message.
This post was written and released a while ago. I have decided to edit this, and put it out again.
Leaders are doing a good job. My Prime Minister is being a good ambassador for our nation. Keep it up.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Today, magpies are singing and dancing a mating song. And they are shopping for spots on local trees to make Spring nests.
Nests will be filled with eggs in less than two weeks. I will be hearing little birdie song in a few short spaces of time.
I am happy this morning. My critters are happy.
My morning song lifts to Creator God, because he has set in motion new birth and renewal for the place where I live.
God is good.
Here is where I tell you I adopted two kittens. And because I adopted a litter set, they have maintained their baby communication, which has not happened before with previous adoptions. They make a kitten sound to their parents, which is shrill, not a meow. They chirp. And my home is full of their music. And I don't mind. When I hear it, I recall they don't know everything they need, nor do they have their full movement in precision and agility. I teach them. I pull apart whatever they are not understanding, I teach them step by step what they need to know, so they don't make error. I don't need any injury from lack of knowledge. I am deeply loved by my kittens.
I am aware of all kind of cat communication. The chirp is new to my overall experience. It's not that I have not heard a kind of a chirp, which I labelled differently. This particular chirp is different. And as they grow, and it is louder, I am more aware it is distinct.
In my home, I have four kittens. And dinner time is very fun. My elder cats, I call kittens. They are still my babies, despite being adult according to a child. And yet to me, they are kittens, for I have many years upon them. Two are kittens according to the definition of a child. And they are very pediatric in their way. In fact, they are more child like than any of my former kittens which I recall. Babies. Pre-school. Learning communication. Learning body movement. Learning.
My favorite thing is to play with their toes. I love it.
As a kitten, they were fascinated by a pompom decor on a lampstand. I modelled capturing a pompom, had removed contents off the stand, and with the kitten, modelled the descent of the whole lampstand falling down. What would chaos look like, if the lampstand fell down. And the kitten participated, and watched the effect, and after 14 times or so, trial and effect, the toy of the lampstand become known, and the kittens stopped playing with it. And so we go, for a hundred objects or so. I teach them about each object in our home, until they know what is to be known about each object.
I was in awe about all the knowledge my big cats know.
I had taught them so much. And the kittens did not have that knowledge. And given that, and that everything was new in their new life, they needed to explore. My job is to make their exploration safe. God built in the fight or flight response to kittens to save their life. And thank God. For all the little promptings of events, the kittens can clatter out of the way. And I don't care, as long as all their little paws and limbs are safe. I don't care about my things as much as I care about them. They are high priority in the home.
My big cats are now recently engaged in teaching. I called them into the task. CatMom can't teach everything to be known by little cats without their help. My big cats are being very excellent childcare aids, teaching all that is to be known by kittens.
Kittens are meant to be in community.
One of the things I am aware of today is that we take for granted a lot of stuff in our home. A kitten does not take it for granted. The kittens have awakened in me that mothering nature which insists on the home environment be clean, so no dirty paws happen. I have a sealed garbage or so. And that is an excellent idea for pet parents. Things I did not clean before, I clean. I don't want their paws in dust or dirt. If I play with those little paws, and pat my cheek with them, I would like those little kittens to be sparkling clean.
Clean is a part of my every day today, because of these little arrivals to our scene. They go places we did not. And I wonder, as they grow, if they will cease to go those places. Their size permits them great access. I am very glad for the arrival. If you perceive joy in the creation of words here, it would be the iteration of cat paws upon my tile.
CatDad cooks. When he was making bread, his kitten put his paw in the bowl. We are doing the whole lampstand teaching thing to show our cats how we make bread, so that eventually, the breadmaking is not the fun toy. If we gave him a bowl of flour, he would powder the kitchen.
The kittens learned the word "Wait." If we eat popcorn, and tell them wait, they wait. They go play, and they may go to the far end of the house. When we are done, we call them. They come. And we set butter on our finger for them to lick. And they have six licks, and they are happy, and they take off to play. Here is the wonder of the word "wait". We think our kittens had already learned the word "wait", before coming to our home. They have a pretty good grasp of it. And though I say we used the word "wait" with them, it takes a few times between pet parent and kitten using the word, for it to be effective. Gladly for this home, they know the word "wait". It facilitates many events to be calm and coordinated.
