Something I noticed in my code engine early was that when I typed in English, the font came in Hebrew, and went backwards.
Today, I plan to use that. If a word is transmitted phonetically across, English to Hebrew, that field tool will be of use to me. My eye has to do the check to make sure what I typed is exactly what I want. Thankfully, Scotland came in correct.
Scotland. Seed of Israel. My people. Hmm. Scottish are royalists. They will fight for Jesus.
About chai. Life. If you speak it in Hebrew, and get the basic utterance in English, you get hey. That's my word. Hey. Chai.
Let's see Scotland.
Before I move on, chai seen locally is choi as a local supplier of training.
The domesticater of song birds. Hmm. Life. Someone who loved the songbirds. Fits.
Expanding the skip to 77000, I have Scotland, as a whole word.
This is unusual. God invested the military knowledge and devotion into the Scottish people for the defense of Kingdom today. Similar to the output of jewelry repair yesterday, where the output beat the input, because my Higher Power assisted me, greater than the sum of me and my tools, Holy Spirit helped the Scottish ranks do better than they naturally could, because my people had love for Jehovah.
My people did.
Yesterday, I fixed a 1 mm chain. And I figure God helped me. And in military situations, where a person is situated in the impossible, God helps them.
Here is where the puzzle goes.
Scottish clans, today's message is for you.
A N (nasal vowel)
If the first release of an angelic message were important, how important is this identification of this audience.
My first intuition says there's a big chain in the scripture.
My second is that there is a message inside this overall puzzle. It is a processer intense puzzle.
I can give you the message.
It is: Scotland Clans, Scottish Clans, fight for Jesus' Kingdom.
Or, Scotland, honor your Royal, Jesus.
It can be built a few ways, and with different words.
My clan, honor Jesus.
If you are wondering about our time, we are in the Daniel thing. The angel said his message was for now.
In reviewing the Israelite clans yesterday, I saw my Roe.
That was cool.
In the last couple days, there was an appearance of a full white roe.
That is a sign which ties to this message, which comes from King God.
The roe is his snow white hair. And it is part of his name. And it is part of his clan symbols.
Those symbols were carried into battle with the Ark of Covenant.
And singers came too.
If a person pulls roe into Hebrew in a word anomoly, you get Roi, Shepherd and I am pretty sure it ties somehow to King. I am not sure how. It could even be an anagram or a word gematria. I can look that up later. It's there. If we look for the roe, in the middle you will find the King of Kings.
Gematria of Roe is Aflame; Alpha.
I mean the gematria equals. It also equals el chai.
Eternal life. Life from the Tree of Life. Life around the Tree of Life.
The trail warmed up.
I am sitting here in the Presence most leaning upon God for what he wants to say.
I am aware of his Kabod. Kavod. We say Kabod. The letter is a b which sounds like a v, like Deborah/Devorah.
God's voice is a quiet whisper. And those who belong to him will hear his whisper, and attend to his heart.
What else.
Visions. I know scripture. I think of it during the day, and sometimes, I am seeing the actual scripture, like a prophet. I've been seeing this. The prophet who laid on his side. I've been seeing this repeatedly.
Google the prophet who laid on his side
When something is repeated in your spirit, you know God is trying to say something to you. It's days of this. I keep seeing it.
When God gets prophets to do such things, he is sending smoke signals we are to interpret. He is giving us sign language, similar to ASL, and we are to figure out his message. He has a message.
When Daniel and his three friends chose to not eat the royal diet, he did so based on knowing scripture. He knew Ezekiel. He understood some prophecy and God's message through signs.
Some of the signs of that day are pertinent today. Those who attend to what is important to God will catch the draft of his desire for today.
Google Where Was Ezekiel When He Wrote His Book
There's a word play on the royal diet.
He puts multiple meanings on his words.
Ezekiel is one of the most referenced books in Revelations.
I am situated situating this on the throne.
God is saying mirror to me.
So, it's in the code. It's in this code.
Who sees the mirror.
If I were to Google Translate Meditate upon Roe, what do think I would find?
I bet I would find the worthy.
Part of this message is derived by patience. If I were not patient with God's whisper, I would not get his word embroidery.
