The PPP Bookstore

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Art Not Science

I like the song Sucker.

I pulled code.

Where are Hebrew speakers?

Here are the theme words of the song.

I am a sucker for Jesus, in the sense of the head over heels love which the character in this love song has for her Love interest.

I am a sucker for all the subliminal things which pertain to Jesus.

I am a sucker.

Look at the equivalent words for sucker. And then, besides that, notice the participation of 72 in the code imprint.

Next set of words.

Who would stumble over cars for Jesus?

Dropping into that level of meditation I apply to God's word, the sucker is the Green Shoot.;TPT

Here, I transmit the fire of Jehovah.

In Messiah's word, I am a sucker for you. I am a green shoot for you.

What 72 things have you for me to do.... And what does that look like?

God reveals himself in art.

He gave me a word. In Italian. I did not know what he meant by the word. I googled the word.

I got New Humanism.


You get what I don't know, but searched based upon God's voice. I eventually, once I got it, moved it to English. And I searched that with "green shoot".

If one knows God speaks other languages to them, wow, it is helpful to have Google tools to figure it out.

Timing. Not 50 years out. Now. I have difficulty seeing forward 50 years in this. You know what I mean. The signs are here.

Someone out there is no longer willing to be a sucker for Jesus. Who is that.

Current moves you see in the news right now are part of this initiative.

This is a marketing move. This is a social marketing move.

You have seen this before.

I had not realized this happened earlier or that it is happening already.

On behalf of this news, in response, I roll an 8. (In my spirit, I see a dice roll to an 8. Your amazing news merits you an 8.)

Lord, bring the 8 to where it needs it.

Tummy tremble.


However, you have sealed a youth unto yourself. You have heavenly measures. Do what you do.

No time/date was added. It will come in its time. Celebrate your 8.

There's sew many pretty colors to embroider.

I purposely used the Masculine 8 to mark that this is Jehovah's rule.

This is an if/then decree. If Jehovah's rep is not defiled and defamed, the decree does not apply. If it is, it applies. There is no need to apply something to an unnecessary circumstance. If it is needed, then, the decree is useful. 

Monday, November 25, 2019

Marble Gray Tabby

Marble Gray Tabby Cat Lulu
Marble Gray Tabby Lulu
Marble Gray Tabby Cat Lulu Mat
Marble Gray Tabby Lulu Mat

How about a better shot.

If you had to pick, which pattern would be Lulu?

So much about spiritual wisdom includes knowing how to identify the gold of Ophir. I pick Prince of Peace. And there are others, based on their intel pick a lowercase g god.

See the gold nugget. Can you pick it out? Can you tell the difference between real gold and fake gold?

Today, I am repairing an item from my Grandmother's wedding. It's part done. I hope I can see the value in what is before me. There are steps to go through to a complete restoration. There's stained beads. There's thread. There's a needle. There's ancient connectors. And there's tools. There's a wedding. Someone needs their wedding ornaments. If someone has their wedding ornaments, they ought be able to pick out the gold of ophir.

I see more.

The King of Israel.
The Seed.

The way the tool works these days, you get a bit, then a bit more. If you are interested in seeing more words, you activate a selection. Anyway. I am surprised Ophir came up.


J 440
E 396  Yeshua.
S 66
H 72; 73.

I do the number before and after as revelation.
I always expect the utterance before and after as important.
71 72 73

In Hebrew, Lulu the Marble Gray Tabby = Messiah Ben David at the gate.
That means Messiah Son of David at the Gate.


He is coming upon the clouds of Heaven to bring us to the New Jerusalem.

Our Love, our Saviour and our Friend.

I like music. Sew, you are getting a song I like.

Enjoy the song. If you've not considered the song, you will enjoy it.

On my work of this morning, because of ancient connectors, technology of before, I almost pulled apart something intended to work. I had to sit and meditate upon the piece, before I had revelation.

Revelation does not just work with bible code. It works with looking at things which need to work, engineering and technology. I threw out worn pieces. I am bringing the new to the old. I will be using a sewing needle to thread back together that work of before. And there are some unusual things. I may call a consult from my husband. He has that mind which makes things be created and work. He will have insights.

It's a good thing letters don't become worn metal. Or do they? In the Earth, do any letters rust?

