The PPP Bookstore

Saturday, August 3, 2019


I am celebrating Jesus today with lightning over Alberta.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

I love displays of God's glory as light.

Watch the light brigade. My eyes are on your Lights, Lord God.

Set color into your light display, Lord. Let the light come off in rainbow colors, and light the skies.

As a point of note, when a phenomenon is new, I call you to see this as supernatural.

As far as I know, we have not had multi-color lightning before. It is supernatural, because I called the supernatural into it.

So, this is a witness of Almighty God Jehovah and Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and Light unto Jews and Gentiles.

I seal the word, in Jesus' name, Amen.

Multi-color lightning. Oh yeah.

Lightning over Alberta, testify unto the whole of the province the Authority and Supremacy of Jehovah, King, God, and the glory assigned to his name, by the speaking of this miracle.

Oh sew good.

The fact that I am calling this into being is the miracle. I expect the phenomenon to be repeated.

New. Ongoing. When you see multi-color lightning over the ground, you can remember the name of my God. Jehovah. Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Multi-color. Multi-color. Yahoo.

Lightnings, 7 Lightnings, shout Jesus' name over the land.


Notice Yeshua's name is written into Genesis.




Sometimes, via code, the Father brings glory to the Son.

Look at this set.

I will show you all the parts which reveal.

Just to start, read the left panel. 

In this panel, Yeshua's name is written.

It is written there, because this pertains to a prophecy regarding the Son. And the prophecy was fulfilled.

The diamond shape is Yeshua.

The lover of Yeshua, how was this scripture fulfilled in the Passion Event of Yeshua?

Note: I am going to continue hunting, but I won't be uploading. I will do some throughout the day. Tomorrow, if I find good fruit, I will provide another set, but the best of the sets of data I find.

See you.


So, what are the colors....

Watch the color of the lightning.

There's a couple tornadoes potentially arriving in Montana.

People, pray around those. However, I am watching for pretty light colors.

So, there's been historically 1.4 billion lightning strikes a year. How do you get that?

And if there were more, how do you measure the more?

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