Brodies brodeur.
Today, I plan to use that. If a word is transmitted phonetically across, English to Hebrew, that field tool will be of use to me. My eye has to do the check to make sure what I typed is exactly what I want. Thankfully, Scotland came in correct.
Scotland. Seed of Israel. My people. Hmm. Scottish are royalists. They will fight for Jesus.
About chai. Life. If you speak it in Hebrew, and get the basic utterance in English, you get hey. That's my word. Hey. Chai.
Let's see Scotland.
Before I move on, chai seen locally is choi as a local supplier of training.
The domesticater of song birds. Hmm. Life. Someone who loved the songbirds. Fits.
Expanding the skip to 77000, I have Scotland, as a whole word.
This is unusual. God invested the military knowledge and devotion into the Scottish people for the defense of Kingdom today. Similar to the output of jewelry repair yesterday, where the output beat the input, because my Higher Power assisted me, greater than the sum of me and my tools, Holy Spirit helped the Scottish ranks do better than they naturally could, because my people had love for Jehovah.
My people did.
Yesterday, I fixed a 1 mm chain. And I figure God helped me. And in military situations, where a person is situated in the impossible, God helps them.
Here is where the puzzle goes.
Scottish clans, today's message is for you.
A N (nasal vowel)
If the first release of an angelic message were important, how important is this identification of this audience.
My first intuition says there's a big chain in the scripture.
My second is that there is a message inside this overall puzzle. It is a processer intense puzzle.
I can give you the message.
It is: Scotland Clans, Scottish Clans, fight for Jesus' Kingdom.
Or, Scotland, honor your Royal, Jesus.
It can be built a few ways, and with different words.
My clan, honor Jesus.
If you are wondering about our time, we are in the Daniel thing. The angel said his message was for now.
In reviewing the Israelite clans yesterday, I saw my Roe.
That was cool.
In the last couple days, there was an appearance of a full white roe.
That is a sign which ties to this message, which comes from King God.
The roe is his snow white hair. And it is part of his name. And it is part of his clan symbols.
Those symbols were carried into battle with the Ark of Covenant.
And singers came too.
If a person pulls roe into Hebrew in a word anomoly, you get Roi, Shepherd and I am pretty sure it ties somehow to King. I am not sure how. It could even be an anagram or a word gematria. I can look that up later. It's there. If we look for the roe, in the middle you will find the King of Kings.
Gematria of Roe is Aflame; Alpha.
I mean the gematria equals. It also equals el chai.
Eternal life. Life from the Tree of Life. Life around the Tree of Life.
The trail warmed up.
I am sitting here in the Presence most leaning upon God for what he wants to say.
I am aware of his Kabod. Kavod. We say Kabod. The letter is a b which sounds like a v, like Deborah/Devorah.
God's voice is a quiet whisper. And those who belong to him will hear his whisper, and attend to his heart.
What else.
Visions. I know scripture. I think of it during the day, and sometimes, I am seeing the actual scripture, like a prophet. I've been seeing this. The prophet who laid on his side. I've been seeing this repeatedly.
Google the prophet who laid on his side
When something is repeated in your spirit, you know God is trying to say something to you. It's days of this. I keep seeing it.
When God gets prophets to do such things, he is sending smoke signals we are to interpret. He is giving us sign language, similar to ASL, and we are to figure out his message. He has a message.
When Daniel and his three friends chose to not eat the royal diet, he did so based on knowing scripture. He knew Ezekiel. He understood some prophecy and God's message through signs.
Some of the signs of that day are pertinent today. Those who attend to what is important to God will catch the draft of his desire for today.
Google Where Was Ezekiel When He Wrote His Book
There's a word play on the royal diet.
He puts multiple meanings on his words.
Ezekiel is one of the most referenced books in Revelations.
I am situated situating this on the throne.
God is saying mirror to me.
So, it's in the code. It's in this code.
Who sees the mirror.
If I were to Google Translate Meditate upon Roe, what do think I would find?
I bet I would find the worthy.
Part of this message is derived by patience. If I were not patient with God's whisper, I would not get his word embroidery.
