The PPP Bookstore

Thursday, October 24, 2019


This CatMom, who has dual ethnicity, or triple, whatever, has a kitten who is very bright and alert. Because of that, writing and catmomming is being traded off, a little of this, a little of that.

Lulu is being my Lulu. Nothing is broken yet. That would be because we have for the most part managed his ways. And despite his ways, we love him.

Ethnicity is in code.

Here's a new skip. 1 million plus. Hmm.

These are complicated searches. I have to wait. Even the ones I did before, long waits.

I am waiting. Here's a story.

For Sukkot, I had a tent. I threw the cat toys in the tent. And the cushy place I made in there appealed to my kitten. And I moved the edges of the tent to get my kitten to play.

As a tip, clip your kitten's claws before beginning this. It is very fun to set your toes along the edge of the tent, and move the toys. And the cat jumps, very excited, and there's much clamour inside the tent. And you are really glad you are not the cat toy.

I will check the code.

I did not get the whole words. I still consider valuable the whole word less 1 letter. I may try that.

The difference is Scottish vs. Scot.

Nothing. Now, I am splitting up donnamunro to donna and munro. That opens up many options.

I am interested in trying a forebranch of my lineage. Boleyn. I might. If you see a seed a royalty, I don't control my forebranch, do I. However, I will search it, because it is part of my tree of life.

By grace, Yeshua imputes upon us, by adoption, his placement in Kingdom. You get it all, because he has it all.

How I think the code engine works - it finds the first word full set. Then, it goes through and for each code, it finds the next near. And then, it goes again. And that's how you get word crosswords.

In the code search, my ethnicity is there. The main thing is: Do I hunt the complicated puzzle which looks pretty....

I may try. There's only 4 Norse.

For those who have done their DNA profiles, you can look up your forefathers in the code with your name. I also have tribes from Cornwall, England. Etc. This should not be that surprising. Set a circle of circumference in Canada. It covers a few prairie provinces. Set it over Scotland, and you see England and Norway. Not surprising.

To make code crossword puzzles finding easier, there is a button. When I press the button, sometimes, we lose the puzzle, because the software hangs. It is still worth doing when the code set is high up over a thousand.

And yes, that means the Scottish are in there some 1500 plus times. What can I say.

The nations are in there. What is your nation? Search it.

Suppose it does not hang. Suppose. It did not. By my methods here, next, select order by small to large skip.

Look for Scottish. Donna Munro Scottish.

Do you know Hebrew well enough to see a sample transliteration? Scottish is based on our sounding out in English plus. Sound out the Hebrew letters. It's close. Scotti.

I will look for something else pretty.

I did. Optic cable. Check it out. See the Holy of Holies, and Jehovah my God, and his cherubim.

My personhood shows you Jehovah God.

I find Jehovah pretty.


I had few instances of Norse. We are not seeing pink. However, it's still fun to search.

God asked me to open code even without the code letter recorded. And hunt. So I do. I found us something cool.

My surname.

Because God's voice helped me sculpt this code, I hunt his most heavy record.

Here. I have sifted the weight of his glory as gold of Ophir to bring you.

God Jehovah's glory, release.

Do what you do.

And rework everything in the universe.


I expect there to be rollout in the universe today, Lord. When we have coffee at your throne room, I want to see the rollout.

I do your release. You do the mighty man work, restoring all things, exactly as you said.

The next little bit I show you are the works of Elijah.

Check it out. Elijah worked for Jehovah.

The plans of the enemy are as close as the Holy Spirit.

I've been praying a bad guy would be caught.

He's caught. God is bigger than the bad guy.

Herein is the important thing. Pray what the Holy Spirit leads you to pray. Even if it makes basically no sense to you naturally, God has plans. And he brings forward what he plans, even by your words.

You partner.

And now, knowing the bad guy is the bad guy, Grace calls me to call to God to save him. Yeah. What kind of good guy can a bad guy make, if he is transformed by Jehovah.

I feel like calling down fire. I see we have enough. God, can you do something in the heaven's?

