The PPP Bookstore

Thursday, October 24, 2019


Here is my name with my life data.

Language teacher. Jehovah knows. He knew I would be a language teacher.

If you code, you might add my languages.

As to messages, I may only be the optic cable, and the message in the bottle remains Jehovah's.

Do you know how optic cable works?

The high hits of my name--Psalm 20.

And there are others.

This particular psalm has a strong similarity to the three men in the fire, who are added to by One.

And there, they sing for 15-20 minutes their brand new song to Jehovah, their praise in the fire.

Psalm 107.

Yes, oh all the mighty remembrances I have of you, oh God, Adonai.

For those who come for a visit, remember that three men lived through a fire. They lived thorugh the fire, because Jehovah had a point to make. They had the Son of Man in the fire with them.

And this miracle is to tell all God's seed that even should they perish in the fire, at the stake, or by guillotine, Yeshua has done the refining work to bring them home to himself in the spirit life which outlasts this body.

All the saints who have been killed in all of time are sealed by the blood of Jesus shed at the cross, and all Jesus' seed comes back to Heaven, where Father initiated his little light to go be a man in this earthly body. By man, I means our human species, and I include man and woman, son and daughter, God's seed from Adam, and the olive tree and its grafted in branch.

So, every strategy of the enemy against God's people, born of seed and of faith, both who trust in the mighty name of Yeshua for salvation, does not work. You can kill the body, but you can't kill the eternal spirit, which gets heaven's body attributed to the body rebuilt by the blood of Jesus.

Jesus' blood rebuilds us.

He reconstructs us from the intracellular, from the nano-whatever to the whole of us.

As a tip, if a person searches themself in scripture, they will find their whole rap sheet.

Hopefully, their rap sheet is holy. Not wholly. Holy.

I would certainly appreciate my rap sheet appearing in God's holy passages, like the Ark in the Holy of Holies. Our heart is that space where we invite the King/Priest Jesus to come stay. We are the pillow for his head.

We hold ourselves as the place for him to rest. He paid it all. Be his triumph.

My rap sheet is in the Holy Sanctified Scripture. I am not fully saintified. I am trusting God to progressively bring me toward his plans for me. I am justified by his blood, and I am Jehovah's family, by the restoration at the cross. Grace has redeemed me out of chaos.

Grace picked up this Calamity Jane, and has turned me into Shalom.

No more blunders will hurt me. God will use even my blunders to embroider his ends. Imagine that.

Imagine how happy this Calamity Jane is that Jehovah loves her even with her blunders.

Shalom. Shalom. Shalom. Jehovah's love endures forever. How long is forever. Can you feel it? Can you? Can you feel eternity birthed on your insides when you have asked Jesus Yeshua into your heart space to be One Wine in you.

Yes. Eternity. There is a Merlot of Eternity. Mine is Jesus.

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