The PPP Bookstore

Friday, December 19, 2014

Lulu Appreciated CatMom's Drama

A couple days ago, CatMom was writing, and Lulu was being a frustrated kitten, doing lots of bad things, the kinds of things which typically get him a time-out. He knows. He just goes till he gets his time-out.

CatMom and Lulu are like a see-saw in the house. They live in certain swoops of movement. CatMom might be in chase Lulu time, and mid-stream, CatMom realizes she wants to do something different, and she tells Lulu, "You chase CatMom instead. Follow me."

It is that sort of life. Anyways, CatMom decided to do something different. When she went to meet her little cat front door cozy, who sits there after he knows he's been bad to show off CatMom's absolute favorite part of all he is, his belly, CatMom knew she ought to put him down the stairs, and shut the door, and tell him he had a two minute wait. That's his time-out.

CatMom looked at him, and she decided to play. She bent down to Lulu, and she picked up Lulu (a Lulu, but a representation of Lulu), and CatMom held him, talked to him, told him about the things he was doing which were not helpful, told him he needed a time-out, carried him to the basement, put him down the stairs, and shut the door.

Lulu watched CatMom act, with a Lulu that had to get a time-out.

He was probably saying, "Has my CatMom gone silly here? I am here. How is it she thinks she has the bad Lulu in her hands?"

Anyway, CatMom talked through the door to the bad Lulu, and said, "Lulu, when you come up, you have to be a good catboy."

She walked halfway back in the hall, and she looked at her boy Lulu, laying as the cat cozy along the front door entry. He looked at her, at the door, and assessed.

CatMom walked to the office to begin her writing. In process, Lulu joined her, and he came and sat with her, and he was an angel catboy. He completely quit all his bad behavior, and he became CatMom's companion instead.

We left the Lulu with the bad behavior downstairs, and the Lulu CatMom loved joined her.

My Lulu is very smart. He can process many complicated things. He appreciated that he did not have to get the punishment for that bad Cat Lulu, and that instead, he received grace, and kisses and his throne, in front of CatMom's computer screen. 

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