Based on a kitten's perspective, Haagen-Daaz icecream is better melted than frozen. Ice cream manufacturer, that is my baby kitten's opinion on your product. We have these really cute little glass bowls, in which we served them a teaspoon or so of your icecream. It was maybe a tablespoon. They first tried it, and they were not impressed with cold. And they left it, and came back, and it was discovered and appreciated with great enthusiasm the second pass by. If a pet parent is introducing ice cream to their new kitten, what brand do they get? You have to think about it. What generates the best event? I know.
My older kitten Lucius likes Lattés. And so, he share the end bits of Lattés with me. And so, his icecream flavor is coffee. He's having some. And that is a second story, I could code or not.
I have thought about what I would like to code out of my narrative.
I have some things.
First, I want to acknowledge God is good. The code kittens is set upon a praise and worship psalm God is good. His mercies are new every morning.
When my kittens do what they do, in their babyness, they are a witness to the goodness of God.
Because I love the Lord as Bridegroom, I will share with you my next stop.
There's more.
My bridegroom hid kittens in the Song of Songs for me.
As a point of note, I never searched a pink word. See pink letters? Wow. What's that. A secret secret message. It is the secret of the secret message.
Out of interest, because I chase misfingerings because of his voice, I will see if I can see any remnant of that word in previous search history. What was in there last?
And I will get the word.
mr or מך
The word is radar.
And out of the dico, this word is very nearly pregnant. I am not quite on the right word. I need that second letter.
Before I start a new search, I push a button to clear all the previous words. I did.
And there is this word.
Now, I don't do that all the time, but I did do it this time.
However, his awesomeness does not end there.
This is a title.
Right? Mister. Monsieur. Other versions. I would like to hear this in Hebrew. I can guess.
For the right application to scripture, the word we see here also means the Bride has had here mara times, but is in right step to come near the Bridegroom for the celebration times.
Does that mean he finished their castle? God has a big castle in heaven, intended for his bride to live. It is not exactly small. There is a large pavillion, larger than any earth pharaoh can ever have for lack of earthly space. In the social courtier room, there is room for the meeting of nations.
For the antichrist wannabee, the walks in the gardens of this place, are a plethion above any walkway you will ever walk in holy spaces again. Nor will any see you upon such walks of gems in the hidden spaces of God the Father again. Nope. My walk. I see my walkway. Never again will you walk such adorned spaces. Though you cement out some earthly walkway for your coordinate, you get cement. And if you adorn, by the power of the Spirit, now, I call the cement to wear sad gray. No color for you. Try to adorn it. Two weeks. In two weeks, the adornment layer will be gone. And so it goes, for your 7 years. And be adjured, the walkways in the Kingdom still have the 8 foot diamonds you used to see. And none of your armaments will get you back to where my walkway is. There's no more large gemstones for you. Every fake feather you wear will turn gray. Suppose by some accident you happen upon the combination code to return to heaven through a wormhole. Suppose. I will change the combination code upon your event. And I will redirect you right back to jail. Check it out. Send all your armies right back to jail.
Sew. I am having visions throught the bible code to heaven right now. And my voice is speaking for heaven now.
I am turning back to the glory. These are my decree. For all hell in war with heaven, see my seal.
There's a word in there I did not search. Nor did I code it. It showed up.
That is the female version of Melech.
Queen. מלה
The Word.
The decree is for the eternal realm audience, though this will be fulfilled here on Earth.
Later, I will add my seal.
I had a couple more code to go.
As to error correcting, there is a t to take off thought to become though. And the spellcheck is no longer in the tool. I may need a day to read this with fresh eyes.
Zion praises Jehovah. Lavish praises.
Here's Revelation 12.
Zion praises God and he saves her out of the river thrown at her.
No river for me, thanks. Take it back. My harp is out, and the sound I sing is sending your armies back to where you came from.
As in the day you brought forth the Son of Man out of hell, at the end of his payment of three days, Lord God almighty, tread down the enemy.
Come, show off, and be mighty in all your ways. Cast for your arrow. Send out many lightnings in 7 directions with each of your steps, and cause the Earth foundations to shudder in their placement, till all the Sheol derived gods fall down, like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall, and see if they can put themselves together again.
Sew, do it. Bring a great thundering and shaking to the Earth, and to also the eternal realms between here and heaven, and in all hell, to the 18 levels down, and shake it up. Lord God, move. Move mightily, and cause your name to be reknowned to the lowest level of hell where the antichrist spent his version of childhood. Shake that place, and cause the cradle cauldron to break and tip over, and fall down. Great grieving to hell.
