The PPP Bookstore

Friday, August 30, 2019

My Label

When I write my label in Hebrew backward, forward in English it reads Post.





This may be a sign my Hebrew letters need more hand practice.



I searched my label.

It's nice to know what my component parts are.

Do you? Do you want to know?

Well, let me tell you. My first two letters and my second two letters are essentially the Old Man.

So, I am certainly glad Jesus resussed. I need his new man status.

I have it.  However, these are the things I learn by searching.


See something like dal or del.


Other stuff too. I am a poor and meager man standing at the door of eternity, seen as poor and meager by the one inside. I stand and knock on the door of eternity, and wonder if the one inside will open the door, and attend to the dew upon my hair from being out in the middle of the night. 

How is it that the poor and meager man is also the door?

Next part.

For this next part, this 

  • rot, decay, putridity, gangrene

is the Old Man who needs to be renewed by God.

Among the Scottish, and all the Macs, Mac has meanings in many languages. For me, it has the sense of Tribe. 

Anyway, tongue searching, I review the Hebrew.

Dalmec. Dalmac. Dalmak. Delmac. Delmec. Delmak. Wow, I wish I knew all the other potential vowels. There was a former Hebrew, before the 1920 version restored to the Nations. That one had no vowels. Wow, God must have set in his people a big discernment for all that. It says in scripture that there's a desire in God to have his people let by his eye. They would stay in his eye view.

Dalet mac.

A sick needy poor people tribe needs the salvation of the Lord God Adonai.

And he came and stood at the door and knocked.

God's plans for the tribe is to make them Mighty, like a remnant of himself.

Dalet. There's good news. There's very good news. You only need to bend a little toward the man with dew in his hair to achieve your restoration. You lean over the little aleph butterfly just a little, and you put your hand upon the door transition.

Ooh awe. Ooh aah. The transition has sprinkled blood which covers your sin man, and lets you walk through the door as a being of light. Baby. From putrid and gangrenous to burning flame. Give me your burning flame, and burn up the old, and bring on the new.

I have a bird detail.

Remember the zebra finch? I gathered basil from my garden of spices, and among them, as I sat with nature and the world at my feet, I listened. My birds came to visit. Because I babysat a zebra finch, a pair of black and white finches came to visit. And I listened to their song. 

My heart might be saying more with the various dalmacs. 

Who would search it out.

They must be a finch. They must. They have a similar song to the Zebra finch. It's not the same. 

Now, I can pick them out among my whole bird choir.

I love those little birdies. 

As you may expect, today, I am drying basil. I find this basil more potent than what you can gather at local supermarkets. 

To be clear, Jesus was not only resuscitated. He came back from the dead.

It was an unseen miracle bringing back a person, himself, from the dead after three days.

And Jesus brought Lazarus back from being four days dead.

Jesus spoke these things. He pre-spoke them into being.

Since then, and it was something I saw recently, a person came back after being 7 days dead. Only by Jesus' power do we get up to transformation and light.

To look forward, how many days is it that the two witnesses are dead, before they get up?


Searching the letter combinations possible, I have the word of Turkish for Meditation.

Now, who thought I would end up with an empty hand...

My label also means Meditation.

You need to be willing to work through the languages. 

If you look at this particular word in Turkish, the list of uses is quite long. This is a rich word find.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Resus or Rescue

This morning, I am following through a study.

Lev. 22.

What does this mean?

Red. Rapture.
Pink. Bride.
Light aqua. Rescuer.
Light green. Rescue. Salvage. Salvation.
Dark aqua. Bird.

By a misspelling, I found resus. Resuscitation.

Resus is Mongolian for resuscitation.

I sought it because I don't mind hunting down to see what my fingers typed.

When I see the Israelites pass through the Red Sea, I see a Great Eagle who has lifted them upon his wings, to set them upon safe ground.

There is the natural story, with our experience here, and there's our spirit's understanding of how God saves.

The Lord God is a poet. And you see this in his structures. See a sparrow meet a sparrow.

