I have not left the crow container.
What I am showing you is that Jesus/Jehovah was present in that moment that Esther had to confront her own life or death, by walking into her husband, the King.
The engine exhausts processor speed, so there are more terms in the matrice than what are recorded in the code. However, despite a few words not showing in the code, they show in the matrice anyway. And look at Jesus in light green. And find Jehovah also in there.
And Esther was the "Lords's bird". She was precious to him.
Where was Jesus in the Old Testament? Like all over.
His fingerprints are all over the Old Testament.
Why this is relevant, I watched training on Esther on Sunday. And I heard the Lord's name is only mentioned once in Esther. Look here. We have one little passage. We have just a little snippet of Esther. Look at how many times you see God's name written in this word.
Yeah, aha. So amazing. Ooh awe.
Still there.
Next day, still there.
I'm learning things about my software. For example, I can shut the engine, and re-open it, and it opens up the same spot like a bookmark. Bible engines needs that.
Chapter 1-3 of Esther, my name is. My name is populous in there. Of note, words of all languages are in the code. My name is Italian for lady or woman. Don't be surprised my name is in there, because my name is Woman. Lady. And from searching Hebrew, and the spread of meanings of my name, my name also represents Debate, and Searching out matters. In fact, my name encompasses wisdom. Had I not sought out bible code, I would not have sought these things out. My very name holds wisdom in it. And my name holds judgment in it. Righteousness. Judge. I don't mind my name. Adonai is the masculine version of my name. If someone is named Don, you are not necessarily Adonai, right? You get to be a seed enclosed in Adonai like myself. The Bride is enclosed in the seed coat of Adonai. The Lord is the hard seed coat of protection.
I am examining a record. Say you have a record. And say you have a skip of 161. The span is 161. You see 3 of 4 letters of your word. In that manner of skip, for your fourth letter, after you measure out the three letters you have, you measure to the end of the line, and to the carriage return of the skip distance. That means you move up or down to the right, and see what is there. The skip layout is managed like typewriter carriage returns. One more way: You may have a short distance skip in a word, not similar in size to the container word. For that word, you can count the skip over. The screen is 130 skip - about. To see it very clearly, it is best to check the procedure with those codes. And later, move to the movable scroll check process later, once you get it.
I'm interested today in seeing where my name spread is. I am going to hunt from Ch. 4.
What if I take out three, and put in Mashiach?
I listened to a sermon.
I pulled out the word three, for three crow babies. I put in Messiah.
And same code, Messiah is there.
I've not moved. Yeshua HaMashiach is there.
In Esther's life narrative, Yeshua HaMaShiach is. As to colors, Jesus is the light Aqua, or light Sapphire. And if the skip distance is large, you may not see whole codes, but if you are willing to take the time, and measure or count, you could move a carriage return, and see if your last letter is exactly where it is supposed to be. Also, if you see three properly distanced letters, you have to search, despite color, by math. You check by math, and note the color of the letter after, for the instance where a letter belongs to multiple words.
I purposely went small.
Come examine this same code, Messiah instead of three, in small code.
As to the code record, not all the words show. But the matrice shows more.
Find Messiah. Find crow, the container. Find my name. Donna. Woman. Lady.
Find Jehovah. See him. We have more colors. I need to remember my utterance.
In this simple code, look at Jehovah on the bottom. Notice how there is a carriage return impacting the word Jehovah. See that.
When you see light green here, you see that butterfly codes are possible between my name and Jesus' Yeshua name. The o of Donna and the u of Yeshua are the same letter in Hebrew.
I wonder if I can find any. I love butterflies.
Suppose I want to look for one. I look for light green and pink close together, sharing a letter.
Find light green. Is my name tied around it like a ribbon around an oak tree? The vertical axis of this particular presentation needs to scroll. If you want to see more, get the code.
Find the vertical red stripe. See that. Crow. Container item.
