The PPP Bookstore

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Math Values

For gematria, there are different math systems, or number value systems.

Every language, every alphabet ought have one.

Regarding Biblewheels, compared to English Gematria, not necessarily Jewish Gematria, but perhaps, there were inconsistencies between what I pulled out of English letters, and Biblewheels.

So, for my student, here. You get your word in Hebrew. You enter it in the Hebrew Gematria tool.

When you do, you get the equal value to Biblewheels.

It was not pleasurable, that my values were off by a titch. This will be a useful insight to those who are studying individual words for their gematria values.

For the most part, to work in Hebrew means to get a Hebrew keyboard installed. If you are into this, get one. You never know when copy paste will fail you. Sometimes, I have fails between interfaces. However, if you have the keyboard installed, it then becomes an easy switch to enter the words you want. You just have to start remembering what you see.

As I did the Hebrew gematria entries, I began to get consistent values between the items entered and Biblewheels.

And, of course, to work on Greek is a new step. I have not yet installed a Greek keyboard. Once I get further into language courses in Greek, I will. And then, the same way, you can begin to get the Greek consistent. In accounting, we are using to having checks and balances work. It's nice to see the values match up, and be able to do independent checks.

Mathematicians, I worked out the matching entry. You ought appreciate my effort.

Strong's Concordance has words, and it seems to me, for some reason, they have been assigned their gematria value. That might be Biblewheels. I have not done testing. But all the Hebrew and Greek in Strong's Concordance needs to have its gematria values added in. For the existing concordances, all those values need to be added in. Maybe they are not in the former versions. Add them.

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