Sweetie birds. I selected a hard word for brown. I could have used something easier. I may, as I search.

One sparrow offers the other sparrow liberty.

My brown sparrow's eye is acute vision.

Read the word sets which belong to sparrow. In my camera, in the sparrow's eye, the blue is very likely the bird's water bath. We think the water bath is reflecting. That relates.

Note the green.

There's a family reunion at the water fountain/water bath.

A water bath of a birderer is fed by the birderer or the rain. The birderer washed out the water bath yesterday or the day before.

Here, the brown eye sparrow is found in the passage where God's seven eyes are searching Earth to and fro. His eye captures the sparrow.

Our eyes watch one another.

In Hebrew, to me, the word for liberty and sparrow looks like dorar, like adorar, or adorer, or adore.

Occasionally, I miss the other sound. I think I am close.

How close one may measure by knowing Hebrew.

דרור גוגל הונת

About sparrows, they land on basil. When they land on basil flower blossoms, they work their wings like hummingbirds, for the flower is frail, and they get something. They do. I watched half a dozen do this. And then I got my camera, and I waited. And they had stage fright. However, if I see the behaviour again, I will try to capture it.

When a bird has assessed the branch they land upon to be too frail to support their weight, they beat their wings to help. And little birds, very little birds, baby birds who have not developed their inner sense of which branch supports them tend to beat their wings on their arrival to a stable branch, until they have learned that a certain type of branch will support them. So, you see little birds beat their wings quite a bit. And adult birds may do it less. The adult bird landing on basil does beat their wings, because they know the basil won't hold them. It's worth landing anyway, because the bee is getting something. So, on my basil, there are bees and sparrows.

From today's meditation, not gathered from bits here necessarily, but sifting on top, the roe is a symbol out of Song of Songs. The roe I see has a rack on his head. We often see roe and roe related animals with a rack on their head. That rack is a symbol of the tree of life, which Jesus is.

You see symbols of the tree of life. Chai. On the roe's head, you see a chai.

The chai is the Tree of Life. That place where the cross was, conquered at Eden/fall of Adam became a place of death, but Jesus restored the place of death to the place of life.

That placement of where the cross stood, in foretimes was the Tree of Life, and that is one of the reasons hell enjoyed using and desecrating it.

Jesus restored the Garden by his work on the cross.

Future times, that spot will again have the Tree of Life.

This is the word of the Lord.

My revelation is from him.

King Munro.


Monday, August 26, 2019


France Word

In recent news, I saw something about a crime in a café.

There's a movie, which demonstrates putrid behaviour toward our brother man.

And it's done with beautiful people, and it is horrible behaviour to other people.

It's the same thing which happened in the café.

The movie was the teaching tool of hell.

I ask your government to get that movie out of circulation in your nation. And other nation leaders, please also do the same.

My heart cried at this news. And I don't want perversity to be spread among nations.

You know the story. The movie is out of Hollywood. It is horrible. Get it off the shelves of circulation.

Seeds or Stones

At conferences etc., we receive the command and exhortation, "Be the light. Let your light shine."

I did. This is the personal narrative which encompasses be the light.

I came home. I was cleaning and ordering my home. Anyway, I found all sorts of pieces. I set them on a table, in the light. I mean jewelry broken pieces and parts, and bits found or identified as sets, which for all I can tell are sets. My husband fixed jewelry.

The question comes into play, "Is that a seed or a stone?" Can a seed be used for jewelry? I say yes. Some might say no.

I have a light. Imagine that. It is for camping, but it is a versatile light, not just a flashlight. It has more features on it. I dust. I clean corners. Lately, I've been shining the light onto the dust, before I throw it out. Guess. Guess what happened. I shone the light on the dust, and it sparkled. I found a gem stone, of unknown quality, and I picked it up, and put it into my repair and parts box.

There were two things on the floor of interest. There was a seed. There was a stone. After close examination, I threw out the seed. And I kept the stone.

