The PPP Bookstore

Friday, October 18, 2019


I am intrigued. What words might transect my puzzle.

I tried rapture.

Guess what.

It is there.

I find finding my whole name rather amazing.

What are the odds.

And multiply those odds by the odds of finding the word rapture with it.

What are those odds.

I just showed you a graphic. It's a good thing I test view. I see you don't see it.

I had snapped a shot showing the output. I will try to show you again.

The word rapture is with my name.

In the software, there is a feature tool. I can pull out the word record. Let's see that.

I don't get a matrice, because the skip is only 2. And the minimum skip to show you a matrice puzzle is 5.

Sew. Look at the middle panel. See the red.

Hoshea 6:2-3

To get donnalmunro is a 0.3 stat. To get the stat of the other word, one would need to hunt the other word alone. Then, you can multiple the stat ratios.

To get rapture, well, I wonder if you would multiple the stat for a meaningful communication.

That was cool.

Sew, what else.

donnalmunro yeshua mighty redeemer

I got it all. Tree code.

That's 4 words. Count the colors.

I tend to like words 4 characters or more. I like a more difficult word. If you see a trend, that would be a purposed trend.

From the worship/glory which is derived from the release of this puzzle, I ask God to, for all Earth, let there be light. Manage the governments toward your kingdom purpose. Release your Kingdom here. In Jesus' name, Amen.

In light of the bad stuff recently released toward God's seed, I comfort you with a mystery.

I might add mystery. Or kingdom.

When you see a red October, remember Jesus is your mighty redeemer, against a set of very bad circumstances.

We are in a red October, based on releases. Bad timing can be turned into kingdom destiny, if we stay faithful to our God of truth and salvation.

Here's everything from before plus red.

What you do here, if you are pretty sure the code is in there, you shorten the letters, in that event the processor hangs on the word.

I had an additional word space. I could break October across three fields.

When one is getting to the last fields, you might want three letter words. You might.


I was mucking around waiting for the processor.


In the word list you have access to see, I have Oc set up in there as OKE, because at some point, I looked up a brand. It is the equal of Oc.

I have both parts of Oc-tober.

I have a tree code.

When bad stuff happens, recall Jesus rose from the dead, and because he did, he secures your life after death. Our spirit continues to feel non-stop from life to death. It is one continuous experience. However, we transition to where we invested our fruits.

I have noticed vowel dipthongs recently in Hebrew. Despite seeing a vowel dipthong in the translation on Google translate, because I have more exposure to them, I am anticipating Google Translate correct. I am still kind of working with a transliteration. October pulled into Hebrew is at least a cultural transliteration. Right? They have different months. That's why the in program dictionary and the Google Translate output are similar.

I labelled the next graphic wrong. If you keep the work, you rename the graphic.

Hopefully, a rapture occurs before Red October.

However, if it does not, I am ready to be whatever Jesus needs in the moment.

And so do we all. If we have the Word of Life in us, speak Life.

Where his words dovetail mine.


The next rapture date is the Winter Solstice, take 2 days back or forward or on the day. I'll likely forget. Say it did happen. Watch for the 939.

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