The PPP Bookstore

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Cannibot Toy

Here's your cannibot toy.

Bring your silly toys to set a complaint against God Almighty.

Hmm. Good plan.

This is a butterfly code.


What will happen has happened before.

Look. There a puny pharaoh is raising his fist up at God Almighty.

And guess what. Passover. Yes. Those without the Lamb's blood on their door transition, similar to how people receive Christ's blood upon their heart's door for salvation, those meet the Angel walking through the street.

Look at the narrative.

Ooh awe.

And here's part of the story. Cannibots get disassembled.

God Almighty does the job. 

There's a pile of bot parts. Can you see all the parts? For that display of AI tech, where men made armies out of bots, you can see the bot parts made into twisted metal creations, with the banners from the rebeller meetings on how it was such a good plan.

And the display will be on for the universe. Check it out. They thought they were very big.

And those that worshiped are all there too, with their gods.

Guess who wins.

Search Victorious Bible Gateway

Moses' Song Prophecy of Victory

Here's part of the scene.

You celebrate the arrival of avengers, right?

Well, you ought enjoy this one. This hero does not solely operate out of anger, like one of your avenger heroes. No, he operates out of love, justice, law, and covenant. If Jesus is not your hero, he is mine.

Search Chariots of Fire

For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.

The Lord Most High is Great above all the Earth.

Jehovah is his name.

And you will hear his praises sung by the ocean's waves as they crash against the shore.

Jehovah is his name.

Isaiah 66.

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