Here's a proverb for my kitten.
Who hears a proverb utterance iterated from the heavenly throne.
Kitten, hear my word.
Let my word transform the nations toward renewal. Spring is here. Bring down renewal.
Hey, I can't help it. There's a guy calling himself the Messiah.
Yeah, and he is in the middle of Coronavirus.
Well, who among all his disciples was healed. Can you count even 1?
Come on, and tell us all. Did the faker even heal 1?
Who among all the worshippers was healed... Come on and tell the world.
Please tell us your record. I am interested. In those places where people trust in the faker, do note that the virus will spread as wildfire. I am watching. I am watching a wildfire.
Nations must consider their routes to prevent the spread of wildfire to their nation. That is a 2 week warning. In 2 weeks, it will be too late.
In the end times, the antichrist will be able to heal. Here is the limit upon his power. Again, I make this a decree for the Son of Man. Because the antichrist is antichrist, permit me to describe the limit of his power. It will be 1 for 1. 1 item will be healed as 1 item is caused. There will be an exchange. There will no true healing power in the antichrist. I decree this in Jesus' name, Amen. However, note, that there will appear to be a healing to the one who watches. As to the faker who is current, I don't know what will be revealed. Will a faker heal 1? What will be reported...
Coronavirus is in the bible code. For those who have, look for it. It is there. The bible code is a significant tool for governments.
I am turning to icecream.
Being a language lover, I know the brand means something.
Haagen is in there.
Haagen Dazs in Proverbs under the kitten code starter. Kittens love Haagen Dazs Haagen Dazs.
And what showed here was Kitten Haagen Dazs.
Hedges. Hedges need to maintained around my kittens.
Here is Ruth. Kitten love Haagen. Kittens love hedges. It is good for them. They need their property.
Now, the code.
There is in here a chronicle of my kitten's boundaries.
Let all roads to Jerusalem be paved in rejoicing as Yeshua, the Son of David, comes back to receive his kingdom upon the Earth.
Let the pinnacle of measure be moved from the church in Paris to the settling of the throne in Jerusalem. That will be done when he comes. It's not that he won't visit the church in Paris. He will. Jesus fulfills the hopes of his people. He will visit that place.
Let mourning be gone. And let morning come. Let the Daybreak and Morningstar arise. Comfort your people, Lord. Lord God, there's a gate with your name on it. Well, I hope you use it soon.
Until the Son of David, Son of Man, Son of God walk through that gate, it is sealed by an angel of heaven, that none use it till he does. A mighty angel seals the fate of the gate. There is none among the sons of men who may change the decree of heaven.
When the prince of the peoples walks through the gate, we will rejoice.
I have been seeking the meaning of dazs. The closest association I have found is glory.
God speaks through his word.
As God Jehovah speaks through dream and vision, he speaks here. For the one attuned to his voice, he will hear as if the voice is shaking the Forests of Kedar.
Cedars shake. As a sign today Jehovah is speaking here, cedars shake. In Jesus' name, Amen.
I think that is around Lebanon. I would have to check. For the sake of demonstration of God's glory, you are getting a specific place.
12:57 pm. PST. 3/4/2020. And in Jesus' name, Amen.
You never know when centuries pass if forests are cities and if cities are forests. That locale God referred to in the chronicles of kings, that place is where I speak to. Today, there may be a city there. I don't know. The translator for God does not know. He knows.
And as a celebration, I call forth the largest rain in history for a single day to emerge tomorrow, with the exception of the day the floods lifted Noah's ark. Only 1 day of rain. A record.
It will be reported in the news that a new record is set for a nation. Same thing. Tomorrow. In Jesus' name, Amen. Who likes records? Who likes Chronicles? Who likes chronicles of kittens? Who likes the chronicles of men?
Who likes the chronicles of kings....
Nation's Noahs, what will you do with all the rain.... Gather it in your skirts and water your garden. Perhaps use it to put out your wildfire.
For the one who knows how to pray and who to pray to, you may adapt your ends by addressing your King Forever.
Not all ends will be the same. With the rain will come many signs of Jehovah's manifest power identified only to those who can see. Check your measures. Make sure they work.
I feel a closure. Secure the hedge. And that is where I stop.