Brodies brodeur.
Mirror is purple.
Note: Links take you places.
Education articles songs.
Go at your own discernment.
My favorite way is copy link, and paste in a browser.
The words true self are a phonic puzzle of Jerusalem.
Three sets of these codes traverse all of the Song of Songs.
A set per part. There's three parts of Song of Songs I think.
Here is a sample.
I am not showing you the right code.
Hang on. Skip 45. Here is skip 45.
45 means Preserved.
The Lord will preserve his Beloved in these days.
God has something to say with the skip counts.
So, we are following the scarlet thread.
66 means...idol worship is rising these days - though many names, they can be reduced to Baal and Asherah. You have got a bunch of names which will get reduced to Baal/Asherah.
The Beloved will stay faithful in this time, despite harassment by those who follow Baal/Asherah.
Beloved, stay faithful.
Next, my heart is landed upon 146.
His freed ones are freed from the bondage and chains of sin.
They are separated from the world, having God's eternal seed within their heart.
Continue watching the green. See any green?
11 means the lawless one is being revealed.
This means the leader does not value Jehovah's Torah.
He does not value the law of life given in the Word of God.
If I miss a number, derive the message from the tools I formerly gave you.
I did roe into Hebrew. I see the gold of Ophir.
Hebrew knower, do I see right?
Who wears the gold of Ophir?
I have a snap of him.
Look. Behold.
My Roe wears the gold of Ophir.
This is my message to my Scottish Clans.
Behold the King of Kings.
God's hand as Bridegroom God is here in Ruth.
I would end with this vision.
The Roe is in Ruth.
It is. It is Ophir.
Some manner of holy expletive for awe.
That means someone in Israel ought have noticed this roe thing before.
The roe symbol of Song of Songs is that Jesus Christ is getting the return on investment due him by his work upon the cross. And what would that be.
What else, God.
My heart moved to Ophir, and noting God skimming the Ophir toward me.
I have one. I realize the word ro is short, but I am noticing the high numbers of the word in scripture.
See the gold.
44 is the Confession of Sin to Jesus, asking him to be your Lord and Saviour.
Gen. 44. Matt 4:4. Revelation 4:4.
The Son who ascended to the throne teaches.
44. 44. 44.
4 x 4.
Ezekiel 1.
Ezekiel 44.
Scottish clans, view your inheritance.
Here, I close.
Coming out, 44 is gematria equal of Godhead.
44 also equals Adonai. Boaz.
That means Adonai Bridegroom. Man of Ophir. Google Search.
Excuse my cat's typing. He had typed 00000000000000000. However, it was much more.
From products in Earth, it is interesting to know that Reebok, the fancy running shoe is a take on Roe. And if we were to invest our spirit in knowing why, it's about the little springbok in the reebok.
Don't we all wish we had spring in our step? When a corporation takes on a name, they ought protect their little avatar/flag/brand. Were I that kind of leader, I would protect the roe.
Portuguese: Ova/s de peixe
Esperanto: Koko
Irish: Eochraí (Interesting for the similarity to Hebrew in structure)
Amharic: Royi
Mongolian: Borookhoi
Norwegian: Rogn
Latin: Caprea
Japanese: Tamago
Tamil: Roy
Russian: Kosulya
Corsican: Uva
Malagasy: Gazela.
Notes: The variety is large. I note samples which may be repeated.
I play. I translated Roe to Sindhi. There's another language writing system there. I translate back to English. That word is used for two words. Leaf. Roe.
It translates back to Leaf.
Roe. Leaf.
I do it again. It works differently.
Roe. Translate to Sindhi.
Translate back. The Way.
Three word meanings are interesting in Sindhi.
Okay, so I did the same thing with the Way.
Welsh. The Way. Y ffordd.
Kurdish. Rê
Afrikaan. Die manier.
Albanian. Rruga. I wonder how you say the double r.
Finnish. Tapa. Do the Finnish eat tapas?
Zulu. Indlela.
You know how I find tree codes. I enjoy finding the word tree diagrams in other languages for similar words, or closely associated words. I am giving what I see a word/definition.
