The PPP Bookstore

Wednesday, October 9, 2019




This means something.

If you know me, and you want to know the deeper roots of Eshtaol, ask me.

There's no alcohol here. Nope. The Spirit of God highlights Eshtaol.

Google Map link.

This place resides beside God's port Mount Carmel - a mount Carmel. Hmm. The spelling is right, but there appears to be duplication.

The place Eshtaol, where Samson grew up, is near a town in Israel called Yeshua. There's a town called Yeshua.

And as I dig, he says, "I love you."

I select this particular scene out of scripture, because right now, saints are having shofar dreams.

Check on YouTube. They are.

The Lord has something to say about the Asherah tree. He says it is a false tree of life, originated out of hell, with the roots ripped up out of the ground, to represent the making of nephilim. The root stock is changed, perverted, and it is the root which proceeds out of hell.

Those who worship the asherah, worship their own removal out of Kingdom eternity to hell eternity.

The nephilim will assist the antichrist in sorting men to hell. Essentially, that false tree of life is nephilim. Not man. Not Jesus' seed.


In the articles, there are structures which are similar to things seen in my dream.

God is not happy how his data was taken, and mishandled, making fakeout narratives about his message of salvation.

Don't worry, all hell, there's a justice time arriving.

How exactly does all hell stay out of the fire, when their tree of life was pulled up by its roots.

You have a fakeout tree of life, with no saving power at all. The Lion of Judah in your idolatry image bucks the fakeout woman deity, and dumps her in with all those she sought out in worship. I buck you, in Jesus' name. There is a low pass out of Sheol, and guess who manages it. Yeshua. The Living Tree with Living Roots. He manages it.

The Spirit of God moved over Samson, causing him to cry out.

And then, you know the rest of the story.

The narrow pass then becomes the advantage for the Kingdom of Heaven, because the Spirit of God is moving in his body.

Who is the Protector of the Narrow Pass? And which Mighty Set of Warriors protect it!

Well, I see one. Do you.

In the name of the Lord God Almighty, Yeshua, I call out the destruction of every Asherah tree in Israel. Not 1 will be left for arrival into Yeshua's kingdom.

Pulled up roots. Pull up my seed, eh. Fakeout.

Where holiness abides, there will be no seed of impurity.

In Yeshua's fire, every seed of Asherah will get burned up to non-existence.

Every branch. Every leaf. Every seed.

Every remote bit of plant tissue. All of it.

And once burned, I shut the port of reinvention by any words, of heaven/hell, until or unless Jehovah Papa God says for it to return. I would not have the plant be on Renewal.

Nope. Not my garden. Lack of devotion leaves my garden. I seal this word. ⛳🤵📛📿

As the equal in my natural life right now, I have cleansed my plants from death. I got rid of all dead tissue. My plants, as I said, are in hibernation, till the Son comes out.

I dumped death in the snow. I dumped it off the deck. And it will get recycled into something good. The tissue will be part of next year's soil.

To clarify, Renewal is New Jerusalem. There's a new planet coming, and the pulled up root goes into the fire, before the recreation of the planet. I named that new planet Renewed Heart.

In the heavens, in idolatry, there's a libra.

My Kingdom reconstruction is Libba. Not Libra. Libba.

And Yeshua will judge all pertaining to that which is free and in chains.

Hear the word of the Lord.

The sinkholes you see appearing around have a message. Your foundations are sinking.

If you do not set your foundations upon Yeshua, the foundations of your life will not sustain you.

Yeshua is the Creator of the Universe. He made you. He made you with his Father.

The gist is: When you see the sinkhole, and you see trouble ahead, who do you call.

You can't have rotten roots and rotten foundations without something appearing. You will eventually take after your master.

Revealed by:

Written by the hearer and seer.

By faith, the lame walk. By non-faith, the walking stutter in their walk.

By faith, the saints walk over hellfire with Yeshua, on the soap bubble pathway. And by non-faith, the ones who worshipped the Asherah hell tree stay in the fire with her.

In the coming days, when you consider the fertility of the Asherah non-living tree, the corrupted genomes of the netherworld, you remember the offering of Life Jesus sets over the world.

His offer exists even in the appearing of an overcoming of the world, for a time, and despite not fitting the picture you will have scupted to you, Jesus wins.

And as you see beasties multiply about, men will wish for one like them.

There's a low pass out of hell. Yeshua manages the pass.

The writing here has been partly correlated to my dream revelation. I've seen repeats of things I've seen in the dream.

I have the next thought. There is no matrice, as the skip is smaller than 5.

The valley of decision is a sinkhole. I threshed my plants. I beat them. I made all the bad parts fall off. I mean today. This here represents the Lord's next thought.

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