Because I love God's glory, I look forward to his manifest power. And for the one who fears his name and his voice, you will see his glory. And those who don't will still see it, but may not fully understand it. Here is the closure.
Nests will be filled with eggs in less than two weeks. I will be hearing little birdie song in a few short spaces of time.
I am happy this morning. My critters are happy.
My morning song lifts to Creator God, because he has set in motion new birth and renewal for the place where I live.
God is good.
Here is where I tell you I adopted two kittens. And because I adopted a litter set, they have maintained their baby communication, which has not happened before with previous adoptions. They make a kitten sound to their parents, which is shrill, not a meow. They chirp. And my home is full of their music. And I don't mind. When I hear it, I recall they don't know everything they need, nor do they have their full movement in precision and agility. I teach them. I pull apart whatever they are not understanding, I teach them step by step what they need to know, so they don't make error. I don't need any injury from lack of knowledge. I am deeply loved by my kittens.
I am aware of all kind of cat communication. The chirp is new to my overall experience. It's not that I have not heard a kind of a chirp, which I labelled differently. This particular chirp is different. And as they grow, and it is louder, I am more aware it is distinct.
In my home, I have four kittens. And dinner time is very fun. My elder cats, I call kittens. They are still my babies, despite being adult according to a child. And yet to me, they are kittens, for I have many years upon them. Two are kittens according to the definition of a child. And they are very pediatric in their way. In fact, they are more child like than any of my former kittens which I recall. Babies. Pre-school. Learning communication. Learning body movement. Learning.
My favorite thing is to play with their toes. I love it.
As a kitten, they were fascinated by a pompom decor on a lampstand. I modelled capturing a pompom, had removed contents off the stand, and with the kitten, modelled the descent of the whole lampstand falling down. What would chaos look like, if the lampstand fell down. And the kitten participated, and watched the effect, and after 14 times or so, trial and effect, the toy of the lampstand become known, and the kittens stopped playing with it. And so we go, for a hundred objects or so. I teach them about each object in our home, until they know what is to be known about each object.
I was in awe about all the knowledge my big cats know.
I had taught them so much. And the kittens did not have that knowledge. And given that, and that everything was new in their new life, they needed to explore. My job is to make their exploration safe. God built in the fight or flight response to kittens to save their life. And thank God. For all the little promptings of events, the kittens can clatter out of the way. And I don't care, as long as all their little paws and limbs are safe. I don't care about my things as much as I care about them. They are high priority in the home.
My big cats are now recently engaged in teaching. I called them into the task. CatMom can't teach everything to be known by little cats without their help. My big cats are being very excellent childcare aids, teaching all that is to be known by kittens.
Kittens are meant to be in community.
One of the things I am aware of today is that we take for granted a lot of stuff in our home. A kitten does not take it for granted. The kittens have awakened in me that mothering nature which insists on the home environment be clean, so no dirty paws happen. I have a sealed garbage or so. And that is an excellent idea for pet parents. Things I did not clean before, I clean. I don't want their paws in dust or dirt. If I play with those little paws, and pat my cheek with them, I would like those little kittens to be sparkling clean.
Clean is a part of my every day today, because of these little arrivals to our scene. They go places we did not. And I wonder, as they grow, if they will cease to go those places. Their size permits them great access. I am very glad for the arrival. If you perceive joy in the creation of words here, it would be the iteration of cat paws upon my tile.
CatDad cooks. When he was making bread, his kitten put his paw in the bowl. We are doing the whole lampstand teaching thing to show our cats how we make bread, so that eventually, the breadmaking is not the fun toy. If we gave him a bowl of flour, he would powder the kitchen.
The kittens learned the word "Wait." If we eat popcorn, and tell them wait, they wait. They go play, and they may go to the far end of the house. When we are done, we call them. They come. And we set butter on our finger for them to lick. And they have six licks, and they are happy, and they take off to play. Here is the wonder of the word "wait". We think our kittens had already learned the word "wait", before coming to our home. They have a pretty good grasp of it. And though I say we used the word "wait" with them, it takes a few times between pet parent and kitten using the word, for it to be effective. Gladly for this home, they know the word "wait". It facilitates many events to be calm and coordinated.