I stopped. Can a seed be used in Jewelry?

I have a couple bowls of seeds sitting on the counter in the kitchen. They are next to be dried. I make drums, and stain them pretty colors. I picked the brilliant colors of drums. After I dry the seeds, my husband will make a jig, and make a hole through each seed, and I will stain the seeds. And then, I will make necklaces. There's years. This year, there are a lot of seeds. There are more seeds than I have processed. Were I to collect, I would find more in my grass.

With this resource, I will make earrings and necklaces.

And I will have made the beads, well, ourselves. My husband and I will make the seeds the rainbow colors or sunrise colors.

Next year, I will be more careful collecting seeds. I will not throw them out. I have some seeds here. I did already collect some in years past. Now, I have a process. And we have yet to make the jig. It's coming.

And I am dreaming colors. I am figuring out my stain process, and where to slot that in.

Seeds are used for jewelry.

Back to the stone. Among my broken jewelry, I have items missing stones. One of the ways I determine the right one is the fit. I've assembled pieces for my husband to fix. Now, with this gemstone, I will pull together the perfect fit, and the part.

And that means I need glue. I don't have it. We have found the part/product.

Most of the time, jewelry falls apart because something was not right. Storage is a huge issue as to why jewelry breaks. And the mystery is I have my grandmother's jewelry, and things broke. Others would throw it out, because it's not worth the challenge. I call my husband. I tell him what is wrong, and I ask for his insights. He had a good one. A piece of jewelry was destroyed by jewelry polish. Get that. The fix is to get the jewelry polish out of the piece. Once that has been done on the jewelry, then, I am a step closer to wearing it. It looks like a peacock feather, so it is worth the effort. Next, we need sauder. We need to sauder metal to wholeness.

And here or there, we need to fix broken claws, if that were possible.

Shining lights on floors. I've been shining lights on floors. And in drawers. And in all kinds of little places. The light picks up the glint of glitter. And the glitter is returning to its proper place.

So, will anyone care I have a piece from pre-1960's? Probably not.

Are those the only pieces which fall apart? No. Sadly, there are construction problems in jewelry, and not just the inexpensive jewelry.

Recently, I looked at jewelry. Get this. There's a manufacturer making jewelry from blinds cords of the past. The chain of the blind which we all considered cheap, low cost, and essentially, a piece of house hardware is now being sold as jewelry. The pieces being sold are expensive, and the chain looks like something off a toilet. Will that chain break? Yup. The chain, based on my assessment, is weak. Has anything changed in their manufacture? It better have. Because it is from a time past, and a use past, younger people won't know what it was used for before. And tell me, how many will buy it?

It's gross. And you too can buy it. Yeah.

I think my grandmother would smile about me renovating her jewelry. And God must be bringing me the pieces, or it would not be being reassembled.

Peacock feathers. Peacock colors. Seeds. Stones. Sparkle. Invention. Quality assessment.

All that.

I'm amazed I created enough order to find missing pieces, and stones among dust. It would be super easy to vacuum such things up. And well, order. I see order. I have equipment to create order. Enjoying tools is the preset to pulling lost or parted items back together.

When you see my jewelry, which I made from seeds in my yard, and you see the pretty colors, remember the Son. In your sunrise, whatever it looks like, as you see the Son rise, remember the Son.

Most of my grandmother's things went in sales to others. It is a bit of a mystery how I even got these things. I brought unwanted excess home - whatever I was given. It was stuff which was considered "take to the shelter" or whatever. While sorting through family memory, I found things. I found a bit here, and a bit there, and this was broken, and that was broken. And now, my little glitter is taking shape. And soon, I will wear a dream my grandmother had, of a peacock. And we will wear one dream.

I am proof you can reassemble dreams from broken pieces, even from those pieces of your forefathers. If you have vision, you can pull together the design and engineering of a finished piece. Vision is the predecessor also of a complete picture. My heart fills in the missing pieces.

These are puzzles of a different sort. A person must be willing to puzzle through to the finish. Who does that? And who does that with light?