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Regarding Prince Andrew

I would advise those dropping Prince Andrew to get a photo check to see if the photo has been adapted.

Do you know what to look for in the faking of a photo?

And it does matter that one know the circumstance around a person getting a photo with someone. What does that mean?

Does it mean, "Can I have a photo for my media accounts?"

I feel there is more involved.

I speak as a photo editor professional.

This event decries against the wisdom of doing selfies with adorateurs.

Should leaders take selfies with adorateurs?

And being Prince, how many adorateurs does he have?

And how many thousands upon thousands of pictures are there out there, and how many will get turned up in a royal hack?

If this creates a precidence, all those who did selfies with their followers will be waiting for the next legal gig.

Unfortunately, I would advice the royal family to reduce these photo ops with the public. We are in that age of the legal gig being a money payout, and a social disgracer, rather than being one which permits favor transacted between royalty and the social public.

Does being with a group improve the photo op? I don't know.

This overall recommendation also applies to nation leaders, and those occupying social position of interest.

Family historians who are missing a family member in their image opportunity merge photos. You take an image of similar size, clip a head, and copy paste the image into place. Has that happened?

The realism is you get an image of the person at that approximate age, and clip it in. Because we see it, we assume truth. Is it truth? And who is paying x person to do the deed?

What political aims are present? To see a royal loss, who wins?

Royals need to note the goings on around the world, because the legal hack is making unfortunate gains, and the media are participants. Is there a media outlet royals can trust? I kind of wonder.

Lord, I call out into being a media outlet in the UK which Royals can trust. I call this in, such that there is one who is for truth. If there is a spread of the dishonest, bring forth your brand over a media chain, and stand in the UK, Lord. Send an angel to bring forward media truth in the UK.

Lord, if Prince Andrew is to be cleared of allegations, by you, do this by a month prior to his family wedding. And if he is guilty of something, let him come clean before you, Lord, and repent, and be transformed. And bring him in alignment with Kingdom. ⛳🤵📛📿

I would examine the photo paper. Examine the print marks on the back. Examine the inks. What was the image printed on? What ink was used?

I think the integrity of the image must be dealt with first. However, as to the larger matter of human trafficking, Prince Andrew, if you can help hit that down, I would greatly appreciate it.

Hit it down. Help end it.

Human trafficking is a horror to humanity. Prince Andrew, use the man you are to shake the foundations of human trafficking.

I assume the photo is already held as evidence today. If it is, old pictures have dust. If there is no dust, you might ask why. Most old pictures have imperfections in the top layer. There's small imperfections like dust. If you don't see any, ask why.

Where was it stored? Who found it? Who accessed it? Was the picture taken with intent for future extortion? 

Were You

Were you a bird parent, would you:

Get your bird to exercise by flying around the room?
Convert your basement to a bird paradise for many birds like a zoo?
Create an ecosystem in a cage, so your bird could do the same sorts of things a bird does outside?
Get different size branches for the cage so the feet get exercise on different size roosts?


Where do you get a branch which looks like a real live branch?
Why do indoor bird branches get all the bark stripped?
Why do indoor bird branches have no leaf for the bird to hide beneath?
Why do indoor bird branches hold no fruit, so the bird can forage?
Would you be a branch and a roost, so your bird could some sit upon your head, shoulder, arm, hand, and coo to you?
What is optimal space for a bird's life?
What biologist studied these things, such that little bird gets a full life experience?

This week, a bird landed upon my head as a landing space. I believe that is because there is a lack of branches of suitable quality, that my head looked better than whatever else was about.

Birds do need branches. It is a truth. They need branches, not trimmed ones, to sand their claws and beak. And it would not hurt for it to be of whatever size permits their little souls to rest on a decent size foundation, relaxing to their feet.

Birds. Branches. Roosts.

As to the mysteries of birds, did you know that birds like to have a secret place? Did you know they like to coo secrets to you, in familiar bird speech, not full song, or full trump, but in a soft cooing which says, "I have secrets, and would you like to hear? You may not know them, but please do draw near." Were you to consider these coos with great regard, hunting them down with heart first, you would find the coo roll out to mysteries of the age. And they were cooed to you by a little bird. As I drew near the bird, the bird did not cease to coo, but continued with pleasure telling me much of his life stories. Ready. Listen. Coo, coo, coo, coo.