Based on a kitten's perspective, Haagen-Daaz icecream is better melted than frozen. Ice cream manufacturer, that is my baby kitten's opinion on your product. We have these really cute little glass bowls, in which we served them a teaspoon or so of your icecream. It was maybe a tablespoon. They first tried it, and they were not impressed with cold. And they left it, and came back, and it was discovered and appreciated with great enthusiasm the second pass by. If a pet parent is introducing ice cream to their new kitten, what brand do they get? You have to think about it. What generates the best event? I know.
My older kitten Lucius likes Lattés. And so, he share the end bits of Lattés with me. And so, his icecream flavor is coffee. He's having some. And that is a second story, I could code or not.
I have thought about what I would like to code out of my narrative.
I have some things.
First, I want to acknowledge God is good. The code kittens is set upon a praise and worship psalm God is good. His mercies are new every morning.
When my kittens do what they do, in their babyness, they are a witness to the goodness of God.
Because I love the Lord as Bridegroom, I will share with you my next stop.
There's more.
My bridegroom hid kittens in the Song of Songs for me.
As a point of note, I never searched a pink word. See pink letters? Wow. What's that. A secret secret message. It is the secret of the secret message.
Out of interest, because I chase misfingerings because of his voice, I will see if I can see any remnant of that word in previous search history. What was in there last?
And I will get the word.
mr or מך
The word is radar.
And out of the dico, this word is very nearly pregnant. I am not quite on the right word. I need that second letter.
Before I start a new search, I push a button to clear all the previous words. I did.
And there is this word.
Now, I don't do that all the time, but I did do it this time.
However, his awesomeness does not end there.
This is a title.
Right? Mister. Monsieur. Other versions. I would like to hear this in Hebrew. I can guess.
For the right application to scripture, the word we see here also means the Bride has had here mara times, but is in right step to come near the Bridegroom for the celebration times.
Does that mean he finished their castle? God has a big castle in heaven, intended for his bride to live. It is not exactly small. There is a large pavillion, larger than any earth pharaoh can ever have for lack of earthly space. In the social courtier room, there is room for the meeting of nations.
For the antichrist wannabee, the walks in the gardens of this place, are a plethion above any walkway you will ever walk in holy spaces again. Nor will any see you upon such walks of gems in the hidden spaces of God the Father again. Nope. My walk. I see my walkway. Never again will you walk such adorned spaces. Though you cement out some earthly walkway for your coordinate, you get cement. And if you adorn, by the power of the Spirit, now, I call the cement to wear sad gray. No color for you. Try to adorn it. Two weeks. In two weeks, the adornment layer will be gone. And so it goes, for your 7 years. And be adjured, the walkways in the Kingdom still have the 8 foot diamonds you used to see. And none of your armaments will get you back to where my walkway is. There's no more large gemstones for you. Every fake feather you wear will turn gray. Suppose by some accident you happen upon the combination code to return to heaven through a wormhole. Suppose. I will change the combination code upon your event. And I will redirect you right back to jail. Check it out. Send all your armies right back to jail.
Sew. I am having visions throught the bible code to heaven right now. And my voice is speaking for heaven now.
I am turning back to the glory. These are my decree. For all hell in war with heaven, see my seal.
There's a word in there I did not search. Nor did I code it. It showed up.
That is the female version of Melech.
Queen. מלה
The Word.
The decree is for the eternal realm audience, though this will be fulfilled here on Earth.
Later, I will add my seal.
I had a couple more code to go.
As to error correcting, there is a t to take off thought to become though. And the spellcheck is no longer in the tool. I may need a day to read this with fresh eyes.
Zion praises Jehovah. Lavish praises.
Here's Revelation 12.
Zion praises God and he saves her out of the river thrown at her.
No river for me, thanks. Take it back. My harp is out, and the sound I sing is sending your armies back to where you came from.
As in the day you brought forth the Son of Man out of hell, at the end of his payment of three days, Lord God almighty, tread down the enemy.
Come, show off, and be mighty in all your ways. Cast for your arrow. Send out many lightnings in 7 directions with each of your steps, and cause the Earth foundations to shudder in their placement, till all the Sheol derived gods fall down, like Humpty Dumpty falling off the wall, and see if they can put themselves together again.
Sew, do it. Bring a great thundering and shaking to the Earth, and to also the eternal realms between here and heaven, and in all hell, to the 18 levels down, and shake it up. Lord God, move. Move mightily, and cause your name to be reknowned to the lowest level of hell where the antichrist spent his version of childhood. Shake that place, and cause the cradle cauldron to break and tip over, and fall down. Great grieving to hell.