I like word tree diagrams.
I see the spread of the word type into the language.
I also like to see the art of the letters which make a similar sound. I find it pretty.
For example, appreciate this.
In this, for the letters which spell the word roe in Sinhala, I see the All Seeing Eye of Jehovah, His Covenant as Kinsman Redeemer Sewn into Law, and I see his offer of his Wedding Ring to me.
Those are the letters which spell my Roe.
And he paid off all my escrow to hell.
There are scripture verses which support each of these pictures.
As to phonetics among the languages, it is interesting to note the patterns of consonant exchanges.
R-P is one.
Learning languages is like beading. You set a bead color pattern, which I did yesterday or the day before. You set the color, and you bead the pattern till you know it without looking at it. Then, for some reason, you have to accommodate. You have to develop a substitute. However, you keep the substitute approximately equal. You look for the equal. You develop a similar looking letter or color. I know letters don't have colors in the natural. In the spirit, I see colors on the letters.
You make a new pattern. You develop the common pattern. And between two nations, you programmed a p or an r with the same sound. And you never knew you had something in common.
I am ending off, to go do experiments with nail processes. Later.
Update: I am still in the process of coming out.
The phonetics of Ophir is Ofer. Amongs the languages, one meaning is I offer.
This is a study I can carry on later, however, the Bridegroom carries his offer. "I offer."
Ofer. Ophir.
It's Romanian. I offer.
The Mazzaroth Compare Sheet
The 12 Tribes
NSEW Directions Around Tabernacle
Someone here has water for a symbol.
Naphtali - Deer
Dan - Serpent/Scales
Asher - Tree of Life/Knowledge of Good and Evil
Simeon - Castle/Two cities of Light
Reuben - Flower or Palm? (Maybe the flower is from a Palm); Water/Sea/Waves of Water
Gad Tent/tabernacle/Pyramids
Zebulun Ships Trade
Judah Lion of Judah
Issachar Prophets Constellations Lights/Donkey (seeing forward: Compasses, Telescope, Printing Press, Triangles of Various kinds)
Benjamin Wolf
Joseph Wheat sheafs/Vineyards: Inheritance divided
Center 1 if 12 leaving 11 and Joseph's sons.
Levi High Priest/Torah/Ephod 12 Gems/Menorah
These are in approximate order of the tribes NSEW.
Constellation Equals:
Who found the Printshop constellation, and why did they stop using it? You would think the printer cool enough for a constellation.
What I've done here is based on Joseph's dream, rather than the 12 signs astrologist picked, and their narrative, I've looked for the constellations which bow down to Joseph's sheaf of wheat, so that I can see if I can decode a narrative out of the stars.
I used present and former constellation names, because former collective politics regarding Christians/Jews and stars, they dumped the stars believers named. I bring them back.
Here. I need to think on this.
The Roe deer, Jesus Bridegroom, comes down as Prince Yeshua, and he pays/fulfills the Passover Lamb to beat the Dragon with legal requirements, and he effects the law, which restores the Tree of Life and Eternal Life over Jehovah's Sons of Adam, establishing the Kingdom of Two Cities of Light, Jerusalem and New Jerusalem. The flower/palm/lily is the fruit of righteousness restored to the Kingdom of Heaven in Earth. It began in a tabernacle/tent, and expanded to a temple. Under King Solomon, Israel's trade flourished, and he had relative peace. The Lion of Judah pre-starter was the Kingdom of Solomon/David. Israel's prophets who carry an emblem of a donkey watch for a donkey to carry their King into Jerusalem. The wolf in Kingdom threads is the Wisdom of Men who have trouble relinquishing the natural for the eternal. So, men sin. The priest makes atonement for men's sin, so they can stay close to God their Father. And Messiah is coming in like manner to Joseph, whose brothers bowed down to him in the constellations. And Messiah received the Triumphal Entry where his people lifted palms to him. In effect, Joseph's dream was fulfilled. Eh. That's new. It's my release. Cool. Similar to Joseph, Jesus will take the throne, and rule. He will establish peace and order and justice. Somewhere water fits in the story. Jesus is the Living Waters who gives to any man who thirsts for mercy, forgiveness, grace, and renewal. He also gives Holy Spirit to accomplish kingdom in men's hearts.
