The PPP Bookstore

Saturday, February 23, 2019


I use all these mice. Today, that is the collection on my desktop.

And each one is for a different box.

I have a mouse collection. Do you?

I see a fix to do here. I had downloaded new software. And I was giving this a try. This is a new Corel. And so, I was just checking it out. But I see something. Oh yeah, and I tried a couple Adobe apps, which I don't open much. I might add one. However, it needs a fix too.

Okay, I will show you a little cute out of a simple Adobe Tool.

I am playing around. You may join me in review of pretty colors. I used Adobe Express for this bit. And the first one here, with the roses, I made with new Corel.

This set coming is by Adobe Express.


Because color is therapeutic, I hope my color ministers to someone here today.

Have a good day.

And please note, that I do not run a charity. I do not collect money for charity. I do not have a Non-profit. Whenever you see that, you found a faker. Okay? Some use my picture. I am putting up a new profile picture with security applied. So, all the hackers, make sure you come and try it out, because it's encrypted. Yeah. Go on. Try. For the rest of the honest folk here, do not let a faker use my picture to get my details out of you.

Because I had my details ripped off, and used around for fraudulent purpose, and for others, I recommend applying security settings to things you put online, and I am moving toward a plan for social media. It is possible to set settings on your social media data. Know that. Figure it out. And big companies, you should help out. Show people what to do, to avoid having their key data ripped off and misused. It's possible to live safe in a technology world. For those I meet, I help them secure their life. It's a good practice. Help out your neighbor. My needs are met. My needs are big. My needs are met. I found the answers I need. Now, I just need to apply them.

To those whom my picture means much, such things need a reflective heart. I am working on those images this week. And they will be up end of week. Decrypt my puzzle. See if you can.

For those who do fundraisers using my name, I did have donate button once a long time ago. And it was up for several years. Noone donated in all that time, so perhaps you should go get work instead. This is my consolation. I am counting on people doing what they did. I am wondering how many fake profiles one person can run. I am wondering how many you run to make a living. I am not planning to find out. And what checks and balances are there online to eliminate the faker content, which is negative value on the Internet. It's not a positive value. There's no epiphany finding it. There's only pain. So, pleasure or pain. There needs to be less pain on the Internet.

As to authors online, I've discovered file locks. On your published content, put file locks. This is an area I am working on. And as I meet authors, I will share these concepts. You protect your data. You step in, and prevent the copy. I feel so much better, that I've found this. And I plan to cure many people's headaches by showing them how. I prayed about this overall issue. And I believe God showed me what to do. And because I believe in righteousness, justice, and Kingdom, I will share what I know with you. I have a plan to release more books. Nothing goes up without a file lock.

There is a possibility I may forego personal images online as well. Either I forego them, or I secure them. Anyway, maybe it is time for a new image. Expect glitter. Where the previous image is, consider that out of date. And look for something with glitter on it. You might see me, somewhere in the glitter.

I have one more thing to enlighten my Reader's day. I picked up a heavyweight. I put it on bills. And it flattens them to like pre-bought material, super flat. And they take up a tenth of the space. You are getting my estimate. It is awesome for your office. Get one. I am working toward a low dust space. I've not made one, but say you had a pile of recent paper in your office. You could do the same thing. You make a press. You set a press upon the pile of paper. It gets crushed super flat. And that fits in spaces later, if you want your paper super-pressed. You want paper, but you don't want floofy paper. You don't want paper which takes up space. And you do need business history etc. So, you need to keep it. So, press it. Uncrushed paper leaves room for dust. I don't like dust. Crush it. You get less dust.


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