Bird/bird parent clubs would be excellent additions to cities. Who cares for birds? Do such clubs evoke negative meanings toward some birds, based upon positive focus on a bird? Creating hate for some birds to make another special means what exactly. If one cares for a bird type, does that mean you write off the less special birds? Or are all birds special? Are there lies created about inter-bird species? Do bird club members sift birds like shillings?

My heart is quite sad when I see natural roosts for birds taken away, set up to harm my little birds.

What harm is it to you if my birds occupy your rooftop? What exact business have you there? Who washes them down with rain and snow? Do you? Do you? To have a beautiful face to the world, with a higher destruction modelled above, leaves a place sterile, even it the attempt at beauty. What option did you create for my bird? Did you maim my bird?

Did you create a branch for my bird? Who is aware of my bird? What did you plan to make a space for my bird? Birds eat mosquitoes. If you have swarms of mosquitoes etc. harming you, you might pay attention to those you ignored.

Some communities these days sell the vision of the neighbourhood based upon valuing birds. You get there, it gets set up, and at the local store, they set infringements against the economy of birds. You buy for the mature trees, and parks. And you see bird deselectives set up all over. There is irony in community setup.

Thoughts of the Day

Scientists, nations, and audiences: I call a sun burst to the date of close of the display of the Molech idol in Rome. And the sign to you is that Jehovah is God, not Molech.

The date of close might change, but Jehovah knows when someone moves the idol.

When it is removed, if it is removed, I call the sun burst. If it is moved into the coliseum, same thing.

Now, what I recall is that it decorates the entry to the coliseum.

And the intended message is that the god is a door/port. Gatekeeper.

Who holds the keys of life? The One who holds the keys of life will send you a sun burst as a sign. The thing moves, the sun bursts. Hide it. Make it obscure. Someone Higher than you has the reigns of the sun. This sign to the nations tells all nation leaders Jehovah is King, Supreme over all the gods of men and other gods, the known and unknown, or yet to be known. Jehovah is Lord of Lords and God of all gods.

All knees will bow to Jehovah as Lord of lords, and God of gods, God Most High.

So, as to which direction you send the blow by, that's up to you. I trust your plan.


You know the agreed end date. Were it kept, or modified, you have access to sun stats. Watch. And if you are spared, be thankful. As to the rest, the glory of the sun is a testimony to the Son of Man, Yeshua the Messiah as our Saviour. Look to him.

Here is what my little bird is crying:;TPT

In Yeshua's future for humanity, this is his plan:;TPT

There is a plan. Stay with Yeshua.

Based on how we work, Jehovah has something else to say.

This is now. This is his word now.

Of the gods which are being pulled in as a pantheon for you to worship, if someone knows their bible well, they are not going to be fooled. However, quite a number are fakeout retreads or substitutions of Jehovah's revelation among his lineage/servants/covenant partners, as persons, and of his own great traits of Godhood. Yeshua is the Son of Man, a title of his Messiahship. If you see a faker retread version of Son of Man, don't be surprised. By Jesus' resurrection, he gained sons to this Father. In places in the bible, where the Father calls out his servant as "son of man", that servant is a gained son to the Father by Yeshua's atonement and resurrection. This is how we are the Father's sons and daughters.

Among the gods being introduced, you will find Loki (can you recognize the other names). I don't recommend you bow the knee to Loki, because your eternal placement under Jehovah's wings of life is at stake.

I call this word to go out to wherever you need it, Lord God. Take it on angel's wings.


Thank you, Lord God, that you forewarn us, before we have no choices. Thank you for telling us things in advance.

There is a planned evolution to this overall worship. The first step is to dismiss Yeshua as the One we worship. Then, Loki incarnate is going to assume all worship. He will display himself as both genders, as Loki Baal Molech, and as Diana etc. Ashtera(th). Elevation of God's servants to places of worship, with the exception of Yeshua of Nazareth, is idolatry. You do not worship creature, angel, man, servant of God, etc. You worship Jehovah, who revealed himself in the lives of prophets, and through lives of friends of God, who lived/live/will live in covenant with him.