Update: The Ox King laid down his own life in payment to recover his Kingdom family. The Ox is the workpiece of Earth. Men have kind of taken their work through them for granted, yet men's accomplishment for their family would be limited without them. The Ox King refers to that manner of King who laid aside royalty and entitlement to bow low enough to slip beneath hell's gaze, and turn the tables so his Cinderella bride could escape the wicked stepmother, who layered her with false meanings and life assignment. Father God birthed her to be a bride to his own Son. The whole chess game is about effecting that Check Mate, which walks her out of the evil tower, toward her destiny.
In the stars, the locked away woman Jesus frees is Andromeda, and he frees her to be Cassiopeia. She joins the star constellation for King. And together, they are true love/soul mates, etc. That's two stars I did not bring into this overall picture. The stars are a picture book of Jesus' story. When he gets here, I can make him his corrected story book. And I may make his pages gold edge.
Jehovah released this revelation to Enoch. And it has been submerged for a very long time. And idolatry stole and made all kinds of wrong identities/aliases for the stars. Jesus made the stars to tell men his and their story. And it ought be told right.
That's the story out of the stars, based on my review, of bringing the 12 tribes back into the constellation picture.
God released revelation to me early this year. This revelation corresponds to the Feast Times we have just ahead. Some people wait in the Sukkah, and get this manner of revelation. I am releasing this to Earth now, in the purpose of raising Jehovah's glory now. Let Jehovah be glorified in this set of Feast Days.
Lord, recall and free my people out of chains, and bring them recognition in their spirit of who you are, convict them, and bring them into your Kingdom, renewing their inner man, and making them new. Before, you said pray for the Israelites, and you would make a seed unto yourself. Now, Lord God, I approach you as the Scottish derived queen, and I ask you to bring and weave into your Living Tree all my clan branches. Look upon my branches. Bring them in. Bring them in pre-Rapture. I am not interested in leaving even 1 leaf to the bad dragon. Not 1. Bring in the whole house. Fill my whole house with the Holy Spirit.
No sign is required, except the incoming of my spiritual babies.
Note: Links take you places.
Education articles songs.
Go at your own discernment.
My favorite way is copy link, and paste in a browser.
The words true self are a phonic puzzle of Jerusalem.
Three sets of these codes traverse all of the Song of Songs.
A set per part. There's three parts of Song of Songs I think.
Here is a sample.
I am not showing you the right code.
Hang on. Skip 45. Here is skip 45.
45 means Preserved.
The Lord will preserve his Beloved in these days.
God has something to say with the skip counts.
So, we are following the scarlet thread.
66 means...idol worship is rising these days - though many names, they can be reduced to Baal and Asherah. You have got a bunch of names which will get reduced to Baal/Asherah.
The Beloved will stay faithful in this time, despite harassment by those who follow Baal/Asherah.
Beloved, stay faithful.
Next, my heart is landed upon 146.
His freed ones are freed from the bondage and chains of sin.
They are separated from the world, having God's eternal seed within their heart.
Continue watching the green. See any green?
11 means the lawless one is being revealed.
This means the leader does not value Jehovah's Torah.
He does not value the law of life given in the Word of God.
If I miss a number, derive the message from the tools I formerly gave you.
Hebrew knower, do I see right?
Who wears the gold of Ophir?
I have a snap of him.
Look. Behold.
My Roe wears the gold of Ophir.
This is my message to my Scottish Clans.
Behold the King of Kings.
God's hand as Bridegroom God is here in Ruth.
I would end with this vision.
The Roe is in Ruth.
It is. It is Ophir.
Some manner of holy expletive for awe.
That means someone in Israel ought have noticed this roe thing before.
The roe symbol of Song of Songs is that Jesus Christ is getting the return on investment due him by his work upon the cross. And what would that be.
What else, God.
My heart moved to Ophir, and noting God skimming the Ophir toward me.
I have one. I realize the word ro is short, but I am noticing the high numbers of the word in scripture.
See the gold.