How about a sun burst? You can make a big show, and minutely divert the pour, so we don't get our whole earth CME. I call out a sun burst, and God, you keep all Earth safe.

This time, till it is your time to do differently. However, I think man needs a worthwhile sign you are still in the heaven's managing all Earth governments, etc.

Sun, burst. ⛳🤵📛📿; 11:16 am, 10/24/2019.

I don't know about times, but this is cool.

I will trust in the government you chose here for Canada, via the vote, despite not liking the outcome. I will trust you have made your choice. You manage the seats.

I am not saying I don't like Trudeau. I am saying his leadership is not good for my place, or has not proven fruitful. By fruit, we will be known. We need to call out good fruit for the prairies. I don't mean natural fruit. I am calling out the spiritual fruit of heaven to manifest on the prairies, so that we flourish. And God will do the rest. When you see our sun burst, recall God has all Earth in his control. And when you see how amazingly close our call is, you praise Jehovah, because he knows how to direct his ping pong ball of energy blasts.

Great works of God Jehovah are followed by Selah. Selah. Yeah. Selah. Do a great work, Almighty God.

Out of eternity, you chose my ethnicity. And you are using it to weave Kingdom. Thank you for threading beautiful things into me. I love you for it.

Something very empowering and intimacy building is finding your clan and name written in God's future Jerusalem. He has written about how Earth will be. He has written how God will transform Earth when Jesus comes. Are you there? When you find you there, well, it feels lovely.

For now, I share the concept. See yourself in God's inheritances plan for all Earth, and his sculpting of his Kingdom over all the Earth.

God has plans. See you in them.

Here is another snap to more fully demonstrate a specific code.

The weight of God's glory is this upcoming record.

I've been hunting the pink. I am letting go.

I am going to hunt Boleyn instead.

One of the epiphanies I had regarding me in relationship to God is:

I am woman enough for the Son of Man.

And for Anne Boleyn, who somehow was strategically set aside, by devices against the queen, Anne Boleyn, despite not being woman enough for King Henry, was and is woman enough for the Son of Man, Jesus Christ, her Saviour.

Woman enough.

Slain by the head cutting. Still woman enough for the Son of Man.

The earthly judgment does not last, because Yeshua has the final word.

Anne Boleyn is woman enough. Anne Boleyn is woman enough. Yes, Anne Boleyn is woman enough for the Mighty King.

Got it.

I speak against hell for my tribe. My tribe has feet set in God's living waters.

The nation who has royalty ought pray that the Royal House defends their woman/wife/bride.

And today, the royal house is doing that. This is pleasing to God.

I speak Jehovah's favor over the royal house that protects their wife.


If you love your royalty, pray for them. Pray for Jehovah to cover them with his protection.

Let's see how the code processor is doing.

My forebranch in the Tree of Life, House of Boleyn, how are you?

See your surname cut in my living tree.

There you are, Boleyns, in Jehovah's Tree of Life, his Living Word.

Beloved Boleyns, come to Jesus.

Boleyns, examine my gold of Ophir.

I will look for the puzzle.

I've been sitting here not eating or drinking for a time.

I need a drink. I'll be back.

Here is the Boleyns.

I don't know if the Boleyns were Scottish. Different branch of the family. The first field is Scottish. You need a container which is difficult enough to cut down the puzzle.

So, Boleyns, put in your ethnicity on the top level keyword, and pull your name again.

My first name is in Green. You can see the letter, but I don't think it was recorded in the code record. No.

I feel God's heartbeat.

Here is what I think he is saying by this search.

Jehovah is the Testimony to all generations.

He has seen and heard all, including the testimonies and lives and acts and faith of all our generations.

It's the same record.

Similar to my former pulls of English code, I am hearing God's voice speak out the scripture, as I code. And if I look to the left panel, the voice I am hearing is exactly the same words as the left panel.

I am hearing Jehovah speak. He speaks. I look. I see exactly what he is saying. I know that is the record with his gold of Ophir.

If you don't mind, thank God for your ethnicity today.

Here, I rest.

See you again.

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