I saw something weird. I saw pearls embedded with imitation stones. Crystals. Why would you do that? Why would you wreck a pearl, unless the pearl is an imitation, by putting crystals into it?

That's not my style certainly. Everyone has a style. They have to consider what is their style. Seeds will be. Seeds will be one of my styles. If I were responsible for a jewelry manufactuer industry, my vacuum would have a gem filter on it. And I would ensure that missing parts for jewelry would not go missing. What would you use as a jewelry parts filter for your vacuum?

I did make a mistake. I bought a vacuum end which I used to vacuum under the stove and fridge. because I don't like yuck. I was sure I had vacuumed up the precious, as I listened to sounds of clinks and clops. My husband dismantled the bits I pulled up, and he told me I had not taken up anything overly precious, and to not worry. Those are the kinds of places cats shoot glitter. Anyway, I've cleaned up under there before. And in those events, I found nothing. So, hopefully, these are places my cats don't play with glitter or essential parts. If you have a pet, and they are reaching under something for something they see, I recommend looking. You never know what you might find. We follow their lead. We look. And I've not found something super precious yet, but I expect fruit. I found a dozen of their favorite cat toys. And so, we are back in business in play.

If a cat finds a little bit which shines around, including those things which might belong to jewelry, they collect them certain places. So, it behooves a pet parent to look there, because the cat has done the work to collect the items to their favorite places for shooting things. It is good to know your cat's habits, and work with the benefits of them.

As I prepare to do another task here, my bead colors will be:


And I will revisit stains today, for if I am missing any element of dream.

Would freezing impact the quality of the seed, to be used for jewelry? I have to think about that. I think not. I have perhaps another round to go. If God partners with me, I have another round to go.

Update: If a person made a necklace of seeds, and by accident, one planted their necklace in the ground, would we want a fruit orchard to launch?

Ought I end the fruitfulness of the seeds? That seems so wrong.

I will have to work this out. Drying them, I have not compromised their planting ability.

Update2: I fixed my ear rings from high school. I fixed a bunch of them, all the odds and ends. I have just a few left. I may stop, or I may continue. I think this ought be called a hobby or a craft.

There ought to be courses on these things, so that a person does not throw their things out. I had great pleasure from the restorations. I've been wondering about changing the overall theme of some of the things. If I can't find parts, certain pieces can be donor pieces. They can help fix other pieces. And I could use what each has, and recreate it. I love red. Say there's not enough. A pack of resources from a local store can help transform a white necklace to a red necklace. 

Friday, August 23, 2019

Another Grackle

For pleasure, I will do another grackle this weekend. Maybe by tomorrow night.

Visit later if you are interested. I had more pretty pics.

Before I get there, here are my thoughts.

The second I was spelling out from my spirit was yahah.

And I say this a bit.

I use it.

My Yahah is a Whoa. I like singing Whoa.  I like singing Yaha.

And I will get to the art.

One of the miracles in the Tabernacle:

1. God brought the fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice.
2. God was responsible for keeping the lamps burning all the time. Yaha. Whoa.

 I am so glad my utterances mean things in these other languages.

When I speak, someone somewhere would understand.


I feel another push.


The word I selected for whoa is also the word for tree.

The tree is a symbol of the cross. Jesus was hung on a tree. I could go further into it, but it would take a person who wanted to delve in. I did explain this before.

I am telling you this is relevant.

I might keep searching for whoa words. I've been.

For the time being, see a little snippet of my work, which I have yet to finish.

Look at my little bird, seen from far away, traversing from spiritual darkness to spiritual life.

She sees.

And because she sees, she lives free.

I plan to build a little relief around the bird's beak, to delineate the bird's beak from the black fence.

Is the bird cute or what. I've been working with new camera settings. I am getting used to what it feels like, and what the tools and settings do.

So, this is proof that your arm can become accustomed to a heavy lens.

I am a little shocked with my improvement.