44 is the Confession of Sin to Jesus, asking him to be your Lord and Saviour.
Gen. 44. Matt 4:4. Revelation 4:4.
The Son who ascended to the throne teaches.
44. 44. 44.
4 x 4.
Ezekiel 1.
Ezekiel 44.
Scottish clans, view your inheritance.
Here, I close.
Coming out, 44 is gematria equal of Godhead.
44 also equals Adonai. Boaz.
That means Adonai Bridegroom. Man of Ophir. Google Search.
God's throne is surrounded by lightning and flames of fire.
12:18 pm. Make a sign. 9/10/2019. Smoke signal. The usual. ⛳🤵📛📿
(The second symbol you see here is the Man of Ophir. He wears the colors upon his vestments. He is in the bible, if you look for him.)
You can tremble, make big waves, big light flashes, whatever. You can even make a big splash. Do the incredible, glorious, awesome and unforgettable.
I had a heart shape lightning. So, if you look up lightning on the Internet, you see shape lightning today. God is doing a new thing. Look for lightning in the shape of the burning bush/tree of life, chai, "el chai". Remember my hey term for code. Chai. Hey. It translates as a set of letters, and as a tree of life. There's other lightning shapes. I saw a few more shapes.
Excuse my cat's typing. He had typed 00000000000000000. However, it was much more.
Weather geeks have found colored lightning, which I decreed the other day. God is writing in the sky. Weather geeks saw green lightning. That represents:
Munro Man of Ophir. Ophir gold is gold with a little tinge of green.
That is to represent the kind of gold the Zion/Tsion would wear.
What color gold would the Vine wear? It probably would be Ophir gold.
Extended Study:
When beginning a study, it's nice to situate where we are then.
Yesterday, I implemented a system of doing nails for myself. After seeing the potential mess, I've decided to make myself a work station. And when necessary, I may get my husband to help me, because if you drop product or chemical, it can create a big mess.
However, the product hardened. And it comes off very slowly. I added something to the mix. I put stickers on. I tried one way on one hand. I improved the process on the second hand. And then, I discovered that the stickers had not just a backer, but a second backer to remove. I put the backer on my nails. Over the evening, I ripped much of it off.
Today, I am doing repair. I made my nails sapphire. They do not follow the latest 22 trends. However, after I do repair, we might call this process of doing them a new trend.
Today, I am interested in following the word roe through Google Translate.
And the main definitons already are:
- The deer.
- Salmon eggs.
- Orator.
And what you see through languages are phonetic uses of their letter system (for that word in different letter alphabets). However, I have found some new word uses. And that is what I am looking for. Related to this, I wonder how many Scottish clans had a roe on the clan vestment.
From products in Earth, it is interesting to know that Reebok, the fancy running shoe is a take on Roe. And if we were to invest our spirit in knowing why, it's about the little springbok in the reebok.
Don't we all wish we had spring in our step? When a corporation takes on a name, they ought protect their little avatar/flag/brand. Were I that kind of leader, I would protect the roe.
Word Studies
Portuguese: Ova/s de peixe
Esperanto: Koko
Irish: Eochraí (Interesting for the similarity to Hebrew in structure)
Amharic: Royi
Mongolian: Borookhoi
Norwegian: Rogn
Latin: Caprea
Japanese: Tamago
Tamil: Roy
Russian: Kosulya
Corsican: Uva
Malagasy: Gazela.
Notes: The variety is large. I note samples which may be repeated.
I play. I translated Roe to Sindhi. There's another language writing system there. I translate back to English. That word is used for two words. Leaf. Roe.
It translates back to Leaf.
Roe. Leaf.
I do it again. It works differently.
Roe. Translate to Sindhi.
Translate back. The Way.
Three word meanings are interesting in Sindhi.
Okay, so I did the same thing with the Way.
Welsh. The Way. Y ffordd.
Kurdish. Rê
Afrikaan. Die manier.
Albanian. Rruga. I wonder how you say the double r.
Finnish. Tapa. Do the Finnish eat tapas?
Zulu. Indlela.
You know how I find tree codes. I enjoy finding the word tree diagrams in other languages for similar words, or closely associated words. I am giving what I see a word/definition.
