The PPP Bookstore

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Catch a Mom

Lately, Lulu is playing catch a mom by her hair. He is fascinated with putting his paws on my head.

We all find things we do in a series of incidents.

CatDad watched. He saw this process. Now, I like petting my cat's head. Him petting my head does not work as well.

He gets one paw in there. I move forwad. His claw tightens. His second paw shows up. I move again. Both tighten. CatMom is in the Lulu hold.

If you back up, where the claw is not as tight, you can get out.

Okay, so this is a thing he's into. He will tire of it. If one had short hair, a cat could comb your hair. The only difficulty is the scalp massage done with claws. If the claws were clipped, it might be enjoyable. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

CatMom I'll Take That Seat

Recently here, my cat has been sitting on the top of my chair. He thinks it is cool. He can balance, and stay there for 20 minutes, and it is very cat like, requires balance, and he can stay or relinquish his spot when he tires of balancing above my head.

One day, his dry catfood was low. And Lulu was on the back of my chair. And he does little things those days, to be a pain, so I chase him, and he can lead me to his obvious problem, the empty dry food bowl. And then, I fill it.

One of those days, he was sitting behind me on the top of the chair. This chair is the one I use while I write or create art here. That day, Lulu put out his paw. He puts out paws and claws, and he grabs my head and hair. He used my head to set his paw on, but it was more almost a hold. He did it about four times, and I removed him from the spot. On that fourth time, we did a little roundabout, as I tried to figure out what he wanted. He gets like that when there is a need. It's like a baby crying. He does not have a voice, so he does things. He says, "Hey, CatMom, figure me out."

I went in the kitchen, and I saw his catbowl. I filled it. Then, no big surprise, there was no more kitten sitting behind my head playing catch a mom by her hair.

Since then, he decided he really likes CatMom's chair seat. As soon as I get up, he has taken my seat. Now, depending on how things are going in the house, I let him have the seat. He's taken to it. If he wants to rest there, he can. And sometimes, we share. I let him sit behind me, and I sit forward. If I plan to sit a long time, I just pull him forward onto the desk. That is where he is now. And he is back to sleep. Yes, I took the seat. He does not mind.

Friday, April 14, 2017

The 1,000 Cat Zoo

This is an Adam Initiative. This meets God's call to care for his creatures.

There is reward to this venture. Why? Well, in man's terms, cats can't pay you back.

In heaven's terms, watch the windfall in eternity for doing this. Windfall.

Why? Why are we here? We are here to care for Earth and nurture God's creatures.

This works. God works. God works in people, to accomplish the great and beautiful.

This does not just apply to cats. Do you have dogs around you? What are you doing for God's creatures? Do you have whales? They are good pets. What can you do for them?

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Greece Trip Memory

What do you do on vacation?

In a Greece town, in a smaller town, I was out and about. A man was parked in a truck, and he was positioned to go again. A cat was sleeping under his tire.

I went to the cat, on the sidewalk, and I called the cat out from under the tire. He came. And he was saved. I save cats on my trips.

Besides that, around town, a local dog walked me around. And yes, there were cats and dogs. At one point, I had a cat and a dog following me. We walked around town.

This means cats and dogs who speak Greek somehow understand Donna talk. Those animals are smart. It's hard enough for people to figure out English vs. Greek talk. And then, we have their animals. Well, somehow, they figured me out. 

Door Latches and Window Catches

There's a kind of door handle, and it is fancy. It has a horizontal arm, which you turn. Lulu knows how to use it. I put him in the office with me, sometimes, and I close the door. My kitten, who has been in a room forgotten at least once before, by accident, has examined door knobs.

He can stand up and try to open the door. It's pretty cool. One day, he will succeed.

Today, because Lulu wanted to watch the big snow clumps come down, and he had tried the deck, but did not like getting wet, he reached up to open the window catch. He knows when you open the window catch, it lifts (usually I lift it). He stands up, reaches his paw, and he tries to move the lock. CatDad saw, so I opened the window. It is chilly, but it is also what he wants.

