The PPP Bookstore

Friday, September 13, 2019

Why 72 Names of God Are Miraculous

With Aaron, Jehovah provided him his 72 names to speak in the Holy of Holies.

In that set of 72 names, God prenamed his witnesses/prophets.

He named himself. He named the prophets after himself, for the meanings of their names, which each held a clue to who he is.

This is why he had the 72 names.

At the time of Aaron, and the first High Priest, the priest spoke Daniel's name.

Do you see....God prophesied.

Like code, the 72 names are a word puzzle. They read a word puzzle to God. What it was, it was a scripture which the writer wrote as an exactly 72 letter set, three times over, and placed 72 letter over 72 letter over 72 letter set, you read the letters downward, and you get the new 72 words.

Those 72 words are the new revelation out of the words which are not the words, but new speech from Jehovah Yahweh Adonai.

And in that set of words, he names his Rocks of Memory, his witnesses who would testify to his name in the future. He names writers of the bible. He names metaphors, which he would use to call people toward him.

People/priests would read his puzzle to him, and they were calling forward the witnesses to God out of eternity.

And that, I speak out of my anointing to speak for Jehovah now.

Sinful men confected the boiling pot to harm God's prophet, I believe it was, Zechariah. Abraham too. John the Revelator. A man in boiling oil for 4 days would not kill him. Oh yeah. Can you see it? Nero's (maybe check the history) own confection of horror won 40,000 plus souls to Jesus Yeshua HaMashciah.

And God's name is essentially, boiling pot.

So, who might wonder what happens when that tips.

There are correlations between God's names, the 12 Tribes Emblems, and the Constellations.

I have just not found them yet.

Men's balances, and pictures of them in the stars are missing something. On the center of the balance is God's boiling pot. When the balance is centered, there's been atonement. And when men do whatever, and ignore God's voice, the balance tips, and all kinds of blick pour out.

If men want to continue to have God's own veil which keeps away the big bad asteroids, you need to like perhaps maybe atone.

Please note no kabbalah expert revealed this to you. The Bride did.

Atone. The revolving universe relies upon glue.


Atone. נאנ
Bride. ברד
Grasp. גרס

Aleph Tet Nun.
Bet Resh Dalet.
Gimmel Resh Samech.

Correlate my numbers.

Correlate. Correlate. Correlate.

Are we resonating? Are we on the same wavelength?

Do my numbers all add up? Oh. Good.

Hint. In Hebrew, the last word spells grass.

The benefit today of all the meditation tools is that anyone can search out and find revelations from Jehovah, if they have paid attention.

Just to be clear, this kind of word mystery appeared upon the sign which was put upon Jesus' cross, to name him to the people.

This is what God does. He writes word mysteries.

I use Google Translate. I took all the names. And Google Translate is not perfect, but I find the part of the hunt cool. I translate to the Hebrew. I back translate. And sometimes, things are off. And some are messed with. I notice an error here or there. However, despite all that, the step takes me a step closer to where I am going.

I am not going into my evaluation of the findings. I would need someone with like spirit to hunt that down.

So, Mitzrael, from the hunt, provided me the word Label. Nameplate. Take a look. The Angel who restores all things. 📛 Here we go. Who is our Angel who restores all things, and says, "Behold, I make all things new." I know who Mitzrael is.

God uses the imperfect tool to sculpt out meaning toward me. And I love him for it. Google translate gave me Egypt. Well, he did come out of Egypt, like his people did. Yes. Something which comes up in all this is how we get a best guess. And looking upon the letters, and routes through letters bring further reflection.

There are scriptural relations to all the names in the 72 names spoken in the Holy of Holies.

On behalf of God, I would like to release this truth to the people.

Hell twists Jehovah Yahweh Adonai's truth.

Jehovah says on purpose, he brought forward Yeshua as a Nazirite, a man of promise and covenant to himself.

Hell twisted Jehovah's truth. Nazirite. To Nazi, taking points of God's blessing Star of David, and turning it to twist into God's seed.

Jehovah rebukes Nazi as enlightened, but it comes from hell revelation for the twisting bending and turning of men in hell.

The Nazirite who makes all things new speaks through me, by the Holy Spirit, to you.

All Nazi untruths will eventually go to where it originated from.

Be encouraged, people of Israel, Mitzrael is for you. Still. I seal this word ⛳🤵📛📿

This is my revelation as the Bride. So, I am now watching for the one who picks it up and releases it as their own, not citing me. You might not want to do that.


I unturned the revelation of the 72 names.

Jehovah is a straight teacher.

He teaches straight.

If a priest turned the second order of his revelation, God would have burned up the priest in the Holy of Holies.

Because all revelation is first revealed, and then twisted by witchcraft/adulterers, I call the names back to straight order. Straight street. Right.

When God held the prophet up by his hair, to show him the abominations in his house, it was these things. God provided his holy revelation about himself to be respected by the ways he described to Aaron, not to be made into adulterous religion.

Now, there are two sections among the group who did this, and one was because some embrace the mystery of Jehovah. There who embrace the gifts of the spirit, Jehovah, and those are among God's house. And then, there's the generations of built in idol worshippers who came in God's house, and took every bit of blue thread, and made it gray. The gray thread will be pulled from the High Priest's Ephod and thrown in the fire.

As to that heart which would seek to worship Jehovah by these things, and not generate om, those the Lord calls closer to himself. However, you have to understand the scripture is not about revealing truth to be set into a set of runes for hell. Nope. Not at all.

I rebuke the runes. Lord God, accomplish Kingdom. ⛳🤵📛📿

I would seek one who has studied deeply the worship of Jehovah, and can bring to my understanding all the mishnah and extra Jewish text which would bring order to these things.

I do believe that this text is a display of the glory of God. And I believe it could have been spoken in the Holy of Holies, as a reveal of God's names. However, by the turning of one of the pieces, you lifted out Jehovah's revelation to his own people. And if you did not know, right now, God's glory is increasing and hell's is decreasing. If you have any regard for the mystery of Jehovah's heart, switch sides. I know who butters his sheep's bread. The rune guy gives men zip to eat.

When God Jehovah seekers are led into ways which ought to set of alerts in their spirit, please do something. If you hear God's voice yourself, you ask him. You ask him if you ought to be stepping back from using God's revelation about himself to land yourself in croc land.

You want the Mystery himself, not the witchcraft and use of God's truth to accomplish hell on Earth.

In case anyone is wondering, this is a release about purification of God's flock/sheep.

And we are ahead of that atonement feast, so I have provided you these things to bring forward which have been dividers between you and God.

My people, those who are called by my name, hear the Word of the Lord.

I feel particularly sad for Jehovah God that this thing was done against him. My heart is crying. And as a good wife, I am setting Jesus' kingdom in order, in communion with him.

You disregarded Jehovah God. How could you. Use the coming days to consider your placement in Kingdom, and do it ahead of the feast. Don't wait. When the flood comes over you, you want God to have an ark door for your family.

For Jehovah, and based on the feeling of mourning which is in my belly regarding this inconsiderate thing done against Jehovah, I speak tummy tremble.

1:34 pm. 9/15/2019 ⛳🤵📛📿

Let the foundations of the Earth agree with my mourning.

Be downcast.

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