The Loki etc. will dress up. He will allure the nations. The step into the various displays will come after he has demanded worship.

Jehovah is speaking within me here. I know nothing of the things I speak. I know the bible. I know how to pick up revelation from Jehovah. I get it. I leak it.

The Update:

Do bird club members sift birds like shillings?

Search Shilling Bible Gateway (There is a message here, and I recognize this the day after or so. Sometimes, my Reader may move into a meditation upon Jehovah and what he speaks to the Reader. This would be one of those points, because the utterance is Jehovah. For your message, you read the scripture references, and come up with his message to you. Custom crafted, like a finely crafted sword.)

This morning's take: Rev. 6:6 stands out to me. A shilling is a day's wage. Based on commentaries, etc., a measure of wheat will be sold for a day's wage. Three measure of barley will be sold for a day's wage. The carbohydrate god, if it can, may fulfill the needs of those who worship it. So, carbohydrate god, can you? Can you grow anything? And what will you provide your worshipper? Can you fill their tummy? Can you satiate their soul? Despite differential access to goods, in seiges against the city, even the royal house was impacted. The matter at hand affects not only the commoner. The privileged get the same thing handed down by the angel. So, there you go. This is my message drawn from the reading of scripture today.

When the cardinals have eaten of this judgment, do recall you told Jehovah your Heavenly Father, and your Creator, that Pacha is your mama.

Eat from her, then.

Naturally, I do know that the privileged ate better than the poor before. For the privileged, the nephilim, or the demi-god, for all those who eat of what appears to be their plenty, the equalization by the angel includes bread and honey turning into bitter judgment in the belly.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Into Your Hands

Into your hands, I commit my spirit.

Google Hunt "Into your hands, I commit my spirit."

See the duplication of prophecy first, and fulfillment second?

That is how scripture works. Jehovah prophesies via his prophet. Then, he fulfills the word.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

A Big Word

Here's a very big impressive word.


The gematria equal is:

What is truth?

And we need to see that:

Search What is truth?

What I say is a mirror of Jesus.

As to the copycat, touche pas. My voice. My word.

Find your own. I don't mean you can't use the cute word. You don't make the associations, and claim it as your revelation. If you want to quote and cite me, you may. But don't plagiarize.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Idol Worship

Jehovah is a Jealous God.

I heard some news. And I don't know if it is true.

However, if it is true, it merits rumbling. If it is true, my tummy is rumbling.

If it is true that the Vatican City permit idol worship upon its grounds to some other god besides Jehovah, I call my tummy to rumble around Vatican City.

And if it is not true, well, I call Jehovah to pacify the tummy rumbles according to truth.

Jehovah knows. He knows the truth.

So, did you? Did you worship idols of pagan god names on Jehovah's grounds?

Did you?

Vatican City, if this is true, feel my tummy rumble.



Sometimes, the things you hear are true, and sometimes they are not. Jehovah, you know how to finish this. But if it is true, my tummy rumble ought be felt.

I did not put a time. Okay. Let's assign a time. 7:49 pm. 11/13/2019. God, you are the One effecting this work. Whatever time accomodation must be made to correlate this as a sign, do that.

Were this true, someone at the Vatican might need to review their knowledge of Jehovah, their Jealous God.

Search Jehovah Jealous God

If someone in the Vatican did worship idols in house, it is like being a harlot.

Spiritually speaking, it is like the wife setting out, and inviting illegal pleasure to bed.

So, who would do that, knowing all that they know? Who would do something to irk Jehovah?

Scripture even says Jehovah lays waste to his competition. Yaha.

If some house/city does not want a loaf of barley bread falling upon the premises, it would be most wise to repent.

You never know how much damage a loaf of barley bread could cause.

Check it out.


Elisha's Feeding an Army with 20 Loaves

How come I did not remember this? I ought to. This is glorious toward Jehovah.

Release this glory to the nations, that you Jehovah multiply food.

Revelations applies here.

If one hunts down the date of the idolatry performed, I might expect the date to correlate to an earthquake. If I know my Jehovah, I know his ways.

What happened October 4?

And by these articles gathering, yes, I am getting that idea that the news is true.

The 7th.

The link adjusts with time. If the link does not work, look for the 4.4 earthquake on Nov. 7, 2019.

