The PPP Bookstore

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Praise Rave

Last night, I attended a praise rave. I wore glow sticks while dancing and singing. To my surprise, the glow sticks lasted more than 12 hours. They could be used as a flash light in the middle of the night.

I am here. I looked it up. Your glow stick can last between 12 to 24 hours.

I had a blast.

And my voice is a litttle hoarse. I sang a bit. So, today, my voice is all low, because I had few volume limits on my heights of praise.

A praise rave.

The glow sticks still glowed this morning.

At the meeting of the praise rave, we sat down eventually. I made friends behind me. I asked them to assist me were I to need it. And they said yes. Anyway, a spider lowered himself down from the ceiling, just above my head. And they touched my shoulder, and pointed out the spider just about to land.

I got up, grabbed the spider's web about 7 inches above him, put him on my notebook, and sought a place to set him down. I set him down in the walking aisle, near a wall. I asked the Lord to give him directions to the outdoors. And he left.

He was a medium size spider. He was black. And as far as spiders go, he looked like a healthy spider.

My Miss Moffat circumstance turned out fine, because I had a friendly voice behind.

I wonder if the spider chose me as a landing place, because of my glow sticks. My glow sticks remained glowing. And I had noted many had lost their brilliance. I thought mine had as well. When I got home, took them off, and so on, I realized mine were still very bright.

I wondered if my glow sticks were experiencing the Mini Hanukkah miracle, and burning all night long, like God burns the candlesticks of the Feast for enduring light. This is tied to the Maccabee story. I realize my glow sticks may not have turned the tide of war, but I kind of hope so, and I hope God was in the enduring glow sticks, which later lit my way through the dark. From necklace to flashlight, and then to teddy bear. Glow sticks. I hugged lit glow sticks as I fell asleep.

People reminded me of fireflies last night.

I pulled code. However, I will extend into code tomorrow.

In Hebrew, the word Mahol is the word dance which shows in the matrice, despite not showing in code records well.

Jer 10.

Ps 144.

Lord God, you bring light miracles to Israel during the Feast. Bring a host of messages to your people by their enduring light, which makes no sense, except your supernatural hand.

Lord God, protect your sons, my sons, during the upcoming Feast season. Keep every second covered by the shadow of your wings, and deflect all the armories of hell. Turn the arrows of the enemy back upon themselves, and return bombs back to sender. Let your GPS engine, and gas fuel their return. For every loaded bomb equipped vehicle, by man or attachment, open the ground, and such the team/lot of intended load of destruction down into hell, and if you don't mind, drop it on Lucifer's castle. Let his doobies do clean up work in hell. You better get that grout line right, or you are in for some trouble. That is hell quality work construction.

Lord, hear my prayer, in Jesus' name, Amen.

The message to the kingdom of hell is cease and desist, because the rot will come home to roost, and it will rot the hell kingdom's own king's castle. If those ancient works mean anything to that leader, you can get off my property. You leave mine, my house, my people alone. You have no authority to carry out your plans of evil against mine. And check the timing. You better stay away for the whole of the Feasts. Yup.

There are modes of war. There is also the mode of rest and shalom. Over the whole of Israel, and Jehovah's seed/sons, I speak rest, festivity, and shalom. I speak shalom over houses and synagogues and places of assembly, including any hotel which hosts Jehovah's least manner of celebration. Rest. Peace. Festivity. Light. Let there be light over my lovely Israel. Send epiphany to your seed, such that there are lights in people's faces, lights, and hearts. You have an inheritance to bring us.

Papa God Jehovah, those fiery embers you breathe out, for this Feast Season, let them also be that God fire which protects my house, in every definition of the Word. Yes, your breath is life. And you are also the firepan of the unholy, cleaning my house up. Be the firepan this Feast Season. There are several feasts, Lord God. Cover the Fall Feasts. All of them. All seconds of them, from start to finish.  Sweep the unholy into the firepan.  ⛳🤵📛📿

Update: I've decided to extend my decree to 3 days before and after the Feast days, and it includes the Christian Church feast days as well. ⛳🤵📛📿

Whatever plans hell has to come against mine will directly impact hell. There are paradigm holes which will drop hell's armaments on the Earth right on the hell king's palace bedroom and ensuite.