Since it is easy to forget order, the order is: Red Pink Dark Green Light Green Purple Dark Sapphire Light Sapphire
That's 7.
The message is: With crow moved to contain the message, Jehovah Jesus Messiah Donna loves your crows.
Here's another micro code. Messiah, as code is moving upward. See that? Can you find Yeshua? It's pretty easy. Just look for light green.
Here's a cute one. I found pink.
That's my name hugging Jehovah. I like Jehovah by the way. It's a family name. Yup. Father Son Spirit. I don't mind hugging Jehovah. Earth has Alexander the First, Alexander the Second, and Alexander the Third. In this name, they all live eternally at one time.
Here's my pink name.
My name covers the majority of the expanse of these letters. Where you see words contained inside my name, this little section could be a spot where my name could be the container. It's just a thought.
The ayin of crow and the ayin of Yeshua are shared. Notice the presentation.
You looked for your red stripe vertical. And one letter is out. Why?
Something else is cool there. Two words crow share the same letter. See that?
Here's another.
I've not decided if I am done with crow. I saved the search.
However, in pulling them up gain, the search, I've not always had satisfying results.
The best way to replicate a search is to record it, if it were very important.
Basically, I try to remember my route in and out.
I am looking for Yeshua HaMaschiach in Isaiah 6 or 9 or through there, and in Isaiah 55 and a few other spots. And I am going to look again for butterfly codes. I found them before. They are there. I just need to replicate my mode of thought crafted there and back.
Butterfly, come to my net.
For the next search, I am moving Messiah Mashiach to be the container code. I decided to keep crow.
I swapped their positions. Now, Mashiach will be red. And crow will be light sapphire.
I made a mistake. In Hebrew, there's multiple words for Messiah. Joel. Did you know Joel means Messiah?
Anyway, look. I did not think of synonyms. Joel and Mashiach are synonyms. Crow, this time, is light sapphire. The word works from line 18 to 19 horizontal. Notice the carriage return to get the fourth letter. The code record does not record Jesus/Yeshua in this code. But do you see a letter which belongs to his name? I did not change that. Light green. If you go 1 code back, Yeshua is in the code record. It's in the same text, just a different skip. The container is Joel Redeemer Savior Messiah etc., and Yeshua is in the code in the 1 previous. I will add it.
I stayed the same place, and I swapped Joel to Mashiach. And in Isaiah 7, Yeshua is there.
I want to do something different to show you. Isaiah 55 is very important as a prophecy. It contains a bunch of things about Jesus.
So, I found Jesus in Isaiah 55.
Ready. Pretty. Now, I did not look for my butterfly, however, look for transecting codes.
Seek the Lord while he may be found.
Ooh awe. I have something pretty. Yeshua Mashiach and Jehovah are placed pretty for you.
Who tied that need little thread? Yeshua of course. He put that there for you.
Another scripture is high on cool rankings.
Let's go 2 chapters back.
Something I am doing which is limiting the amount of records which will show is I've limited the maximum to 50 skip. It means I am getting results with a micro lens.
I did not get a result in Isaiah 53. I did in Isaiah 52. Yeshua is there. I have to decide. Do I bump the skip count? Hmm. Isaiah 56 and 57 have Yeshua there. Okay, maybe I am ready to move. Okay.
The other day, I went for a walk. And there was a dark storm cloud. Usually, double bow rainbows appear in light clouds. God put a double bow on top of a storm cloud. Cool, eh? It was a dark stormy cloud, and still, God put a bow on it. A double bow.
Okay, I raised the skip to 100 max. And Yeshua is not in a micro lens in Isaiah 53, but in the first code matrice, I found a butterfly. Do you want to see? There's the butterfly. Which letter do I and Jehovah have in common? Which letters are different? When we find this here, it might be fun to do an Adonai Jehovah search. The letters are not exact. But it is my hunch. These are rich results. Jehovah and Mashiach are a butterfly code on the same display. With your eye, find Yeshua. I don't believe it was recorded in the code record. I can check. But look at this, Isaiah 1, and there's Yeshua.