If you are a photographer, God equips you with the arm. This arm is the one which had been harmed before, so this steady feel is kind of amazing. God equips you in the motion of what you are called to do. So, good shot. Who knew. The outcome of this shot is a surprise to me. There is a stabilizer tool. I did not use it. I did free arm shots.

This bird saw me. They have good vision. This bird was a distance away. I have a shot where the bird is looking at me. They have acute vision. It's not just good. It is acute. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The New Fragrance

I bought a fragrance. It is the smell of apple orchards.



When you smell fruit orchards, I may have arrived.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Kisse Throne Ooh Awe

This is picking up from late last night. I did some early afternoon.

Kisse. Throne.

See. Throne.

Holy See.

To keep my reader with me, find the Green. Throne. כסה

Bible Gateway כסה

Here's another find:

Bible Gateway כסה #2

Thone is in green.

Next set.


Next set.



The Beloved Son Yeshua is in pink.




Kisse or throne is in Green. One of the Hebrew letters (Kaf) is an extendi-letter. See that. I need to modify my learning. I am coming forward. Kise. Throne.

Ai Adon.

Adon is an Anagram.


I am learning two words.

What is the difference between throne, seen here as the search, and shofar.


Do I know? No.

Will I? Eventually.

I would like to hear the two words spoken.

Ps. 81:4

Somewhere back in the search spread, I found the meaning covered or concealed or hidden. Kacah or kassah is that covered. That is how Solomon's throne was covered, with a vine chuppah. I mean above it. The glory of God is concealed to those who have no revelation.

So, where is King Solomon's throne today? It needs to come back. Turkey.

The concept of the Holy See, the Vatican Seat, and Solomon's Throne are meant to represent God's Wisdom. Well, Son of David, you need to come and occupy your seat soon. Don't leave it vacant too long for some faker to fill. And I realize a faker may, but you are the authentic occupant, so come soon.

I need meditation time before continuing. For now, Readers, it's your turn to examine the research. And I will be back to breathe further into the matters started.

Searching the Spread of Possibilility

Kesse - Shofar. Ram's horn.

Kesher - bind or knot or bond; synagogue

Keshe - כש (yod dropped combined to longer words)

Kese - not found.

Kisse - Now, it really sounds like kiss. There has go to be a few lessons here. Intra-lingual observations do matter. This is a resource for learning. I am going to spell it according to my revelation. My guess is correct. Google affirmed. Yeah. Kisse. There are all kinds of word play in scripture about a kiss preceding enthronement.

Kisse cont.: Kisse or Kisseh. Same root origin as kesse. Throne. Seat of Honor. This page reference has the range of words related to one another.

You know root words? I am pretty sure "kes" means seat or a sound of royal trumpet declaring a seat.

Language Learning Resources

Children's stories: Word connections and liasons. From this set of words, you learn your respect, they, his, my, your common, than, to, from, connected.

Note: I had others to pull forward. 

Grackle Family

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Common Grackle

It's late. One will do.

I have a shot with four.

So, see my cherries?

Which common grackle ought not come visit Chéz Munro?

Here's a start.

In case you are wondering, that is a long word to find.

Sign and wonder. You are beholding a sign and wonder. Yahoo.

Regarding signs and wonders, in the next two weeks, you will see earthquakes in Africa.

I am not going to call it out, by a seal.

I am going to merely speak it out as something I see.

Africa, watch your earthquakes.

How do you make peace with God?

And how is the grandeur of God demonstrated?

However, my voice stamp is the purple feather on the common grackle. The common grackle has colorings in common with the peacock.

The Son of Man will have a flock of these always in a tree near where his royal residence is. Why?

Because these are pretty. I call them pretty.


Who is ready for torquoise?

I think it is cute my code matches the grackle color.

Who planned that.

Son of Man, thank you.

If you assign a wider skip, the processor provides more power to the search. I think.

I added the treetop I photographed them in.

Amir, or treetop, is in light torquoise.

Who wants to see Yeshua?

It's such a long search list.

