The PPP Bookstore

Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Say you say you are my ami. Does your position as my ami means you are skilled and truthful to me?

And when I double the m, because I've engaged your narrative and tongue, does that mean I am your people? And you are my people?

When I add on the angelic, and give you my name upon Gabriel, does that make you a people of God?

Is there a hud upon the ami or the ammi? Will I find the nadab in your belly? And if I sift you for what you trust in, will I find any nuggets of Shaddai?

In the Earth, for my ami/ammi, will I find your zabad more than your nadab?

I search for the friend who understands these things.

Cara anam.

Can my cara anam translate my heart to their tongue?

The one who does will find my אנן


Who can find my butterfly?

What varies here is the expanse of the code.

As the code intermittance expands, you get farther toward needing a heavenly view.

Start by counting the light.

In the thick clouds of darkness up in the night sky, can you perceive the abs of the abs of the Father?

I am thinking of coffee.

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