Remember the light sapphire. See the word crow. The word crow was not recorded in the code record.
But we see it. That means you, the viewer, are also coding, not merely relying on the code. The records match. 85 skip count. They are a match. See the word crow.
I've been keeping letters in my mind, not necessarily pronunciation, but pronunciation guesses.
I wonder if the word bird in Hebrew is Zephir.
Computer are great thinking aides, but the mind has the last speculation.
As to program's thinking, this code has 207128 max skip count.
I did that. I did the same search with 207128 skip as the container max. Well, all we got through was Isaiah 1 to 5, because the codes were spread starter in Isaiah and onward and backward, like in an ellipse, mostly spread forward.
With 800 ish skip, I have it.
Isaiah 53. Yeshua Maschiach Jehovah my name etc.
This is an art, craft, and science.
Let's see what pretty drawing Jehovah made us.
There's a butterfly code on your vertical red stripe. See Messiah. Well, what word is transecting that word?
This is a cool find. Very cool. Yeshua transects Messiah/Mashiach as a butterfly code.
If I were teaching this as a game, as a gamer, this find scores double points.
Why? Look at purple. The word Mashiach also has a butterfly connection to Jehovah.
God put a pretty picture in Isaiah 53 for me to find.
My letter is there. The awe of Donna is in that code for you to see. The code record records my name, but we see an H for awe. Hey.
Look for other words. Do you see crow?
I see a green letter. That letter - sometimes blends into the blue. Get a magnifier on your screen, if you have trouble. Say you begin to wonder. Go back and check the green word.
What I am showing you is that Jesus/Jehovah was present in that moment that Esther had to confront her own life or death, by walking into her husband, the King.
The engine exhausts processor speed, so there are more terms in the matrice than what are recorded in the code. However, despite a few words not showing in the code, they show in the matrice anyway. And look at Jesus in light green. And find Jehovah also in there.
And Esther was the "Lords's bird". She was precious to him.
Where was Jesus in the Old Testament? Like all over.
His fingerprints are all over the Old Testament.
Why this is relevant, I watched training on Esther on Sunday. And I heard the Lord's name is only mentioned once in Esther. Look here. We have one little passage. We have just a little snippet of Esther. Look at how many times you see God's name written in this word.
Yeah, aha. So amazing. Ooh awe.
Still there.
Next day, still there.
I'm learning things about my software. For example, I can shut the engine, and re-open it, and it opens up the same spot like a bookmark. Bible engines needs that.
Chapter 1-3 of Esther, my name is. My name is populous in there. Of note, words of all languages are in the code. My name is Italian for lady or woman. Don't be surprised my name is in there, because my name is Woman. Lady. And from searching Hebrew, and the spread of meanings of my name, my name also represents Debate, and Searching out matters. In fact, my name encompasses wisdom. Had I not sought out bible code, I would not have sought these things out. My very name holds wisdom in it. And my name holds judgment in it. Righteousness. Judge. I don't mind my name. Adonai is the masculine version of my name. If someone is named Don, you are not necessarily Adonai, right? You get to be a seed enclosed in Adonai like myself. The Bride is enclosed in the seed coat of Adonai. The Lord is the hard seed coat of protection.
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjybtZHc3bk
- https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John+5%3A39-47&version=KJV
I am examining a record. Say you have a record. And say you have a skip of 161. The span is 161. You see 3 of 4 letters of your word. In that manner of skip, for your fourth letter, after you measure out the three letters you have, you measure to the end of the line, and to the carriage return of the skip distance. That means you move up or down to the right, and see what is there. The skip layout is managed like typewriter carriage returns. One more way: You may have a short distance skip in a word, not similar in size to the container word. For that word, you can count the skip over. The screen is 130 skip - about. To see it very clearly, it is best to check the procedure with those codes. And later, move to the movable scroll check process later, once you get it.