Were this true, evaluate the sign.

It means something for us.

It means a whole lot for us.

I am off here. I might look for what happened Oct 7. Hmm. What happened that day.

On Oct. 4th and 7th, there were quakes in Italy. I just don't get the impression they made a big impact. They did mark the event.

Pope Francis, is Paca your momma?

Jehovah's Word to you is in the left panel.

How much world did your paca create.

We have gold of Ophir.


This is selected for being pretty.

This one is selected for Pope Francis.

In this case, the word Pope is put in using transliteration of English.

However, we have a pretty puzzle.

Here, I have revised a word. Paka/Paqa becomes slightly different.


I split the word.

פח means pacha/pach.

מימה means mama phonetically.

This word spread for this search is: Pope Francis, is Pachamama your mama?

The pach of your pachamama is a snare to my people.

And in that worship of an idol, replacing the grandeur of Jehovah, will you again see plagues....

And how many of those will you experience personally....

His actual name is: Jorge Mario Bergoglio

Adapted Jorge Mario, is Pachamama your mama?

I pulled in Bergoglio.

I got Bergo, and I dropped the phonetics for glio.

For the code, I pulled Jorge Mario Bergo+, is Pachamama your mama?

Bergo is in there only 3 times.

I set a setting to show only keycodes with subcodes. I am waiting. It hung.

I started again. I found 4 Bergoglio codes.

Here's what I have for Bergoglio. I have the utterance less Jorge.

Some colors changed. Your has a different color. However, you should see the message in there.

This is a very close tree code. Consider the left panel. I double checked I have the skip code accurate for the pair.

It applies.

I also went through the set, and looked for Jorge. It's not in the four codes.

So, recall the colors. We see dark and light green, dark and light sapphire, purple, red, and no pink.

Jorge would be in pink. And the artistic expression is very nice in all of these. 

I stop here.

Mount Etna, I call you to rumble as a sign that Jehovah speaks here. 

11/14/2019. 12:07 AM MST. 

Hear my tummy rumble in displeasure at your idol worship.

Yup. Set off a few embers, please.

Jehovah is, was, and will be.

Mount Etna, breathe just a little like my Jehovah does.

I realize you can't do as excellent a job as he. 

Give a huff puff, and blow. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Can Pachamama self revenge, or must you do this for her?

Can she?

Lord God, punish and famish the gods.

Which lands access these gods? Well, do what you do.

For Volcano monitors, I recommend that in addition to those volcanoes you monitor on your land, you also monitor, or get readings of those which could send you waves.

The events of interest happened Oct 4 and 7.

Someone let it be known He was not happy.

Up to now, many earthquakes have merely been shakers. Now, let it be known that small shakers will evoke larger damage. In the keystone piece, related to a property in Italy, something known, a piece will fall from what appeared to be a small shaker. You should not have defiled the sanctuary which is meant for Jehovah. I don't have to seal this. This is revelation, so I am merely repeating Jehovah's voice.

The message with this fulfillment is: Let it be known that Jehovah is not happy with idol worship in his house.

Pachamama is a carbohydrate god.

Take off the mama, it is a tin god.

Take off ma from the name, you have a carbon god.

While nations forget the evils done in worship of these gods, Jehovah has not forgotten. Not one bit.

Jehovah will famish the carbohydrate god.

The Latest

No, it could not be you harmed Jehovah. It must be climate change. Where were the climate change plackards when Noah was preaching it would rain to his populations? Who listened when he called them to repentance?

The degree of heaven response is less, because men rose up stirred by the Holy Spirit.

You have less than you would have received from Jehovah's carrier.

Had they not responded, things would be worse.

Watch the days. As evil rises, so rises the tide. Do you want drumbeats on your church doors?

Update: There have been other idol worship events. On those dates, dates of occurence, look again. Look at the Lord's means of uttering his displeasure in waves, notable sinkings, shakings, and smokings of whatever Italy's local volcanoes are. There are correlations.

Who read Left Behind? The reasons for the selections in Left Behind was based on prophecy. What Pope Francis has said has direct correlations to prophecy. Watch. 

Eyes and Wings

Here you go.

I have a bird in flight here. Can you find that bird?

Math Values

For gematria, there are different math systems, or number value systems.