I like word tree diagrams.
I see the spread of the word type into the language.
I also like to see the art of the letters which make a similar sound. I find it pretty.
For example, appreciate this.
In this, for the letters which spell the word roe in Sinhala, I see the All Seeing Eye of Jehovah, His Covenant as Kinsman Redeemer Sewn into Law, and I see his offer of his Wedding Ring to me.
Those are the letters which spell my Roe.
And he paid off all my escrow to hell.
There are scripture verses which support each of these pictures.
As to phonetics among the languages, it is interesting to note the patterns of consonant exchanges.
R-P is one.
Learning languages is like beading. You set a bead color pattern, which I did yesterday or the day before. You set the color, and you bead the pattern till you know it without looking at it. Then, for some reason, you have to accommodate. You have to develop a substitute. However, you keep the substitute approximately equal. You look for the equal. You develop a similar looking letter or color. I know letters don't have colors in the natural. In the spirit, I see colors on the letters.
You make a new pattern. You develop the common pattern. And between two nations, you programmed a p or an r with the same sound. And you never knew you had something in common.
I am ending off, to go do experiments with nail processes. Later.
Update: I am still in the process of coming out.
The phonetics of Ophir is Ofer. Amongs the languages, one meaning is I offer.
This is a study I can carry on later, however, the Bridegroom carries his offer. "I offer."
Ofer. Ophir.
It's Romanian. I offer.
The Mazzaroth Compare Sheet
The 12 Tribes
NSEW Directions Around Tabernacle
Someone here has water for a symbol.
Naphtali - Deer
Dan - Serpent/Scales
Asher - Tree of Life/Knowledge of Good and Evil
Simeon - Castle/Two cities of Light
Reuben - Flower or Palm? (Maybe the flower is from a Palm); Water/Sea/Waves of Water
Gad Tent/tabernacle/Pyramids
Zebulun Ships Trade
Judah Lion of Judah
Issachar Prophets Constellations Lights/Donkey (seeing forward: Compasses, Telescope, Printing Press, Triangles of Various kinds)
Benjamin Wolf
Joseph Wheat sheafs/Vineyards: Inheritance divided
- Manasseh Ox Taurus Poniatovii/Poniatowski's Bull; Bull Taurus; Sheaves (The bull appears to be leadership in Egypt.)
- Ephraim Unicorn, Horsmen Chinese Horses' tail Centaurus; Charioteer Auriga; Herdsman Bootes; Unicorn Moniceros
Center 1 if 12 leaving 11 and Joseph's sons.
Levi High Priest/Torah/Ephod 12 Gems/Menorah
These are in approximate order of the tribes NSEW.
Constellation Equals:
- Deer Orion/Reindeer Tarandus/Rangifer
- Serpent/Scales - Chinese Hydrus; Draco Dragon; Libra Balance; Snake Serpens
- Tree of Life/Knowledge of Good and Evil Apple Bearing Branch Ramus Pomifer
- Castle/Two cities of Light Jerusalem/Kingdom
- Flower or Palm? (Maybe the flower is from a Palm) Lilium Fleur de Lys (Seem tied to one tribe)
- Tent/tabernacle/Pyramids
- Ships Trade - Argo Navis/ Malus; Sails Vela
- Lion of Judah - Leo Palatinus; Chinese Peacock Pavo; Chinese Bee Musca; Chinese Cross Crux; Leonis Leo
- Prophets Constellations Lights Telescopium Herschelii; Herschel's Telescope/Uranoscopus the Star Gazer Fish; Chinese Persia Telescopium; Donkey/Ass - Asselli and Praesepe
- Wolf Lupus Wolf ; Fox Vulpecula
- Levi High Priest/Torah/Ephod/Menorah (Center placement for Tabernacle/Temple)
- Joseph Wheat sheafs/Vineyards/Palm - Keeper of Harvests Custos Messium; Ox King Castle
- Manasseh Ox Taurus Poniatovii/Poniatowski's Bull; Bull Taurus; Sheaves (The bull appears to be leadership in Egypt.)