I'm interested today in seeing where my name spread is. I am going to hunt from Ch. 4.
What if I take out three, and put in Mashiach?
I listened to a sermon.
I pulled out the word three, for three crow babies. I put in Messiah.
And same code, Messiah is there.
I've not moved. Yeshua HaMashiach is there.
In Esther's life narrative, Yeshua HaMaShiach is. As to colors, Jesus is the light Aqua, or light Sapphire. And if the skip distance is large, you may not see whole codes, but if you are willing to take the time, and measure or count, you could move a carriage return, and see if your last letter is exactly where it is supposed to be. Also, if you see three properly distanced letters, you have to search, despite color, by math. You check by math, and note the color of the letter after, for the instance where a letter belongs to multiple words.
I purposely went small.
Come examine this same code, Messiah instead of three, in small code.
As to the code record, not all the words show. But the matrice shows more.
Find Messiah. Find crow, the container. Find my name. Donna. Woman. Lady.
Find Jehovah. See him. We have more colors. I need to remember my utterance.
In this simple code, look at Jehovah on the bottom. Notice how there is a carriage return impacting the word Jehovah. See that.
When you see light green here, you see that butterfly codes are possible between my name and Jesus' Yeshua name. The o of Donna and the u of Yeshua are the same letter in Hebrew.
I wonder if I can find any. I love butterflies.
Suppose I want to look for one. I look for light green and pink close together, sharing a letter.
Find light green. Is my name tied around it like a ribbon around an oak tree? The vertical axis of this particular presentation needs to scroll. If you want to see more, get the code.
Find the vertical red stripe. See that. Crow. Container item.
Since it is easy to forget order, the order is: Red Pink Dark Green Light Green Purple Dark Sapphire Light Sapphire
That's 7.
The message is: With crow moved to contain the message, Jehovah Jesus Messiah Donna loves your crows.
Here's another micro code. Messiah, as code is moving upward. See that? Can you find Yeshua? It's pretty easy. Just look for light green.
Here's a cute one. I found pink.
That's my name hugging Jehovah. I like Jehovah by the way. It's a family name. Yup. Father Son Spirit. I don't mind hugging Jehovah. Earth has Alexander the First, Alexander the Second, and Alexander the Third. In this name, they all live eternally at one time.
Here's my pink name.
My name covers the majority of the expanse of these letters. Where you see words contained inside my name, this little section could be a spot where my name could be the container. It's just a thought.
The ayin of crow and the ayin of Yeshua are shared. Notice the presentation.
You looked for your red stripe vertical. And one letter is out. Why?
Something else is cool there. Two words crow share the same letter. See that?
Here's another.
I've not decided if I am done with crow. I saved the search.
However, in pulling them up gain, the search, I've not always had satisfying results.
The best way to replicate a search is to record it, if it were very important.
Basically, I try to remember my route in and out.
I am looking for Yeshua HaMaschiach in Isaiah 6 or 9 or through there, and in Isaiah 55 and a few other spots. And I am going to look again for butterfly codes. I found them before. They are there. I just need to replicate my mode of thought crafted there and back.
Butterfly, come to my net.
For the next search, I am moving Messiah Mashiach to be the container code. I decided to keep crow.
I swapped their positions. Now, Mashiach will be red. And crow will be light sapphire.
I made a mistake. In Hebrew, there's multiple words for Messiah. Joel. Did you know Joel means Messiah?
Anyway, look. I did not think of synonyms. Joel and Mashiach are synonyms. Crow, this time, is light sapphire. The word works from line 18 to 19 horizontal. Notice the carriage return to get the fourth letter. The code record does not record Jesus/Yeshua in this code. But do you see a letter which belongs to his name? I did not change that. Light green. If you go 1 code back, Yeshua is in the code record. It's in the same text, just a different skip. The container is Joel Redeemer Savior Messiah etc., and Yeshua is in the code in the 1 previous. I will add it.
