The PPP Bookstore

Thursday, July 4, 2019

The Larder

Of my bird flocks, a few are crows and magpies. I fed these two groups. I gave them a feast. I do some recycling differently. I appreciate the bird droppings, for the sake of fertilizer. They fertilize my place, around trees, and in the garden. I don't know what I save on fertilizer. I just know we have a mutual deal. They leave fertilizer in place of receiving food.

Birds have larders. They filled their larder with my food. And then, they did not come as quickly or as riotously, asking for their breakfast. They would wait till I had shut up for the day, or turned my attention elsewhere, and then, they would empty the plate. I am happy that I filled up their larder.

The bird world around my house is writing and singing songs and poetry, because they have time. They are doing Olympic acts of flight, because they don't have to hunt very much for a time. And they don't have to stress being parents, because they have the larder full.

I am witnessing rest. I almost feel like putting bird toys on the vine shelter. I almost feel like putting out a mirror, so I can watch them play. They play. They play in my yard.

The larder is full.

When I work the garden, they come near. Three came near. They came and listened to what I had to say. There's the maiden who feeds us. Hmm. What does she sound like? Does she make a pretty birdsong? How does she coo? She has the colors of an eagle, and the sound of a dove. What is the color of her eye? Does she have stripes above her eyes, like we do? Has she got a rainbow effervescence like we do?

And then, they coo, like I am part of their family. The birds talk to me, like I belong to their family. It's not the full caw. It's like a rumbling hum, almost a purr. It resembles a cat purr, or the low level meow a cat makes when his need is not predominant. He's there for love. He's there for company. He's there for a safe haven.

Have you heard the family speech of birds? Have you heard the mother talk to the child? Have you heard the child talk to the mom? Have you seen the immature bird chase their mom? Have you seen the mom teach the bird what to eat?

God must intervene in my garden again this year. My garden is for his creation. I stand by that. And sometimes, it is hard. But he knows. He knows all of it. Currently, it does not look a very successful garden, because all the big birds taught even the little birds how to eat, and they ate my stuff.

Every year, I ask God to bless the harvest, so his creation has enough, including me.

So, God has work to do.

I plant. He grows. He creates abundance. I don't. I am his little planter down here, who prays for seeds, and watches them grow. I watch them be eaten by God's baby birds. Whole flocks of babies get raised here. And they eat the garden to a sparse green. And you might think that is the worst garden ever, except you can see the order. There is beauty in order. And God will provide another growth point. He will make a new surge, and the garden will fill up.

I say that because I read the Psalms.

God loves gardens. And just as much as me, he will make those little tendrils grow.

And the season of many many baby birds has ended--I think. If he brings more, whatever.

I love God. He loves me. He loves us. He loves his creation. Because he loves creation, he works to set things in order. And he blesses the work we do, because we adore him. Adoration is over my garden. And how you know is because it grows.

My neighbor has bird food planted in their garden. I found some tucked into my wall. There's bread in my walls.

Had you a larder, would you share it with creation? How would you do that? How would you adapt your routine, so creation about you is satisfied?


Set 1.

Here's my larder.

My larder is not my physical larder, but my larder is Jehovah, and he provides to me all I need for myself and creation.

And he makes my home a happy place.

For this reason, I see my name in this scripture. I can afford to be abundant to creation, because Jehovah is abundant. If I give out everything I have, Jehovah will make more.

I am also trying to think of ways to be efficient in housecleaning, by being aware of what is creation edible. I watched loads of nature shows, and I have a good idea. If I have something which I can offer my ants, why not.

I feel intermingled to Jehovah.

So, I can look for my name inscribed in this scripture, or I can look for Jehovah. 

Which would matter more? 

I like both.

Both matter, because both are one.

Here is play.

Who knows what is in a man god's larder better than his wifie?

A guess in Hebrew is Aishonat.

Each language has its own sweetness codes. See the ending.

2 in 10,000.

Without God's help, or rearrangement, and witted rearrangement, I would not get very far with that.

The processor froze. This is a re-entry.

I am starting again.

In this code, I have listed Yeshua Jehovah as my husband. He is not just my husband. He is not the 2 dollar eye wannabe. He is that kind of husband who is abundant to his wife.

The two dollar eye hopeful is not that kind of husband a woman ought have. When parents or relatives see the two dollar eye, you ought raise a voice of objection at the wedding.

There ought be a voice of objection based on cheapness.

If a man can't pull bread out of his walls for his wife, he ought not be wed.

With everything the same, more or less, this code output has only 1 wifie.

Anyway, I am still hunting. I favor the scripture match to the code, as well as the code.

It's been rearranged again, based on a processor stopping.

I will add the symbols again at the end. Basically, I pulled wifie second place, and still got 1.

Then, after, I have my  name.

It is larder wifie donna jehovah jesus husbando

I am pretty sure in my dico, somewhere I did husbando.

Anyway, it means husband. It means great husband.

Sometimes, the loading system of pulling graphics fails. Hang on.

For this code search, Code 1 of the find has all the colors in it, despite the code record saying that wifie is not there.

The spread is large, so I had to go left and right. What I know is that the 1 wifie has a pink letter in this search set.

And since that is 1 in 10,000, that is pretty awesome.

Code 1 records it has everything I sought, except wifie.

You are looking at the t of aishonat.

The reason you don't have your vertical red stripe for larder is because I moved the cursor right.

Something to know about this search is the aish is contained in aishonat. That complicates the search.

In truth, Aishonat is contained in Aish.


I gave you the vertical red stripe.

Based on the definition set, it almost looks as if this set of words works like don and dona.

That would be a touch disappointing.

Oh well.

I am providing you the spread of words in this code. There's more.

Meaningful places.

This code can go all around.

Wifie is a single. That is 1 code. Besides that, the base code set is spread throughout the books.

This is a fundamental truth of the bible.

Abundant, not a 2 dollar eye, husband.

He is a many towers of gems husband.

He's a muy rico husband. Rico is a state of mind. It means he is generous with what he has.

He gave what he has away, because he has a Father who he knows replenishes wells. His father replenishes life.

I am playing. I found a mystery c.

Sometimes, I find an anomaly, and I hunt to figure out what is happening. As a Scientist, I try to get the behaviour to repeat. I want to find the c a second time. In my second round, I did not find it.

I try to recall how I got it, to look for it again. It was not purple. It was pink.


I have a pretty code set. It's really pretty. There's pictures in there, in code form.

I will show you one. Look at this picture. The shin of Yeshua is the shin of Aish.

There's a cat who needs a cuddle, so I am breaking.

I did not bother showing you aishonat, because the record says it is not there.

I'm not done with this code.

I will be back to play later.

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