Hell, take a rest in warfare against mine for the Feast Days, including the approach and the days after.

If you do, you get it back. Remember. Whatever attack accumulates here, you get it all back.

Israel, get ready, the 4th day after the close of the Feasts in the Fall.


As to the rest of my readers, do remember who has protected you all these Ages.

Like who is it who has set the turn of the sun just so, so that you were not pre-1914 tech thus far.

Oh yeah.

Mr. Sun Burst can direct his waves.

Are you impressed? Close call. For the whole of the Earth, not just part of it, close call.

Permit me to mark a future miracle. The whole of the Earth's power network goes down, but hey, hey, hey, do you see. The defense system for Israel does not.

Oh yeah. Get ready. Power outage for the whole of Earth, but my defense does not fall.

Oh oh oh.

As the writer, I see a logic error. The whole of the Earth's power network goes down, except that of Israel. That's what I see.

The signal/sign of Jehovah's glory is his light. And he would not let his light go out in his Inheritance now would he...

Israel belongs to Jehovah God. Oh yeah. Look at her sparkle. Check her out. Beautiful Israel.

I feel drawn to sculpting code.

So, I present Mr. Sun Burst in the code.

Sunbow in Hebrew means the Archer. Sagittarius.

That means something here.

For the enemies who would harass Feasts, note that in Creation the Earth swallowed waters.

It means r-r-r-r-repeat for those who would harass God's during the Feasts.

However, I would still chase.

Did Earth sizzle just a little while my wave blew by you? Tell me, did my sign register?

Can you cast an insult at my energy waves and light and say, "If you are God's Son, take yourself down from the cross..."

Insults do not change the direction of the sun's bursts.

However, someone does.

Who is that.

It's sew hard to figure out.

If Sagittarius takes his bow, and directs it differently by a few degrees, what is the impact. Who knows.

Men fight with bombs, now don't they. Sagittarius fights with sun waves, sunbows, and sunbursts.

So, a little move here, a little move there, and who do we see.

See Mr. Sun Burst.

Who says, "Ready, set, go," to the sun each morning?

Who might that be?

Get on your mark. Choose your mark wisely.

One represents the Son. One represents the Undone.

Hear the pistol launch the starting gate.

He who hurdles the constellations for fun waves to you.

Let's end on a word of hope.

God is going to swallow attackers of his house this fall season. They get directly go to the bad place where all your devices belong, bombs and all.

However, God has room for repentance.

Note in the link the Sons of Korah.

They were bad to God. Yeah. You should not be bad to God, and he won't swallow you down, like the bigger badder wolf.

He is bigger and badder than your lead.

When you repent before God for being bad, acting against him, he restores you. In the set of scripture you see, you see evidence of the Sons of Korah worshipping. They had been part of the service to the Lord, in the temple etc., and they wanted to displace Moses. And as far as God was concerned, they were attacking not Moses, but Himself. So, God swallowed that set of rebels, and all who stood near to hell.

However, there were a few people who were not there that day. For whatever reason, they did not stand with their tent. And they did not get swallowed to hell. Those ones reproduced, and made a clan again, and those people were brought back into their mandate and call and gift.

They again became worshippers to Jehovah. However, wherever descendants of the Sons of Korah, either by seed or by spirit, you might want to test your spirit, before you come against Jehovah again.

The Foundation might slip. The visual evidence of this today is a sinkhole. How God talks is placement.

There may be an unsightly sinkhole somewhere. Where is part of the message.

It's partly the lack of men's sewing skills that impacts a proper mutual understanding between men and God.

When Pharaoh rushed across the Red Sea, in hopes of attacking God's Inheritance, God swallowed him to hell.

It may include water, but that was there as a sign for you, Humanity, to record.

Swallowed to hell. A whole army swallowed to hell. You don't take aim at mine, or I get a little raging, like the waves of the sun and sea.

My sunburst was a little raging, wasn't it. Yeah, I would say so.

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