We opened the window, and he's been there at least an hour. And he is happy looking out at the snow falling, without being too cold. Instead, he's on a nice cushion, curled up, and he's not cold.

My cat understands door latches and window catches. How about yours?

In portions of Lulu's time on the deck, not all the time, the door is left tucked. It's not open, nor closed. And he opens it on his own. By then, I know he's done his outdoor time. I go shut the door. How I know to shut the door, is he comes and lays down in front of me. And I start his and my music, because together we listen to music. I keep music at lullabye level, so he can sleep. It's not too loud. I try to let my cat do things. The more freedom he has, the more he takes care of me. That said, you also heard sometimes, I may keep him in a room with me. I can't recall all the reasons for that. Sometimes, CatMom needs an advantage in a chase. He's too quick! Give him two minutes, and he comes and stays with me. And he forgets about our chase, and I open the door.

In my life, my cats chase me, and I chase my cats. And that's our fitness plan. In our room, say I shut the door, I have these cat hide-outs. When my cat goes in one, my chase is off, till he comes out. Instead, we play we don't see him. There's his whisker. There's his paw. Maybe, there's his tail. Do you see him? Do you? He's pretty hidden. He could pounce any time. He might reach out and grab our toe. So, be aware walking around corners in CatMom's room, because you never know what is next.

CatDad makes cat tents for his cat. Lulu can make them on his own. He does the same concept as he was shown. I am so proud of my smart cat. CatDad enables his cat to manage his own happiness.

My cats understand our general conversation. If I tell my cats I have plans to feed them in the kitchen, they follow me to the kitchen, and jump on the table. That's both my cats. And then, they wait while I prepare their food there.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Our Skunk Is Here

I wonder if we will see skunk kittens this year. I hope so.

Don't you want to see some skunk kittens?

I hear the skunk is under our deck. 

Petra Cat Photo Story

Here is the scene. Find the donkey, to orient the cat. In the landscape photo, you see several donkeys.

This is the first of a set of distance shots of a cat at Petra.

You must click on the photo. And I am not sure if I am taking this all the way today, or not.

Anyway, what is going on is I have a distance lens. When I focus at a distance, I do okay, but with a moving target, with me constantly moving, sometimes, I get the cat, and sometimes, I don't. I just kept following the cat and shooting.

So, here, we see a donkey and a cat.

The trend of the photo is this cat (which was with the donkey) goes hunting, like my Lulu hunts around our home. He climbs a mountain, up to some trees, where he can hunt something. And when he gets there, he finds things. I don't know what he was after, but I could see him hunting.

There's a dozen photos or so, with some of them showing the action. And I follow him, so can you tell we are in Petra? Well, the stones are our indicator. And I could see a cat in the distance, which is kind of cool. This is not close to me.

There's a wired off wall, like a retaining wall, and the cat jumps that, and goes to a kind of raveen going upward, and he hunts under and around the bushes. He did vertical jumps upward of about 5 feet.  And then, he was up on new pathways.

After this, you see him head to the raveen. I was hunting for his bush, but I did not capture him attacking a mouse. He appeared to have some prey though.

He's cute. So, that's what I do on trips. I watch cats. I am not sure how long I invested here. What we are watching is that cats patrol. They have specific sites they go to, and they check that all is under control for them. They manage their territory.

Now, go back to the first picture. Can you see the cat in the first picture? With my eye, I caught the cat moving in the first picture. I saw life moving, and I came closer with the zoom. And there's my cat subject. It's amazing. They are so cute.

If my reader were in the set looking at the first image, with the naked eye, it is possible you would see movement as well. In this photo, it's hard to pick out a cat anywhere.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Google's Little Cat

Today, use the Google Search Engine for a few minutes at least, so you can find the Google Cat.


They have cute cat art, and they made my heart glad.