Every language, every alphabet ought have one.

Regarding Biblewheels, compared to English Gematria, not necessarily Jewish Gematria, but perhaps, there were inconsistencies between what I pulled out of English letters, and Biblewheels.

So, for my student, here. You get your word in Hebrew. You enter it in the Hebrew Gematria tool.

When you do, you get the equal value to Biblewheels.

It was not pleasurable, that my values were off by a titch. This will be a useful insight to those who are studying individual words for their gematria values.

For the most part, to work in Hebrew means to get a Hebrew keyboard installed. If you are into this, get one. You never know when copy paste will fail you. Sometimes, I have fails between interfaces. However, if you have the keyboard installed, it then becomes an easy switch to enter the words you want. You just have to start remembering what you see.

As I did the Hebrew gematria entries, I began to get consistent values between the items entered and Biblewheels.

And, of course, to work on Greek is a new step. I have not yet installed a Greek keyboard. Once I get further into language courses in Greek, I will. And then, the same way, you can begin to get the Greek consistent. In accounting, we are using to having checks and balances work. It's nice to see the values match up, and be able to do independent checks.

Mathematicians, I worked out the matching entry. You ought appreciate my effort.

Strong's Concordance has words, and it seems to me, for some reason, they have been assigned their gematria value. That might be Biblewheels. I have not done testing. But all the Hebrew and Greek in Strong's Concordance needs to have its gematria values added in. For the existing concordances, all those values need to be added in. Maybe they are not in the former versions. Add them.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Brad Pitt

Here's code for Brad Pitt.

Pete and Pitt have the same Hebrew letters.

Pass this on to Brad Pitt.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Training Blanket

I forgot that a long time ago now, I pulled out a training blanket, and that it stayed on my bed for a long time. I forgot I had kept it out, while I CatMom trained my kitten.

And one day, when my kitten Lulu had learned all his agility, and catness, and I had seen his ways become fine and less damaging, I removed the cat training blanket.

I remembered the cat trainer blanket. I no longer have it. I donated it as fabric material to a place which reworks such things. And now, do I have that sort of thing?

Being ordered has a cost. Hmm. So, what do I find? A towel? Might a towel do?



Cat skill.

A teacher/master only trains their cat to that level they also possess.

Remember. For my cat to display incredible catness, I had to possess that knowledge to bring him there.

If my cat seems handsome, sleek, strong, agile, and fast, the life conditions set around him have called him toward this. His winsomeness is a witness to his parents.

I began this with trainer blanket. I adapted the title to training blanket, based on the code I found.

Because I am meditating on a bird right now, for I have a bush of birds outside,
I notice this.


Read the panel. Let the Lord Holy Spirit set his gold of ophir around a passage for you. Let your eye pick out what seems most important. What is he saying right now....

I expanded skip. That gives us more pretty crosswords.

Find the gold of ophir on the left panel.

Because of the birds on my tree, I have art to share later on, perhaps tomorrow.

If you love birds, return.

Jehovah loves his bird creations. Jesus' teaching in the sermon on the mount tell us how the Lord loves his birds.

And for the one who is my long term reader, yes, I have a trainee.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Here's code for Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

Hey hey.

I viewed a bunch of the left right of the code matrice. It was really good.

Here, you don't see light green.

I took a shot of it.

In this matrice, the purple word means red.

There's awesomeness in different codes. The next one is interesting.

When I look for confirmations of God's word, I look visually. For example, Rudolph has horns.

Find the horns in the left panel.

I benefit from a license to use some art. Let's see the image/vision which goes along with the panel. I picked up the resource to illustrate this blog.

And when you consider the picture, do you see more?

There's also an image of the Son of Man coming in a chariot of fire, with his horses. That is not a direct parallel to Santa, his sleigh, and reindeer.

However, this image is seen in the left panels, within the last few posts, and probably also this post, because I recall the repetition. I would have to check. How often is God's chariot of fire mentioned in scripture? And were one to open their vision, has it been mentioned several times? Where is it in scripture?

I am setting my reader up.

Google Search Chariot of Fire

Here's an assignment.

See the scriptures.

This code ought be there. I don't know if it would be pretty, but when I see the picture, I figure this code ought sit nicely in those two scriptures. Look for it. I will. I don't need to post the result here. I will leave my coder student an assignment.