Try again.
This is the one code previous.
![]() |
One code back. See Yeshua. Container code Joel which means Savior Messiah Redeemer etc. |
Am I forcing my Western thought? I don't think so.
I like to check my first hunch.
I stayed the same place, and I swapped Joel to Mashiach. And in Isaiah 7, Yeshua is there.
I want to do something different to show you. Isaiah 55 is very important as a prophecy. It contains a bunch of things about Jesus.
So, I found Jesus in Isaiah 55.
Ready. Pretty. Now, I did not look for my butterfly, however, look for transecting codes.
![]() |
Isaiah 55 Bible Gateway |
Seek the Lord while he may be found.
Ooh awe. I have something pretty. Yeshua Mashiach and Jehovah are placed pretty for you.
Who tied that need little thread? Yeshua of course. He put that there for you.
Another scripture is high on cool rankings.
Let's go 2 chapters back.
Something I am doing which is limiting the amount of records which will show is I've limited the maximum to 50 skip. It means I am getting results with a micro lens.
I did not get a result in Isaiah 53. I did in Isaiah 52. Yeshua is there. I have to decide. Do I bump the skip count? Hmm. Isaiah 56 and 57 have Yeshua there. Okay, maybe I am ready to move. Okay.
The other day, I went for a walk. And there was a dark storm cloud. Usually, double bow rainbows appear in light clouds. God put a double bow on top of a storm cloud. Cool, eh? It was a dark stormy cloud, and still, God put a bow on it. A double bow.
Okay, I raised the skip to 100 max. And Yeshua is not in a micro lens in Isaiah 53, but in the first code matrice, I found a butterfly. Do you want to see? There's the butterfly. Which letter do I and Jehovah have in common? Which letters are different? When we find this here, it might be fun to do an Adonai Jehovah search. The letters are not exact. But it is my hunch. These are rich results. Jehovah and Mashiach are a butterfly code on the same display. With your eye, find Yeshua. I don't believe it was recorded in the code record. I can check. But look at this, Isaiah 1, and there's Yeshua.
Remember the light sapphire. See the word crow. The word crow was not recorded in the code record.
But we see it. That means you, the viewer, are also coding, not merely relying on the code. The records match. 85 skip count. They are a match. See the word crow.
Not Hebrew, language guesser, and I don't know if I am right, but the word crow kind of looks like oarb. Oarab. I don't know. I could be mistaking the last letter.
I've been keeping letters in my mind, not necessarily pronunciation, but pronunciation guesses.
I wonder if the word bird in Hebrew is Zephir.
Computer are great thinking aides, but the mind has the last speculation.
As to program's thinking, this code has 207128 max skip count.
I did that. I did the same search with 207128 skip as the container max. Well, all we got through was Isaiah 1 to 5, because the codes were spread starter in Isaiah and onward and backward, like in an ellipse, mostly spread forward.
With 800 ish skip, I have it.
Isaiah 53. Yeshua Maschiach Jehovah my name etc.
This is an art, craft, and science.
Let's see what pretty drawing Jehovah made us.
There's a butterfly code on your vertical red stripe. See Messiah. Well, what word is transecting that word?
This is a cool find. Very cool. Yeshua transects Messiah/Mashiach as a butterfly code.
If I were teaching this as a game, as a gamer, this find scores double points.
Why? Look at purple. The word Mashiach also has a butterfly connection to Jehovah.
God put a pretty picture in Isaiah 53 for me to find.
My letter is there. The awe of Donna is in that code for you to see. The code record records my name, but we see an H for awe. Hey.
Look for other words. Do you see crow?
I see a green letter. That letter - sometimes blends into the blue. Get a magnifier on your screen, if you have trouble. Say you begin to wonder. Go back and check the green word.
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