The PPP Bookstore

Saturday, August 17, 2019


I am here. So, while I listen to sermons, I will make you out our next little birdie.

Nice to see you.


I have a Hebrew music stream I am learning my words from.

I am doing that as well.

Blue. Purple. Flame.

I think flame. Orange? I don't know. You decide.

Pretty eyes. A beak like a hawk. Intense.

Handsome boy birds. Probably bird families.

I will do one, and see if I want to do more.

The grackle flock around here, if you look up in the air, you see 80-100. And I don't know how many of that flock I had here, but I called them. Once I realized they may eat of my tree, I asked them, the flock, to come and eat. And I saw groups of 12-15 in successive sweeps. I don't know the numbers, but my tree can feed them. And I can feed baby birds.

My sparrow flocks here had their second hatching. And lucky me, I have baby birds all over again.

About my tree, and I would think God feels maternal, when he sees the little baby birds upon his tree or our tree. Baby birds flutter their wings to be fed. Well, the baby bird on my tree flutters his wings, and wants food. But he is beside the cherries. And after fluttering his wings, he eats a cherry from my tree. So, my tree of life feeds my little birds. And I feel maternal. I feel like I am investing in each little winged baby, crying for them for their success, to be nourished, and for them to grow up to be all that God Jehovah wants for them to be.

So, is it cool the baby bird flutters and then eats my cherries?

I think so.

I asked God to send me the flock.

I listened to their music.

I wanted to capture my little birds fluttering their wings, before they ate a cherry. I think they were blurry. However, for fun, if I can find one useful, I could show you. My observations are backed by sitting with lenses upon my little chicks, watching them move in the tree. My heart is glad when my tree acts like a tree in the garden of Eden, producing enough and more to feed this house, and God's little loves.

I have refined my processes here. Every year, I learn something. And these are not things one learns overnight. They take years of doing something, testing something out, seeing if it works. I enjoy the garden.

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