About the crow, the crow knows human speech. With my cats, I call cat, and a cat runs to me. With the crow, I cry bird, and the crow comes to me.
The crow is able to be a pet. He or she is not an indoor pet. But there is friendship.
Will it happen again?
Who taught the crow the word bird?
Find the vertical red stripe.
Because it is not red, we have a butterfly. We have a double butterfly.
On the page, light sapphire is crow. Light green is Jesus. Purple is Jehovah. Messiah is Red.
I did Zechariah.
The focus of the Lord's message to you are his butterfly codes. Look around. Find them. Tie that interesting code to the passage it is in, and derive his message.
Note the two words transecting.
Zechariah 11. Same thing. Look for transecting codes. Note the words. Look at the base passage. Derive the message.
Zechariah 11 has all three Divinity names spread over the page. Do you see....
To get you going from the right place, start by ID'ing the vertical red stripe. And work out from there.
I see a few interesting spots. For example, I think I see crow. However, you must verify that.
Recall that crow is like oarb or something like that.
My name is in pink, if you like seeing my name. I should try Adonai in that spot, when I am ready to let the container go. Hmm.
Let's move pink to Adonai. אדונאי
Before we do, I am going to show you the darling of Ps. 18 and 22 and there's a 30 something.
Pink. Here, you may look for two words for Darling. I am the Lord's Darling. He's mine. The Son is the Father's. Of note, the voice is Messiah. And what he laments of when he refers to his Darling in the Psalms, he means his wife. Take it as the whole church, or take it as me. I don't care. God has intended the creation of man to be his wife, and because God is God, he could take on the whole of humanity as his wife. And whether he acquires that wife or not, he has me. I am his wife. We are in a marriage covenant. And that would be why you would see me in there. Because from eternity, the Father planned a wife for his son. Darling.
Here is a scripture sampling, but by far, this is not complete.
There we go.
For the advanced coders, who belong to specialists, my whole name, and my whole identity is listed in the scripture. All of it. And my name lands on the key passages, which pertain to "wife".
Jehovah's wife.
For those who may have skipped over the opportunity of covenant with Jehovah, you start with your Life Covenant, where you ask Jesus in your heart, to forgive your sins, be your Lord and Master, and renew you.
Consider the benefits of being God's wife. Count them. Count the benefits. Can you? Can you count the benefits? Are they as many as the stars?
And who would want to miss being his wife? His bride?
Who among all man would want to miss that....
We were going to do Adonai in place of my name.
I found it.
Before I show you that, Ps. 18 is the rescue of the Father of his son out of hell.
The Father cracked Earth like a nut, and got his son out.
The fact that Adonai was on the cross, we see. Hopefully, I get us a code with everything, with my name swapped to Adonai. My name is an anagram of Adon. I had not thought of that before. Now, I have.
In the whole of the 10,000 searches, there's 24. I can't control that which has been found. So, let's see. What have we got....
Any pink letter is success. 24 out of 10,000. Right? Pink. Success. The range of this particular code is Ps 16 to 36.
When you search out the lights in the sky, I am sure you use tools.
So, the processor is working sifting a few more complicates strokes, till I know where Adonai is in scripture here.
Now is that great time to get a coffee, and check on the progress after.
As to our I found it earlier, yes, I did. I've got it in my pan. However, I must sift out the word.
While I work, here.
The processor was dropping out.
I reorganized.
Light Sapphire. Messiah.
First container word. Adonai.
Now, I ought to have plenteous Adonai.
In one matrice, I have Adonai Yeshua Jehovah Messiah.
I would like to talk about Presence.
In this code above, you see presence of participating letters in word codes. But the whole word, despite having a character or two or three present on the coded matrice is perhaps missing a letter. For one, you hunt. Hunt. If it is not there, go back and check the matrice code record.
Is it there?
Letters indicate the word's participation in a complete word.
Sometimes, I do find the word. Sometimes, I don't.
I find a part word. If I find a part word, I go back and review the code instance description.
Anyway, code instance 1 did not have Messiah. 2 does.
Let's see 2. Once I find it, my next step of elevating is to find that in a key scripture. Lucky us. Messiah is in light sapphire on the page. Adonai Red Jehovah Purple Messiah Light Sapphire Yeshua Light Green.
To find tree codes is something. It is like finding a star cluster in the sky.
After I find them, you look for unusual types of configurations, which I named before, and sometimes, I forget my nomenclature.
Look for unusual things. Once you have unusual things, note the scriptures. Derive the message.
I will remark something about this search.
Often, the processor quits early. Say I do the last half of the text, often, in the latter part, the code records drop to zero. And I may still see something in the matrice.
However, with this particular search, for whatever reason, I got pretty complete results far into the record set, near the end.
Sometimes, when I see a bunch of zero, I go to the passage of interest I already have in my spirit, and I search there, and I succeed.
Till I developed those expectations, I had to muck about, and it was long. Now, it's short.
Anyway, if you want to replicate a code, this is a good one.
With a flick of a finger, I have a spread of 6 not 9.
Look at the identity of the man in beryl. Three names identify him.
Is that a doe or a duh? And how do I know? I match the code to the scripture set around it.
In the search, by accident the max spread was 9.
And that's how we got this code.
Yeshua is written in the matrice, despite being absent in the code record. Ps. 53. |
Song of Songs. Micro lens.
Here, we have Messiah intermingled in my name.
Look. The letter is not transecting.
This is a picture. And I don't recall what I named this. I need to think. This is a median cross.
Lover of scripture, get ready.
Ps. 18.
I am missing I a piece I will retrieve. However, look. Butterfly. Jehovah/Adonai.
My name and Mashiach are close. See them. Mashiach is light sapphire. I am in pink.
Next. Where? Love, where?
Where next.
Another major proof of the Divinity of Jesus Christ is in Ps. 22
To deny the relevance of the revelation is either doe or dah.
Do you roll doe or dah? Doe? Dah? Jehovah and I share a letter in this Hebrew butterfly.
The Doe of Song of Songs and I have a letter in common.
Would that be the Mr of Mrs?
What I share with him is the
The awe of my name I share in common with Jehovah.
The Yeshua Messiah of Nazareth is the man god you nailed on the cross. And he rose again.
And he's here, hidden as the manna of my heart.
Some of my readers think all I publish is BS.
Right? Manure. Hogwash.
Well, Lord, Lord of Lords, Master of the Universe, our tummy grumblings are the same. Set off a tummy grumbling, in Jesus' name, Amen. I am not asking for a distinct one. Just time my tummy grumbling to something glorious.
Well, tummy, grumble. Set off something glorious.
10:58 am. 6/26/2019.
Oh yeah, glory. Glory to Yeshua MaShiach Jehovah Adonai.
There ought be a difference between this message and many. This is about Jehovah proving to men, his sons, that he set messages in scripture as additional proof he is God.
And the timing of this is set to be the difference between you being faithful to Jehovah the Father, and selecting the antichrist as your messiah.
That is the timing. Quark of Star Trek is not your god, as alluring as he might seem. And neither is the anti-christ. He will take your worship, and credit as god, but he is as much god as corrupted rotted wood full of ants.
This is within 6 minutes. I might like one closer.
For those here, consider the tummy grumbling, and choose Adonai.
The lyrics of the song I gave you can be put into Google Translate.
You have the Hebrew accessible to you. Abale is Daddy. The bit at the end is our father. Same concept.