The Extra

Here is new data in the code engine. I don't know what I will do with it yet. I don't know how to use the panel. Or have I? Anyway, I don't recall this engine in here, because I don't use this often. If I find the cool, I will share.

Who is into databases? Were one that kind to enjoy lists, you can print the list, and see all the occurrences of Benjamin.

Ben is Son in Hebrew. I might be interested in knowing the other part. Ben-jamin.


Using Benia, we found a chariot of fire.


You have a third place to look for Rudolph code.

How it is that I learn Hebrew is I have to type Hebrew in the interface to get it to work.

Not knowing it leaves me a little handicapped.

However, here, there's noone pushing limitations upon the handicap. Instead, I have God's voice encouraging me forward.

Come, baby.

And I come forward two steps. And often, that includes learning things like "come baby" in Hebrew.

God calls me two steps forward.

And the result you get in the post.

There are some options to work with English. However, as I learn Hebrew, I've been working both lists. I search the dico in Hebrew. And because of that, I learn words.

A point of note.

When God Jehovah judges Aholah and Aholibah, and he tells them their judgment is that they will never know him as a man, is he speaking as Husband, Bridegroom, or Spurned Lover?

God has revealed his plan of salvation to all nations. And some don't give a whit.

And the result is a deepening of sin upon the land, and God judges the sin upon the land.

Anyway, pick his voice. Which is it?

How can a Son of Man (man or woman) know God as a Man? (I am not talking about The Son of Man. Often, I keep the capitals for Yeshua. The father has gained sons by Yeshua's resurrection and atonement for all his family.) Were I to copy the link I provided you, I could use Son of man for this term. I mean the sons and daughters whom God has gained by salvation.

This may help solve the mystery.

I have a KJV I received at age 3. And I don't see the wording I have given you in there, so I expect it is in a related passage. So, keep your eye open for this type of passage.

However, I have a search result for you, if you are interested.

This stands out.

Suddenly, in the judgment, there is a realization there is a God, and that he had plans to be your Lover, Bridegroom, Friend, and Husband. Kinsman redeemer.

And it's too late. There's the trails of lovers all set in array in the lower kingdom, and there you are.  And all the gods you had, their voice animators, are standing there telling you you lost your chance for being all dressed in jewelry by a well off King, who wanted you so much, he went and paid your price. And you chose the bad guys instead.

This "you" does not necessarily refer to my reader. Consider this as a teaching parable. Get what applies to you out of the overall teaching. How does this overall story apply to Aholah and Aholibah? And were there that potential for gain for me, then, what do I do to gain it...

I've seen the potential gain. And I am hanging onto that. By the promise of scripture, and God's breath, I will hang onto that.

Parables require deep meditation. Spiritual eyes and ears see and hear. What is hidden to the natural set of senses is revealed to the heart, when one yearns to hear and know the truth. What is truth....

What are God's promises to us?

And here is the Kinsman Redeemer Bridegroom....

Suppose one wanted, one could hunt the code:

Idol voice animator demon sheol.

You would get it.

And when that is not enough, start filling in the list of the world idols, and you will get it.

But if one does not have spiritual senses, none of that would be enough.

This is a verification code.

Here's a second one.

In code, write the names of the people who have been martyred for the cross and Christ in all history. They are all listed. And the label martyr stands with their name.


I know the martyrs. They died for something better. They died for the promises of Jesus toward them.;MSG

Here's the ends of Jesus' plans regarding all our promises.

As to our end time eschatology, the red sleigh pulled by the reindeer stands for all the promises, gifts, and blessing our good God has for us.

And he's not done. He's our Forever God, and so we receive in his relationship with us for eternity as inherited children.

I seal this message with Jesus' kiss, the seal of the Royal King, transmitted by his seer.

I am done for the day. I have many other codes to explore. However, sifting is visual work, and it's time to break to other activities. Have a great day. The Lord loves you. Shalom.

See my King.

For the seeker, also view Bible Numbers for Life.

Read 60-90.

62. Beni. My sons. I might be missing something. As a translator, I do my best.


Beni is 62.

If you visit the meanings of the number line 60-90, you will find a great lesson summary.