Here's a proverb for my kitten.
Who hears a proverb utterance iterated from the heavenly throne.
Kitten, hear my word.
Let my word transform the nations toward renewal. Spring is here. Bring down renewal.
Hey, I can't help it. There's a guy calling himself the Messiah.
Yeah, and he is in the middle of Coronavirus.
Well, who among all his disciples was healed. Can you count even 1?
Come on, and tell us all. Did the faker even heal 1?
Who among all the worshippers was healed... Come on and tell the world.
Please tell us your record. I am interested. In those places where people trust in the faker, do note that the virus will spread as wildfire. I am watching. I am watching a wildfire.
Nations must consider their routes to prevent the spread of wildfire to their nation. That is a 2 week warning. In 2 weeks, it will be too late.
In the end times, the antichrist will be able to heal. Here is the limit upon his power. Again, I make this a decree for the Son of Man. Because the antichrist is antichrist, permit me to describe the limit of his power. It will be 1 for 1. 1 item will be healed as 1 item is caused. There will be an exchange. There will no true healing power in the antichrist. I decree this in Jesus' name, Amen. However, note, that there will appear to be a healing to the one who watches. As to the faker who is current, I don't know what will be revealed. Will a faker heal 1? What will be reported...
Coronavirus is in the bible code. For those who have, look for it. It is there. The bible code is a significant tool for governments.
I am turning to icecream.
Being a language lover, I know the brand means something.
Haagen is in there.
Haagen Dazs in Proverbs under the kitten code starter. Kittens love Haagen Dazs Haagen Dazs.
And what showed here was Kitten Haagen Dazs.
Hedges. Hedges need to maintained around my kittens.
Here is Ruth. Kitten love Haagen. Kittens love hedges. It is good for them. They need their property.
Now, the code.
There is in here a chronicle of my kitten's boundaries.
Let all roads to Jerusalem be paved in rejoicing as Yeshua, the Son of David, comes back to receive his kingdom upon the Earth.
Let the pinnacle of measure be moved from the church in Paris to the settling of the throne in Jerusalem. That will be done when he comes. It's not that he won't visit the church in Paris. He will. Jesus fulfills the hopes of his people. He will visit that place.
Let mourning be gone. And let morning come. Let the Daybreak and Morningstar arise. Comfort your people, Lord. Lord God, there's a gate with your name on it. Well, I hope you use it soon.
Until the Son of David, Son of Man, Son of God walk through that gate, it is sealed by an angel of heaven, that none use it till he does. A mighty angel seals the fate of the gate. There is none among the sons of men who may change the decree of heaven.
When the prince of the peoples walks through the gate, we will rejoice.
I have been seeking the meaning of dazs. The closest association I have found is glory.
God speaks through his word.
As God Jehovah speaks through dream and vision, he speaks here. For the one attuned to his voice, he will hear as if the voice is shaking the Forests of Kedar.
Cedars shake. As a sign today Jehovah is speaking here, cedars shake. In Jesus' name, Amen.
I think that is around Lebanon. I would have to check. For the sake of demonstration of God's glory, you are getting a specific place.
12:57 pm. PST. 3/4/2020. And in Jesus' name, Amen.
You never know when centuries pass if forests are cities and if cities are forests. That locale God referred to in the chronicles of kings, that place is where I speak to. Today, there may be a city there. I don't know. The translator for God does not know. He knows.
And as a celebration, I call forth the largest rain in history for a single day to emerge tomorrow, with the exception of the day the floods lifted Noah's ark. Only 1 day of rain. A record.
It will be reported in the news that a new record is set for a nation. Same thing. Tomorrow. In Jesus' name, Amen. Who likes records? Who likes Chronicles? Who likes chronicles of kittens? Who likes the chronicles of men?
Who likes the chronicles of kings....
Nation's Noahs, what will you do with all the rain.... Gather it in your skirts and water your garden. Perhaps use it to put out your wildfire.
For the one who knows how to pray and who to pray to, you may adapt your ends by addressing your King Forever.
Not all ends will be the same. With the rain will come many signs of Jehovah's manifest power identified only to those who can see. Check your measures. Make sure they work.
I feel a closure. Secure the hedge. And that is where I stop.
Because I love God's glory, I look forward to his manifest power. And for the one who fears his name and his voice, you will see his glory. And those who don't will still see it, but may not fully understand it. Here is the closure.
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