2 codes.

That will be difficult. (Tongue in cheek.)

Code 2 of 2.
No go.

About the last three search terms, they are all there, besides what you see here.

Let's go back to the one we had here before.

Find Yeshua's name.

The Beloved Son is in pink.

What is happening these days is the overall search may catch the occurence, but the code record may not.

So, visual search. That's what I do.

I checked the extremities of the Code 2, and I could not find anything, so I returned to the first code in the set.

Because I expanded the skip, and this skip is 4034, I might wonder if this is exactly the same code. Or have things morphed?

God, how about your throne?

Help me find the word which works. You have to many in this dico.

So, I did Google Translate to research the word further.

Co. Coa.

There were three.

And I don't recall this one in the dico.

This is where I make a personal dico.

I enter the non-entered word.

I could be making an error on the word pronunciation.

Kaf. Samach.

How about a guess. Cosa.

Cosa for throne. That's one idea there.

I try several. I just like that one. And I kind of fill in whatever vowel. So, guess.

One interesting thing here is a word co-exists for both throne and see.

See the throne. See/throne.

Do you read Hebrew? One on the left looks like Holy throne.

See the green. Can I make it longer, based on what I found in Google Translate? Maybe. However, here is cosa. I have already built toward this code, showing you the process of getting here.

Just for the fun of it, I will try a longer word. You never know.

Before I move, this wider search has yeilded the set in Psalms.

To explain the results, throne showed up in both codes I've been presenting here.

And there's a third. Psalms.

I will explore, before I move.

It's worth sharing. It shows the grackle and throne near.

God's voice, and statement of who he is you read over in the left panels.

You skim, like I do. If you don't know him at all, perhaps you read all of it.

I will use the mystery word "see:throne".

You realize that thorn is an anagram of throne, right?

I did not get melchat.

Holy or Chebar. I wonder. I will let the software tell me.

The cosa word is there.

As I built it to a complex letter count, even at a 288000 skip search, I did not find it.

What one does in this circumstance, you move the complex word to the first word.

It's getting late, so I won't go far down that avenue. The software did not fill in what the word was. We are still at my guess of Chebar. I think there were more words in the picture.

There's 198 codes as output. I will do a sweep tomorrow, and see if I can find code art for you.

With that, I will close. Good night. Thanks for your attendance.

In the word of puzzling words, I recall a see could also be a rule, and I don't recall the nation.

A see could be like a seat. And the Kaf Samech could mean a see/seat. I need to dream on that, and see what more I get there. A holy see. I sought the term online. An example is the Vatican.

And that would mean a C in Hebrew, or a Kaf makes an S sound. And I think I know that already. But one needs practice. Today, if one were to test my eyes using a Hebrew eye chart, I could do that.

כס Throne Bible Gateway

כס Search Bible Gateway

I am showing you my hunt for coa. Or see. Or whatever. כסה

The site reference publisher retains their copyright.


The above is my musical prophetic choice for this message.

Now, the inspired Google search.

Google כסה

Cover; Conceal.

That seems like the opposite of see.

Do you want to hear it pronounced?

You can account the find to God, because I certainly can't do this alone.


It sounds almost like kiss.

See; throne, and conceal/hide/cover.

Lord God, show me if this is a set of meanings for 1 word. One homonym or something.

It sounds like kesse. How were my guesses?

In the list of sounds on this page reference, one is like cosa. It's pretty close.

Review the list. Translate using Google's tool to English. See the Pope's or the Holy Throne.

See. See the see.

I like this resource:

After the verification that I have the word throne, now I am going back to code.

In the code, I have throne.

Kesse. Throne.

Note: For the song, the version of sign they use is not mine.

The fact I see the sign is what I am telling you about.

Make sure the sign you make your life direction from is a good one.

Where do you belong....

The person of Jesus is the sign I follow.


Breath of life.

My revelation is the Word of God.

In that, I find the light of life.

I find Wisdom in the Word of God.

Life is maddening without understanding.