- Ephraim Unicorn, Horsmen Chinese Horses' tail Centaurus; Charioteer Auriga; Herdsman Bootes; Unicorn Moniceros
Who found the Printshop constellation, and why did they stop using it? You would think the printer cool enough for a constellation.
What I've done here is based on Joseph's dream, rather than the 12 signs astrologist picked, and their narrative, I've looked for the constellations which bow down to Joseph's sheaf of wheat, so that I can see if I can decode a narrative out of the stars.
I used present and former constellation names, because former collective politics regarding Christians/Jews and stars, they dumped the stars believers named. I bring them back.
Here. I need to think on this.
The Roe deer, Jesus Bridegroom, comes down as Prince Yeshua, and he pays/fulfills the Passover Lamb to beat the Dragon with legal requirements, and he effects the law, which restores the Tree of Life and Eternal Life over Jehovah's Sons of Adam, establishing the Kingdom of Two Cities of Light, Jerusalem and New Jerusalem. The flower/palm/lily is the fruit of righteousness restored to the Kingdom of Heaven in Earth. It began in a tabernacle/tent, and expanded to a temple. Under King Solomon, Israel's trade flourished, and he had relative peace. The Lion of Judah pre-starter was the Kingdom of Solomon/David. Israel's prophets who carry an emblem of a donkey watch for a donkey to carry their King into Jerusalem. The wolf in Kingdom threads is the Wisdom of Men who have trouble relinquishing the natural for the eternal. So, men sin. The priest makes atonement for men's sin, so they can stay close to God their Father. And Messiah is coming in like manner to Joseph, whose brothers bowed down to him in the constellations. And Messiah received the Triumphal Entry where his people lifted palms to him. In effect, Joseph's dream was fulfilled. Eh. That's new. It's my release. Cool. Similar to Joseph, Jesus will take the throne, and rule. He will establish peace and order and justice. Somewhere water fits in the story. Jesus is the Living Waters who gives to any man who thirsts for mercy, forgiveness, grace, and renewal. He also gives Holy Spirit to accomplish kingdom in men's hearts.
Update: The Ox King laid down his own life in payment to recover his Kingdom family. The Ox is the workpiece of Earth. Men have kind of taken their work through them for granted, yet men's accomplishment for their family would be limited without them. The Ox King refers to that manner of King who laid aside royalty and entitlement to bow low enough to slip beneath hell's gaze, and turn the tables so his Cinderella bride could escape the wicked stepmother, who layered her with false meanings and life assignment. Father God birthed her to be a bride to his own Son. The whole chess game is about effecting that Check Mate, which walks her out of the evil tower, toward her destiny.
In the stars, the locked away woman Jesus frees is Andromeda, and he frees her to be Cassiopeia. She joins the star constellation for King. And together, they are true love/soul mates, etc. That's two stars I did not bring into this overall picture. The stars are a picture book of Jesus' story. When he gets here, I can make him his corrected story book. And I may make his pages gold edge.
Jehovah released this revelation to Enoch. And it has been submerged for a very long time. And idolatry stole and made all kinds of wrong identities/aliases for the stars. Jesus made the stars to tell men his and their story. And it ought be told right.
That's the story out of the stars, based on my review, of bringing the 12 tribes back into the constellation picture.
God released revelation to me early this year. This revelation corresponds to the Feast Times we have just ahead. Some people wait in the Sukkah, and get this manner of revelation. I am releasing this to Earth now, in the purpose of raising Jehovah's glory now. Let Jehovah be glorified in this set of Feast Days.
Lord, recall and free my people out of chains, and bring them recognition in their spirit of who you are, convict them, and bring them into your Kingdom, renewing their inner man, and making them new. Before, you said pray for the Israelites, and you would make a seed unto yourself. Now, Lord God, I approach you as the Scottish derived queen, and I ask you to bring and weave into your Living Tree all my clan branches. Look upon my branches. Bring them in. Bring them in pre-Rapture. I am not interested in leaving even 1 leaf to the bad dragon. Not 1. Bring in the whole house. Fill my whole house with the Holy Spirit.
No sign is required, except the incoming of my spiritual babies.
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